We need to put an end to the C and Rust rivalry. Even though C is faster, more powerful, and is used everywhere...

We need to put an end to the C and Rust rivalry. Even though C is faster, more powerful, and is used everywhere, there's no reason why we can't get along.

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nice one���/aʥG�WU���V��eJ9�V�F�WUB&�

And this is why Rust or similarly compile time safe languages (Ada?) are the future for most things other than embedded work. C is still king for now, but the fewer things with exploitable memory problems the better.

hopefully people wise up to CoC as thinly veiled power grab

What is this? I'm new.



R3duxOS licensed under MIT.

At least there is no sjw bullshit about pronouns.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>gender identity and expression

The reason Rust is being pushed so hard is because social justice warriors have found great difficulty penetrating the communities of open source system coders who use C and/or C++.

The "safety" features give advantages to lobotomised Feminist studies "coders" who are trying to "disrupt" these communities while breaking the knee caps of everyone else who knows what they are doing.

Literally nothing in Rust actually solves problems that haven't already been solved by RAII in C++ and even some GC/stack/heap techniques in the arguably superior but slower D compiler.

The advocates are all social justice warriors and this is their "long march through the development communities". They are employing critical theory against their main targets C and C++, by criticising everything it is and does and demonising its users. They've held back their "cis het white male" jargonism for now, but once they have established a foot hold "killer app", expect them to go wild with it. Just read through the big throbbing CoC they've erected on their main website.

Rust is kill. Don't touch it, spit on all its advocates.

Yeah, pretty much

rust is too difficult for feminists, it's not considered an easy to learn language, they worm their way into non-technical community leader roles once they have the CoC in place


I haven't played this in forever. Maybe I should try it again. Probably hasn't been updated though

Not an argument.



fuck off SJWs. every freaking time.

>we are solely responsible for all the division and political violence. but we are morally superior to you. so let's get along while we autistically screetch about how our cult is superior

Why the fuck is C yellow and why does Rust have a Mario hat?

This post pretty much captures exactly how I feel about Rust and its community.

>Code of conduct
Gets me every time

cos gamers are beta losers

Look at CHERI. Built to address those things ground up, so even if there's an issue with the compiler itself that misses some of that stuff or produces wrong code, it'll get caught. Also runtime enforcement.

>Hardware solution for a software problem.
This is as bad as lawyer solutions for software problems.

Because this is an edited version of a bait image from Sup Forums. The one on the left was Sony and Nintendo on the right. "Bloodborne" was written on Sony's arm and "Uhh... Zelda" was written on Nintendo's? It was bait because Breath of the Wild was extremely successful in terms of sales and critical acclaim and Nintendo fans are guaranteed to reply if you suggest otherwise.

OP has adapted the bait to target Rust fanboys.

b-b-b-b-b-but m-m-m-m-m-m-muh buf-ff-fer o-vvv-e-over-flow

Thank you for your thorough explanation, sir.
Upboated by (You) score to 5: Insightful


>big throbbing CoC

C# is the way to go nowadays anyhow

Weird way to spell Haskell

Once it was supposed to be the future, but is there any use for Ada nowadays?

>but is there any use for Ada nowadays?
Ada is used to keep you alive every time you fly on a airline jet, the fact that the flight systems never have bugs and fail is because of Ada

heh. cucks.

c is my best friend now

Can't spell Cucks without C