When did you grow out of ricing your desktop and realized you could be wasting all that time on actually learning something useful/enjoying something worthwhile?
When did you grow out of ricing your desktop and realized you could be wasting all that time on actually learning...
anything is worthwile if u are having fun and its not getting in the way of genuinely important things, user. i have a bf, job, attend college, jack off to traps, and rice my desktop UWU
Ricing hones CLI proficiency, which is actually useful. What does shitposting help you do?
The very embodiment of Sup Forums good job bruv
A better writer.
Ricing is something you do once every three months, like showering.
Pic related is both of you.
When did you grow out of self-righteous wankery and realized your unsolicited "advice" is worthless?
Who is that cute boy?
There is no need to rice your desktop if it is already beautiful to begin with.
Evidently not, since your reply isn't even grammatically correct.
Joke's on you, I spent all my money on mice, keyboards, and watches.
i am not a brony òwó
Stop posting my wifu.
You don't wanna see the 2016 look
That Theres An Implied Subject And Is Completely Grammatically Correct .
Dated a girl for two years who looked exactly like her, but blonde. Like eerily close, thought it was her for a second and got mad.
What a colossal fucking bitch.
...and yea, pretty much this. bu without the cancer.
Did you suck "her" dick?
:3 [spoiler]Nah but really, bitch never swallowed.[/spoiler]
he who controls the rice controls the universe
pics or gtfo
first few months of using Linux were spent ricing, because I was so excited about having the freedom and flexibility to actually customize thing that winshit doesn't easily allow.
of course I actually have stuff to do, so I don't really do that anymore. I don't go much deeper than a proper DE with some light theme-ing
I rice to make my life easier