This is a general dedicated to the appreciation of horology, as well as the micro-engineering required to make a fine clock, watch, or other timepiece.
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This is a general dedicated to the appreciation of horology, as well as the micro-engineering required to make a fine clock, watch, or other timepiece.
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I work IT security in the private sector and no one gives a shit if you're wearing a jap watch. Even the folks at fireeye wore fashion shit watches. No one cares
First for the glory of Daini Seikosha.
Most people don't give a shit about what watch are you wearing user. It's a sad fact
I own this many Seikos and even I am tired of these threads being 75% defending the sacred honor of muh Seiko folded over one mirrion times superior to all other watches.
just buy a Bocтóк lol
Not Seiko
You do realize that everyone's been deliberately triggering the samefagging shitposter who whines constantly every thread about Seiko, yes? And that the mass Seikoposting hasn't been accidental, yes?
Instead, garbage
t. capitalistic pig
Not Seiko
Not Seiko
Are Vietnamese Croc straps good for a SARB033?
Not Sei- wait, shit
Opinion on Cimier watches?
They offer a watchmaking course at their site where you get to keep the watch you make afterwrads.
>I work IT
pc janitor please go restart the router, my internet's running slow.. Kthanks
I was replying to someone in the last thread who was being autistic about Seikos. Forgot to quote them
very nice king and grand quartz. However, do you intend to keep both? They look too alike at this point
The King Quartz is in better cosmetic shape and is just a nicer looking watch. I bought it first and should've just stayed with it, I got the Grand Quartz next because I wanted a twin quartz and muh GRAND SEIKO but I got kind of fucked over with that watch. It's started sometimes getting stuck at date changes, so until I get it fixed I can't really sell it and I don't really want to wear it. And if I'm going to pay to service either then I think I would rather do the KQ first so I can get a nice new crystal on it and make sure it's in good condition to last me a long while.
720Hz m8, gotta go fast.
On a side note, the megasonic has been super accurate the past month, granted it's mostly been sitting in the 12-up position but it's gained 1 second in that time.
Can anyone ID this watch
Maybe an Omega constellation on a "grains of rice" bracelet.
Should a dress watch have lumes?
What color of strap that is best go with grey dial?
Could do grey alligator.
Fuck off ninegag
Can all dogs do this with normal cameras?
Schwarzkopf wore an SKX
If he have fluffy hair and spin like that sure.
Generally not. I don't think it matters if the lume is hard to spot in a lit environment, though.
you just need to lower the shutter speed
On a normal point and shoot changing the camera to night mode would do the job
Can anybody throw some of the most functional/useful watch suggestions my way?
I don't have access to time-telling devices (barring my phone, but in some instances I can't charge it and it's important I have it, so a watch would be really helpful)
I do a lot of physical stuff. Hiking, Running, Biking, Swimming, etc. So durability is key, as well. The more complications the better, I suppose. But I'm fine with just a time-telling watch only.
I also don't give a shit how gaudy something looks. Don't mind spending a bit on one as well.
>durability is key
G-5600. Or GW-5600 if you want something radio controlled (aka 'atomic').
You can get a Mako/Ray II for $150-ish
>41.5mm diameter
Chris Ward Trident 38mm?
i bought this 1968 omega deville chronograph off my brother because he was going to sell it to fund a eurotrip. we had it evaluated for insurance 25 years ago at 3k aud dollarydoos so that's what i offered and he accepted. did i get an okay deal /wt/? my dead uncle bought it brand new in singapore so i've got all the booklets and receipts and everything.
Is it gold. Or is that the only image you could find?
yeah it's gold. exactly like that one but with the original gold wristband instead of the leather one.
There's one like that deville up on chrono24 for $4250. Granted it's in pretty minty condition but it doesn't have the box & papers.
$2300-$2500 depending on condition "used" would have been good.
If it's near mint then $2600-$2800.
$3k isn't too bad a price though. anywhere retail would have fucked you hard for it.
do you have a link?
that's 3k aussie so about 2.3 usd
i don't think my uncle ever wore it and he died young so it's hardly ever left the box it was bought in. not a mark on it.
either way i think it was worth it to keep it in the family.
Yeh shit like is always good to keep in the family.
$3k in kangaroo bucks is actually a stellar price.
yeah that's it except mine has a gold dial instead of silver
>Yeh shit like is always good to keep in the family
fucking oath my man. my mum was super upset when my bro decided to sell it. it was her brother who bought it and he died in his early thirties when he was electrocuted at work.
>$3k in kangaroo bucks is actually a stellar price.
cheers mate
You do realize that its a different person in every thread complaining about Seiko because more and more people are getting tired of it right?
its probably shit but it looks fucking interesting. Nice choice m8
Nope, it's actually mostly one resident shitposter samefagging like crazy. You can always tell because he posts several times over a few minutes pretending to be different people but the post count never goes up when those 7 new pairs in 5 minutes happen.
*7 new posts
I wonder if you can get a mechanical watch repaired/serviced anywhere in Sub-Saharan Africa. Apart from the RSA of course.
Also were there any South African or Rhodesian watch companies?
>watch repaired
I'm sure you could find watchmakers in Cairo.
Nairobi maybe?
>Also were there any South African or Rhodesian watch companies?
Not that I know of, unless you count modern hipsterwear bettel.
Well cracka-led South Africa produced at least six nuclear warheads so were a technologically advanced enough country to produce wristwatches.
Can you stop spamming this? At least post the infinitely superior chrono version.
Why are you pondering this?
I don't south Africa well, but the little I do know says they they've largely been an agricultural and seafaring society. So my guess is that there may have been people around skilled in clock or watch repair, but I wouldn't be surprised if not much actually got made there, and they spent most of their time servicing watches, clocks, that were originally made in Europe, and also marine chronometers on ships.
One time I bumped into a commercial pilot wearing the chronograph version. At first I didn't realize it since it looked so much better than the stock photo.
I just wonder what happens with old mechanical shitters in Africa.
Also North Korea. Are watchmakers state employed?
It's been serving well as a summer watch.
Any soviet style watches?
Super cool user.
When is SEIKO going to stop "paying homage" to Rolex's Submariner?
So I will be working part time at a hotel as a Junour AV. Easy stuff.
We have a nophone policy when in front of customers, so I realize I need a time piece.
My uniform is all black pants, shoes, and shirt so keep this in mind. I want some thing analog, sturdy and trusty. I also am a student so my budget is less than 100$.]
Recommend a trusty analog that is good for life. Please no cheap casios, I have a few terrorist watches already
I want it
Its one of the most underrated and best watches under $3000.
You can find them brand new for $2000-2500 in some places.
I don't know why it's not more sought out after by watch people. Even if they dislike the design, the movement is Rolex tier.
I did it vintage seiko Ontario man. Finally. Do you think it will arrive via Japan EMS before Saturday when I take a trip to toronto?
So long as there are "swiss" brands doing the same shit? Never.
Okay I have a few candidates for my price range and style
If it was going by EMS I'd say for sure yes, but I have no idea with that service. Congrats on the Lord Marvel btw.
It's just... Uh... I want a dressy but I think lumes are cool too.
Looks like I'll be picking one of these up just for the X1 lume.
The SARB035 is probably as close as you're going to get to a dress watch with lume.
Looking for an Evola inspired watch. With a tiger face bezel and every hour marker says REVOLT!
Pls halp
Get two watches. A dress watch, and then a diver with great lume.
What are some cool quartz technologies? Or just interesting watch technologies in general. I already have an atomic and a Hi-Beat. Want more neat shit.
Fly by wire
Spring drive
Dampened stepper motor
Electromechanical quartz
4mhz quartz
Temperature compensation
TC and ecodrive
Mechanical watch with built-in 16mhz quartz timegrapher
What is a fly by wire.
Info on what models are worth a look?
Also thanks this is a lot to look at