Daily reminder that Go is an SJW language with an SJW code of conduct: golang.org
Daily reminder that Go is an SJW language with an SJW code of conduct:
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good goy
Not even Rust's CoC lists microagressions as a potentially bannable offence. Nor do they explicity state that "The Go spaces are not free speech venues".
>Microaggressions: brief and commonplace verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative slights and insults to a person or group.
So basically anything that hurts feefees
I don't give a fuck, the CoC doesn't affect the language's specs in any way and doesn't apply to my own projects. Feel free to prove me wrong or go complain on
> The Code of Conduct Working Group is a group of people that represent the Go community. They are responsible for handling conduct-related issues. Their purpose is to de-escalate conflicts and try to resolve issues to the satisfaction of all parties. They are:
>Aditya Mukerjee
>Andrew Gerrand
>Peggy Li
>Sarah Adams
>Steve Francia
>Verónica López
so this... is the power... of women in tech.... whoaH
(((Golang))) was designed from the ground up to be a language for code monkeys, because Google believed that their average engineer (despite being an MIT or Harvard graduate with a 4.0 GPA and 19 extracurriculars) could not comprehend real programming.
Google is also a company whose design philosophy seems to be to make everything look like a kindergarten. They give their employees play-doh and slides and kitten petting rooms. It's no surprise that Google is flooded with SJWs, and it's no surprise that (((Golang))) suffers particularly from this.
Any software developer's goal in the modern would should be to destroy Google.
>was designed from the ground up to be a language for code monkeys
Just like C back in the days.
reminded me of Kevin fucking Mitnick, guy is sellout af
yes, "don't hurt people's feelings" is a pretty reasonable rule
Fanta was invented by nazis
Fanta is good as fuck
what is your point?
Depends on who the people are who's feelings your hurting right? If that are some SJW smuggs thats like breathing in their general direction.
It doesn't matter who makes it. It could be the ugliest most evilest dude like Hitler but if he makes good cake, you cannot deny a good cake.
xe looks like a faggot in both pics
Where do you think we are?
What's so bad about gay and other things?
In hell?
Because Hitler is obviously a God.
Hitler's ideology was to create a good environment for some people by creating a bad environment for others.
Googles ideology is to create a good environment for their leadership while creating a bad environment for humans.
Hitler created a bunch of things that was good for a lot of germans, and when the regime fell, these goods could be enjoyed by everyone.
Google can never provide a positive thing to the world as nothing they create is going to be good, their ideology is too twisted for this.
This is the general problem with any programming language.
Either you satisfy a niche or it gets meme status really fast.
C, C++, python, javascript all satisfy different fields.
Specific languages like xml, latex, R, matlab etc have an even more specific niche, so they are even harder to replace.
Being gay is not bad...I could care less if someone becomes mentally ill. Forcing gay-dom on other people and making them retarded intentionally and deliberately is bad. Kind of what google does. Pic related.
Shame, I was thinking of picking it up, but not any more. What languages are safe from SJW influence? Is Kotlin any good?
> 73 percent had sex with guys 16-19 or younger
Ummm, how old were they when they had sex with the 16-19 or younger? A majority of normie straightfags had sex with the same age range.
> gays are a third of child molesters
Okay. That doesnt specify the percentage of gays are child molesters. Regardless of the number, two third of molesters are straight. So there are more straight molesters than gay.
> boy scouts are molested by scout leaders
Okay. Openly gay people arent (werent? I dont keep up) allowed in the boy scouts. So you have a closeted gay man seeking out a position of authority over children. Same thing happens in the church. Also, there are 150,000 scout leaders each leading how many children a year? And only 2000 cases of molestation in 20 years.
>homosexual pedos are homosexual
Cant really refute this one.
> homosexual pedos try to find children to fuck
Yeah. I guess they would, wouldnt they.
> gay pedos molest more than straight pedos
Nothing much to say here. Although i would suspect its easier and ess suspicious for a man to be in the position to molest a boy than a girl. See things like boy scouts/the church.
>Ummm, how old were they when they had sex with the 16-19 or younger? A majority of normie straightfags had sex with the same age range.
Google and read the study in the citation.
>Okay. That doesnt specify the percentage of gays are child molesters. Regardless of the number, two third of molesters are straight. So there are more straight molesters than gay.
It's called the concept of 'per capita'. Homosexuals are a miniscule minority as compared to the straight folks.Now 1/3 of the child molesters are homosexuals straight out of that miniscule minority of homosexuals. The no per minority/group of individuals is extremely high as compared to straight guys.
To make the concept easier, let's assume there are 100 straight folks and 10 homos.
Let's say there are 18 child molestation cases. Now 1/3 of them would be committed by homos. That would make six out of ten homosexual as child molesters as compared to 12 out of 100. (Each of them were jailed and so no molester committed more than one crimes.). So homosexuals are more dangerous to children than straight folks.
Do you now understand the concept of 'per capita'. Now of course this example was highly retarded and probably incorrect somewhere, but I hope you get the gist of it. I wanted to point out a few(1-2) other inconsistencies in your reply but I gotta go to work now.
> read the study
Nah, dont need to. The fact they included legal ages in their study proves its was aiming to prove that "homo is bad" instead of just looking for the truth.
>per capita
Arenyou this stupid?
And stop using macbooks because they make you even more of a faggot than you already are.
I don't care if it is or not. Unless it starts using ciswhitemale as a keyword, you should keep your politics out of my programming, /pol.
Kotlin has a horrible OOP system
>Nah, dont need to. The fact they included legal ages in their study proves its was aiming to prove that "homo is bad" instead of just looking for the truth.
Oh, scared of confirming the truth, aren't you?
Well, into the trash.
Shame, I actually liked using it.
except many people talking about microagressions lists asking someone of foreign origin "where are you from?" as a microagression.
Oops, I'm on Sup Forums apparently. I thought I was on Sup Forums.
>homosexual pedos are homosexual
this is actually le problematic as fuck, because those with an agenda will define any Mm kid-fucking as gay, even though gay is a nebulous label, even when the rapist doesn't identify as gay, and may have had a female preference but took a target of opportunity
tldr "gay pedo" isn't even coherent, they're attracted to "childness" and trying to break it down into gay/straight pedo is a mistake
>rob pike
Jesus, mid-life crisis hit him hard. All his missing is that propeller hat ....
Learn to read more than an abstract when reading a study, user. 1985 conviction rates of molesters do not represent actual molestation rates. "16 to 19 or younger" includes 18 and 19 year olds. Go check the average age heterosexuals lose their virginity.
>"chickens", a common term for underage boys sought for sex
If it's so common how has literally nobody heard of it? urbandictionary.com
How has nobody on UD heard of it?
Keep your Sup Forums nonsense and alt-facts on Sup Forums where they belong.
>Learn to read more than an abstract when reading a study, user. 1985 conviction rates of molesters do not represent actual molestation rates.
>not 1979 study
And you tell me to read the study carefully. Whatever m8, even if you disregard this bit of statistic, there are many others in the same pic. What about them huh? I guess making petty excuses takes you so far.
>If it's so common how has literally nobody heard of it? urbandictionary.com
>How has nobody on UD heard of it?
Maybe because people on UD aren't pedos? I mean it's basically a codeword for pedos, roughly speaking. Also for eg: In the homosexual communities male partners call each others "boy", despite being in their late 20s. I wouldn't expect you to know that, right? (Unless you are a homo, of course). It's rather uncommon to call a person a "boy" when they are old. They are called "men" by straight people. But yet, homos have their own slangs and meanings for some common english terms and I wouldn't expect you to know about them unless you are a homo yourself.
>Keep your Sup Forums nonsense and alt-facts on Sup Forums where they belong.
hurr durr Sup Forums boogyman.see
and gtfo
>In the homosexual communities male partners call each others "boy"
yeah so fucking different from straight couples using "girl" or "daddy"
Why would he be a sellout?
Can we maybe put the whole Sup Forums shit aside for a second and talk about the actual changes in regard to technology?
Is the unix philosophy dead? For only 12 years that's a pretty radical shift.
Are you seriously defending that?
Why do you think the whole Milo character assassination shitshow took place? It was because he used the term "boys" for his sexual partners(which he later corrected to "men") instead of "men". And I'm not even into ecelebs or watch t.v and yet I still know this because it caused a shitstorm on image boards. Are you still living under a rock?
Maybe not, maybe you are just a faggot.
I'm telling you, throw that accursed mbp away, it'll make you an even bigger faggot than you already are.
Actually I just found where that quote was from.
There's no real paradigm shift. He just misses the connectivity they had back at Bell Labs.
This thread is dumb. Google didn't change shit.
the only change was d-bus cancer which hopefully gets replaced by BUS1
only Sup Forums gives a fuck about milo
Okay faggot, Deny evidence, close your ears and shout lalalalal. Nobody cares, but when you inevitably molest a child you'll die by the bullet with your name written on it.
You just hurt my feelings, CIS scum
somebody blacklist this user from tech jobs, then set fire to their house
lefty/pol/, pls go
Feelings are ambiguous and based on opinions. Not hurting someone's feelings is a statement that assumes common sense. Common sense is based on a sanity, but more specifically sanity in relation to thoughts or actions for the common good. Some people think that saying that there have been studies (read data) that show that obesity increases your chance of an early death through heart disease and diabetes. This is a statement based off empirical evidence yet labeled as fat shaming. Censoring the internet is like putting a noose around your neck to prevent yourself from choking.
Wow, I didn't know everything went so wrong with him.
wonder if him and moot fuck in the bathrooms
I really dont like this image. He was against local storage or centralized computing since he ever started (so like 1980?). That is the advancement of the unix philosophy btw.
Didnt a cat-v dude kill himself over go?
>not 1979 study
No, not 1979 study. Read the second paragraph, you illiterate.
Late 20s isn't old, kek. I see old white guys here in Georgia calling 28 year old niggers "boy" all the time and it makes them rage. It's just a term you can use to make young men feel more immature. It has nothing to do with pedophilia.
boy (boi)►
[two redacted]
Often Offensive A man, especially a young man.
I don't use MacBooks, Sup Forums. I fell for the ThinkPad meme and am using a w500.
No, the milo shitstorm was because he said it was okay that a priest raped him, kek. You are seriously disconnected from reality. It didn't make a shitstorm anywhere other than Sup Forums.
e d g y
I'm not /*pol/. I'm not the one bringing up politics. I'm just normal and don't want the technology board to be filled with people bitching about it's creator's ideas that aren't related to the technology at all.
>Learn to read more than an abstract when reading a study, user. 1985 conviction rates of molesters do not represent actual molestation rates. "16 to 19 or younger" includes 18 and 19 year olds. Go check the average age heterosexuals lose their virginity.
This is what you said in your reply. You are such an inbred Nigger that you are mixing the 1979 study(first paragraph) with the 1985 study(second paragraph). In fact you don't even cite any of the 1985 study details, you just used 1985 instead of 1979. Read again Nigger.
Also, about the whole gays calling "boys" to men who are clearly not "boys", listen this from the horse's mouth. Listen around the 3 min mark.
Haha, watch the video linked above. (You) are the Nigger here, m8. Also, I expect niggers to not know how to navigate the web, so you probably don't know about 4+4ch, 2ch etc.
*1985(last paragraph and not second)
There's no escape from politics online any more. It's super fucking depressing. The normies (this includes Sup Forums) have ruined everything.
I wanted to be girl, when I grew up so I might be biased but men can be frustrating to work with. Many of them are not flexible in their minds. The man has to be inventive special or somehow different to stand out of the crowd an many social betas find an alpha role in tech which makes working with them hard. I never had this, but I saw this behavior a couple of times and it's DISGUSTING. You cannot even REFLECT on the possible problem in that moment, because the MAN knows HOW TO DO THINGS. Yes sure he knows A way, but it's not necessary THE way.
If it would not be for these type, bros, hipster programmers with fragile egos, diamond tattoos and beards - the world would not need CCs.
This has been up for 9 hours and nobody has reported it for Sup Forums?
Those quotes in the second pane are PLAN 9 CONCEPTS
>if someone doesn't like something I like I better call them Sup Forums, that'll show 'em
Seriously you fucking idiots, Plan 9 is designed from the ground up so that your personal terminal would be able to mount resources from remote machines into your local namespace to provide your actual computing environment, it the default and intended setup for a Plan 9 network. Bell Labs Plan 9 machines didn't even have storage, they network booted Plan 9 and then mounted remote resources into their namespace. Your init script would probably start with using "cpu" to replace your local console with another box's and then you'd run Rio and you'd have a graphical session entirely powered by another machine. They are NOT Google ideas, Google could never come up with a design so clever and intuitive.
While you are entirely correct, in this case it is you who is the idiot for thinking this thread is actually about technology.
this is bullshit and simply untrue. At best they're acting that way because there is a solution needed and they have it, you clearly do not. If you have a better solution, voice why not complain about theirs, people in tech are always open to better solutions but not ones that require THEM to be the ones to design, test and implement it. An idea is one thing but like everything in life, it has to be justified. Change management exists for this very reason.
Is it really the job of a programming language to enforce such rules?
>if someone doesn't like something I like I better call them SJW, that'll show 'em
>Is it really the job of a programming language to enforce such rules?
Go to the conference website of ANY programming language and you will see a link for code of conduct
Doesn't answer the question. Also everone should adopt this CoC: github.com