Friendly reminder

It's been a while since your last backup.


>making backups

What do you take me for, some kind of nerd?

Thanks user. Have a great day!

Thank you!

>tfw poor
>tfw nowhere to backup

i have no attachment to anything so i dont need backups

If you're poor then your information isn't worth anything.

what about my decade long porn collection?

I never understood how they came up with THAT as a 'save' button. What a weird icon

What do you mean? All my files are permanently backed up in my OneDrive thanks to the Windows 10 integration.

You don't use an operative system without cloud integration in 2017, right user?

Unironically summer.

you fucking leech on education system
>tfw working man has his onedrive limited to 5GB

>tfw can't even buy a $30 drive

t. summerfag

>tfw actually working man has Office + 1TB OneDrive for $7/month
>inb4 le libreoffice meme

It's just $70 a year for 1 TB or $100 for 5 TB, how can a ''''working man'''' be unable to afford that?

Pazing for what? So thez can sell my data? So more niggers get free toiltes from Bill Gates?

sitting on your fat scandinavian ass

It doesn't matter, life is meaningless and we're all going to die anyway

how is the integration different form just using google drive?

What are you talking about? I've backuped last night.


literally wrong

that strawman is the polar opposite of me

>the last time i backed up was so long ago i did it in floppy disks
Thanks for reminding me.

Actually, it's only been a couple hours because I have rsync as a daily cron job.

>he doesn't automate his backups

I just mail everything to myself, that way gmail has all my backups

>tfw no SECOND level
Kill me


do you guys keep your files backed up just in folders or do you have a database set up on your home server?

>cron uploads to my personal cloud every minute
Not really, buddy bud

Same here, the only place to store my Nandroid backup is my dying HDD, it's like stowing away important documents in a burning house.

>tfw poor
>tfw backup on cloud download sites (mega and ect)