What's your favourite programming language and why?
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What kind of loser listens to recordings of some girl whispering things?
Are you this fucking lonely?
c plus equality
>that was made 4 years ago
>Some girl
Rude thats Anne Frank
unironically cobol
Java because I'm a fag
Woah who's this semen demon?
i wanna impregnate anne frank
>tfw no jewish wife to call me bad goy when i cum inside her
>Are you this fucking lonely?
her ass is nice
Ocaml first. Fortran second.
Because I don't have downs syndrome so I don't get scared by things that seem difficult or different.
don't make me post her nudes
*Lisp is a meme anyway.
Post them please
post them, please.
she's so frumpy, if you're actually attracted to this girl, you basically attracted to a boy and that's gay as fuck
wow, no twitch whore could've staged that better.
>Are you this fucking lonely?
Yes, I am.
my penis says otherwise
Ruby is my favorite thing in life, but I'm also loving swift right now. Coming from Ruby to Swift was a shock, because Swift is so fucking verbose in comparison, and the compiler yells at you for everything. Still, swift is a great language that enforces good style (some may consider this a negative).
>an actual response on Sup Forums
Such a waste, user.
Degenerates beta losers who worship this disgusting kike whore should be gassed as she should be.
That's a dude man u got no proof
Hmmmm nice and juicy.
is that really a girl? wtf look at those hair
high test
jewesses are hairy
I really like her ;_;
Yes, yes I am.
She's honestly pretty great. Cute, very delicate and feminine voice with perfect whisper range.
Middle eastern girls have that unfortunately. Neurotypical women shave it though.
Almost all women have that, and generally all over their bodies, though Jewish women and some others tend to be more pronounced.
Body hair has little to do with femininity or masculinity and more to do with hormone balance, and more important, colouring; which can either mask or highlight said hair.
Besides, I was talking about her voice.
Hormone balance being; various disorders, diet, exercise level, pregnancy and or birth control related.
Pre-diabetic chubbies with PCOS who end up with high testosterone tend to grow more hair and have higher libidos, and though they may rage like brainless cunts it's nothing to actually do with femininity as generally defined by society.
>Almost all women have that
Forearm hair? You're delusional.
fluffy hair is the best
dirty whites (jews, latinos, arabs) usually have hairy as fuck arms.
Can confirm.
How did you know?
Is this what autism in women looks like?
No, this is
its useless since everything in the future will be using clr format
Python 3.
Oh the irony. Just because people shave it off or you don't notice it, doesn't mean it's not there, you're the delusional one friend.
you ripped the pic from /r9k/ ya fucking wanker be original with photos for once
The chick looks like she gets abused on a regular basis.
I love how powerful and flexible it is, feels very unrestricted
Python 3
Python 3
90% if people who choose other languages as their favourite secretly hate themselves
Common Lisp
Python cause I'm not suicidal
kotlin is the true crossdresser programming language of choice.
Looks like Go, I like Go, maybe I'd like this.
Idk why I just can't stand other languages because they are too shitty. I guess OCaml is fine too
JS cause it pissses off other people
Honest question
How do I find quality porn with women (not jailbait girls, fuck off) that look like that - quirky, kiky, cutesy, hipsterlike etc
I feel like 99% of pornhub is filled with standard looking women and it's really hard to find more alternative looks (like Yhivi for example).
camwhores, but don't fall off the deep end like the cucks who give them all their pockey money
high test = high libido. If you want a trophy look for clean skin, if you want a good time look for hair