You like it?
Not really.
What phone do you got?
>Do you like it?
>What phone do you have?
Learn English, Pajeet.
fuck off shill
>iphone 6
fucking poorfag enjoy your outdated shitware phone while i marvel my Galaxy S8+
>iphone 6
hahahahhahahaha kys poorfag
Send from my iPhone 7+
fucking underaged mutt
Why not 6s?
>sent from my 6s
lmao what a poorfag.
>not having the iphone 7s Plus X gold premium XXL at 5999$
The 6 was just 444€ and I already have a SE 64GB version
I'll maybe buy a second SE 128GB version just to have one as backup
I can buy a refurbished 7 for just 550€.
Where are you from?
Smh desu senpai
Okay choice, personally I still prefer Androids for the OLED but if you are going for something that isn't the best best ever it's a decent choice.
>you can buy refurbished iPhones
Rip Australia
There's better stuff for less money.
More like bend phone.
I hope you got it for $150 at least.
How’s the modular screen? Enjoying it so far?
Sent from my iPhone 7+ (Product RED) Special Edition Limited Edition 256GB Payer In Ca$$$h with AppleCare+ and Yearly SwitchUp
>he didn't get the 6S
>he didn't get the SE
literally no other iPhone is worth buying.
Whats the difference between 6s and 6 except the specs?
The specs mainly, but also the enclosures on 6S units are built to be more sturdy to prevent the infamous bending on regular 6 models.
Use any phone other than samsung shithead
Samsung users are an embarrassment to the android community
>any year
what should I buy, a 62gb iPhone 6 or a 32Gb SE? Im a bit concerned of how much text can I see without scrolling in the se
I meant 32* gb iPhone 6
>literally no iPhone is worth buying.
Fuck off, i-fag.
>buys objectively and subjectively worse phone when he already has a newer model
>still thinks about buying a 3rd as a backup
What the fuck?
Yeah, got one as a gift once, so overpriced and people are so stupid I sold it for a high price. Isn't Apple great?
I bet your samshill phone will have out-dated software sooner than the iPhone 6. Enjoy your 1 month update support faggot.
I thought I was looking at a modular kitchen sink from the thumbnail.