I9 too good

How will AMD ever compete

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>i9 beat by previous gen i7


Sometimes to go forward one step you need to take two steps back
Too bad there is a campfire behind you

i9 will save intel top kek


looks like both are gonna be waste of money

Those price gouging kikes can eat shit.

yea but muh gaming on intel

Also Ryzen will be $849 not $999-$2199 + 400 for mobo and 400 for custom loop

Would love to see the 18 core OCed

600w CPU?

>barely beating a $140 cpu

Its the drivers man

Why is it being beaten by an i3 at gaming?

Thermal throttle

Same as running out of vram

this is a fucking lie, an 1800x scores better in multi threaded

>Thermal throttle
That's dumb. What cooler were they running it with?

Who's going to buy this shit ? Terrible at gaming, and overpriced.

The only reason people buy intel over amd,it was games. What can they offer now? How can they even recover? They're making the same mistake as amd with bulldozer.

I bet intel never thought amd could make a decent cpu again.

Biggest aircooler you can buy

Noctua D15

Jesus fuck. So do you need a dual radiator setup to run this thing at a proper clockspeed?

DELID this

It's not really thermal throttling it's relying on boost clock to actually boost. In my experience boost and never really boost and it never really stays boosted even when it's not thermally throttling.

Always assume your shits running at base clock, and in that regard Intel's 10 cores base is a lot lower than Intel's two core.

Basically to cool a ~300W CPU you will need a loop
AIO might be enough to run it fine at maybe 4.2ghz but above that the wattage is just simple too high

4.6ghz its 378w load on prime see here
I cant wait to see the 12 14 16 and 18 core versions
Wonder if only a few mobos will support the 16 and 18 core models due to VRM requirements

Intel is on fire

Its 3.3ghz base
It has a new turbo mode
Turbo all core is 4.0ghz pending thermals and 4.5ghz max single core turbo again pending thermals


>implying these benchmarks aren't biased
>implying a 7900x with the same ipc as a 7700k would be this bad
>falling for amd propaganda

>Our chip seems to be a good one and had no qualms about running at 4.7GHz across all 10 cores. Heck, it needed only 1.25V to make it happen.

>Could frequencies go higher with more voltage? Probably, but putting 1.3V through the Core i9-7900X veins resulted in temperature soaring beyond 100ÂșC and automatic throttling. We swapped out our favoured Noctua NH-D15S in favour of an EVGA CLC 280 liquid cooler but even that couldn't cope with the increase in voltage.

>1.25v maxxx

They used 2666mhz ram for the Ryzen chips and you are claiming a biased review in amds favour?


Wonder if my dual 480 rads would be able to cool that house fire.

>4.7GHz across all 10 cores
Pretty impressive, considering it has a better IPC than Ryzen + The fact that Ryzen can't go beyond 4.1GHz

I don't get why people are saying it's a firehouse, I bet if you lock those i9's at 4.1GHz, they would have a lower TDP than Ryzen.

>better IPC than Ryzen
And 300W to the socket + 100 degree temps on an AIO cooler is definitely house fire-tier.

>why do people say the 100C processor is a housefire I don't get it?
Do they pay you? I just literally don't understand how a functioning human can say this.

>comparing ghz across architectures
>architectures made by 2 seperate companies
I dont think you're smart enough to be here.

>300w housefire cpu
>barely beats an 1800x
>more than double the cost
>only advantage is muh games

The absolute state of Intel lads

So this is the power of Intel... Damn...

Housefire Inside

>20 thread cpu barely beats 16 thread cpu at more than double the price

Intel Certified PSU

Intel will incinerate the planet in the fires of hell.

Post the video encoding performance.

Does i9 have 33% better performance on video encoding?

Otherwise it seems highly inefficient.


My water cooling loop can handle that heat.
But I don't have a $1,000 to blow

I've got dual 480 rads and I think I'd have trouble cooling this

>Inb4 rads - I live in Australia

>1600x almost on par with the i9
What's the price difference? The 1600x is around 250 bucks I think.

nigga who gives a shit about gaming lmao





well that was stupid of me

>>implying a 7900x with the same ipc as a 7700k would be this bad
But its NOT. Thats the fucking point.. Intel fell for the 'moar cores' meme and will go down like the fucking Hindenburg. Flames.

A loop is

>Fake geekbench shit
oi vey

>A loop is

And then you find out it turbos all cores to 4.0GHz

A loop just moves the radiator to a different spot, whether it's a custom or pre-built one. The advantage is you can throw bigger fans on it and move it away from hot components or tight spaces.

29.7% better video encoding performance for 32.9% higher power draw. Appears to be evenly matched with the 1800X for this particular workload on a per-core power-efficiency basis.

6 months ago amd with their chernobil fx 95xx with tdp of 220 was the pinnacle of arsoning

now intel beats amd even on this! creating a tokamak cpu that it needs a NRC certification to buy one..

29% better with 32% more power consumption and the only advantage is 2 more cores..

if this is how its going to scale then well...their bigger ones are gonna be canditates of miss volcano

how can intel win so many times?
AMD is a joke

Guess we know the 9 in i9 stands for 99c.

Why the fuck are you crying about the temps?
Just buy a kraken AiO or a nocuta NH 15 and you will never have temps over 70 Celsius

I just don't understand you

>4 more threads
>more power draw
>as good as AMD flagship

Intel is drowning

It's already lire expensive than AMD which is on part performance wise. And in top of it you need a better cooler. Stop liking cut sucks.

the intel's aio couldnt contain it under 100c and that aio is a decent one..

suggest to buy something similiar with similiar cooling potential to keep it under 70c while clearly doesnt understand that it needs to get DELID

>mfw AMDrones

>intel wins again
No surprise

Uh, they already used a D15. It's still 100C.


Oy vey

These amdfags can shill all they want, but at the end of the day intel shits all over the rypoo pice of shit

Kek, nice try.

Try again pajeet, intel will always be superior:

>+2 score in 10k
the bower of the bibeline