Which backpack does Sup Forums use?

Which backpack does Sup Forums use?



>implying anyone on Sup Forums would spend that much on a bag


amazon co.jp/ゲンゲン-パソコンリュック-男女兼用-15インチ-ブラック/dp/B01N30O9RJ/

Got it for like $5 three years ago, still serves me well



None, because I'm an adult.

You must be 18 or older to post on this website.

>not using something actually good like pic related

That Hershel bag, but Navy and brown leather. I gave the matching overnight bag too.


I bet you autists also ride bikes instead of driving.

>autism: now in backpack form!

I hate backpacks.
I mean I use one for college but I hate it. It gets so bulky and uncomfortable.
It's a fucking pain to be wearing a tucked in button shirt and walk around with a backpack.


t. poorfags who have never stepped foot on a plane

>one book and some pencils is too heavy

One laptop, one book and some notebooks.
Not really heavy but uncomfortable.

Something like this.

Not using pic related.

>Not getting constantly stopped by police.

Are you even trying

Cool user, own this as well since a couple of weeks

A shame it's faux leather



>Chink shit
>actual amazon product page has moonrunes

Just got a STM Bags Prime in Charcoal, well padded, quite a slim bag so you can't fit everything in it, but you can certainly get a hoodie, a lunchbox and a drink in there as well as most of the laptop kit you need on the go.


Yea, regret not getting the cowhide variation instead

get it from the job

who cares about what dumb shit you use, faggot? as long as it gets the job done.

Haven't had a backpack in ages. I ordered a Timbuk2 classic messenger back in 2010 and I'm still using it. I think it was 100 euros with shipping from the States and with taxes.

If I get a job, I think I'll buy a new Timbuk2 messenger, since mine is starting to look a bit scruffy and I want to customise it a bit. Mine doesn't have an integrated laptop pocket and I just use a laptop sleeve inside it.