Welcome to /dpt/ - daily programming thread. What are you working on!
Anime is for manchildren!
Welcome to /dpt/ - daily programming thread. What are you working on!
Anime is for manchildren!
Other urls found in this thread:
>anime is for manchildren
>implying gayming disguting laptop isn't
pick one
both anime and videogames are for poorly adjusted malnourished manbabies
I am new to programming.
I have never used powershell before watched a 20 minute video on how to use it.
Python the hard way is saying run python through powershell but I cannot figure out how to do it.
Please help I tried googling but can't figure it out
>Python the hard way
Don't waste your time with that book. There's a much better option. Here you go: automatetheboringstuff.com
whats wrong with it?
You have never used a shell in general? I recommend installing Linux and learning the basics of bash before programming. You're very limited when you cannot figure out trivial command line tasks even with the internet and tutorial videos.
I am new to learning technology in general but im trying really hard...
maybe i should just give up
That's the wrong attitude user, you've already displayed a willingness to learn and the ability to seek out resources and help, that alone puts you ahead of most people.
It's less of a teaching book and more of a "type a bunch of shit that I tell you to" book. Also not being able to use shell won't matter at all, it has nothing to do with whether you can program or not
thanks :3
What languages does /dpt/ recommends for a summer project?
There is literally nothing wrong with OOP.
I haven't seen a single coherent argument against it here.
C is literally the most useless language ever.
Every time I try to do something, it's like every other language already has it built in.
What's the point of C?
What makes you so stupid that you use it?
Inheritance and subclasses are the wrong way to do OOP
Is it too late for me to learn technology at 29?
You here all these stories like I was an 8 year old kid in Cambodia or whatever digging ram out of the trash and from that computer I made with my own hands no help I own my own business and shit.
I've always had the reputation as the computer guy but honestly I'm retarded and I don't know shit.
I just """built""" my first computer. By that of course I mean I gave my buddy a pizza to show me where to put shit.
I've always loved technology but I don't know how to learn things.
OP doesn't look malnourished
C is the most widely supported language. If you can program it, a C compiler probably exists for it.
FFI in pretty much every high-level language is done via C.
>im trying really hard...
cute af. keep trying user, you can do it. im learning too
>Anime is for manchildren!
That's cute in a meta-ironic way.
We are making a web browser magicpackets.net:3000
To join the team contact [email protected]
Real thread:
Thank you for not using an anime image.
Is there a way to make a local dynamic web page without open a server? Please don't bully the web-fag
How does everyone here get over failure anxiety? Half the time I'm paralysed before I start because if I don't start I can't fail. I normally enjoy programming and learning when I get into it, but I find it really hard to start a project.
Think really hard about what you just asked.
>Can I serve myself a web page without running a server
The answer is no. There are programs that are simple to use (like `php`) that will accomplish what you want, local dynamic web pages, but they are infact web servers that only your local machine can access.
>posted before the bump limit
Set small goals and build on them.
Start learning technology? What the hell does that mean?
What does building a computer have to do with programming? I've been learning java and python for years and still haven't built my own computer.
>I've been learning java and python for years
I'm sorry for you, user.
What algorithms should I learn? What's the best way to learn them?