Just built a gaming computer. Where do you guys get your free copies of windows?

Just built a gaming computer. Where do you guys get your free copies of windows?

Other urls found in this thread:


Microsoft's website

and the key?

sent ;)

Kinguin is good for cheaper keys. You can get cheap legit keys also if you go to a university.

That, or if you are willing to take the chance, use TPB. Never had issues using either one of these.

My uni.

autokms/kmspico from my digital life forums

Install 7 from a disk, use an activator, then get the accessibility upgrade to 10 if you decide you want it.

I've used ebay twice, with the keys costing me about $20 each. It's not free but definitely cheaper than a full license.


just use kmspico
i used to be too paranoid and bought a key from kinguin but the entire operating system is basically a virus anyway, and with not much longevity with or without keeping it clean

literally just call and say you're a business and somebody lost the key
free wangblows and it works every time

learn to shit in a fucking toilet, pajeet

I got it from tpb, the precracked windows enterprise x64 Everything works great and surprisingly no spyware (except the microsoft one)



or buy a key for $25 for pro.
at scdkey

But they on eBay for €7 and they work dude.

You can activate Windows 10 with a Windows 7 key.



this or just search Microsoft Toolkit (I think the latest cersion is 2.6.2 but I might be wrong) which is IMHO 1000 times better than KMSPico

>muh games
Refer to

I don't

Inform me then. I use Linux for everything else and would love to move away from windows entirely if possible.

I play a lot of poorly optimized games that barely run on a windows machine. Won't running them on linux make them take a huge performance hit?

By being a college student

There's plenty of games on Steam and GOG that have Linux versions.
You can function perfectly on GNU/Linux if you just forget that Windows exists. The truth is that the systems are completely different, and if you keep comparing different programs you will never truly be able to switch.

So what, you need to start with installing a cracked windows 7?

Yes, it's more an argument against the idea of games. You really can't game on linux unless you're okay with playing nothing but minecraft.

The "linux versions" of games on steam usually don't work unless you play them on SteamOS, which of course you don't, because you're an unhypothetical person living in the real world.

cost me $28 for pro key on play asia done it a few times no problems

SteamOS is literally just Ubuntu with Steam set to run at boot.

I played games on Steam just fine on OpenSUSE, Arch, Debian and Solus, and it was the same because the choice of a distro doesn't affect anything.

All I know is that I use noobuntu and none of my steam games that are supposed to be linux compatible will run.


So this is what I do...

Install Windows 7 Pro first, hack/activate it with the DAZ loader, then proceed to upgrade to Windows 10 pro. (for some reason it is still a free upgrade from Win 7 and 8).

Windows 10 believes Windows 7 is actually activated (even though it was from the DAZ loader), Windows 10 proceeds to Activate successfully with a digital entitlement... Free Windows 10 on that computer.

You have to upgrade through the accessibility means. The standard upgrade isn't free anymore iirc. Still, the pro version isn't any better than home which is still a shitshow.


I'll give it a shot in a VM and see if it still works from a classic DVD install upgrade.

I like how they still kind of offer it for free.

odd, works great for me on 16.04.
I actually prefer CS:GO on linux now, feels different somehow.

Then your installation is messed up somewhere, I'm running both gentoo and debian and I can play games like a charm. Try re-installing steam and related libraries. For winesteam, install lutris. That guys even got overwatch to run on wine

>Website doesn't exist anymore
Fuck off idiot
OP you can find the Windows 10 iso with key and everything on piratebay or rarbg.

It still exists, faggot.

if you have access to a different windows based pc:
pirate windows 10 (pirate.trade)
i would recommend uTorrent because its light weight
download and use rufus to "burn" the .iso to a usb
boot onto that usb
install windows 10
install crack (if its not precracked)

1337x dot pl

>paying for windows

I have no problems gaming on Linux. Everything is perfectly playable.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. SteamOS is just Ubuntu with steam installed. Any Debian or Ubuntu based distro will run those games without an issue. You can even play them on other distributions since community has already made sure they work on Arch-based distros.

>install Ubuntu
>sudo apt install steam
>open steam and let it update
>install a game or copy from your windows partition and verify files
How can you fuck up any of this? At worst you'll have to install wine to fetch some dependencies for a few games whose developers are incompetent.

>recommending a botnet client
Pic related

My fucking 7 disc doesnt work with uefi. I tried to convert it but it just wont load.


OP asked for windows, yes Linux is better, no gaming on Linux is quite terrible, srry i couldn't care less if utorrent tracks me because windows already does that (i dont use uTorrent on linux)


only true answer in thread

check your pm ;)

Its an iso and I tried booting it up in kvm wtih ovmf and it just wont.

Search windows 10 iso download, download the media creation tool,and follows the wizard.
P.s -This will only work if you have another computer and USB.
And you don't need a key.

Link to this software?

Well yeah that works you you'll get the Please Activate Windows on screen brand constantly.

uTorrent doesn't "track" you. It shows you ads and uses your hardware to mine bitcoins which is much worse and immediately makes it less lightweight. Any torrent client is better and more light.

>gaming on linux is quite terrible

I bought an OEM copy of Windows 7

I'm too much of a pussy to pirate shit nowadays. Everything has rootkits and bitcoin miners.

never used kvm, i have installed windows 7 using virtual box though.
just google your error im sure there is a solution

i dont know much about torrenting clients, i just know that i liked uTorrent the best (for windows)

from first hand experience i can tell you that 90% of games dont run on linux and half of the ones that do are horribly un-optimized, dual boot is an easy and effective solution.

>uTorrent doesn't "track" you. It shows you ads and uses your hardware to mine bitcoins

its usage is in the 0%-0.4% CPU range so I'm not sure what you on about

never bought a copy of windows in my life, haven't had any issues but i wouldn't recommend exposing any personal information on a sus-looking windows crack

Where does kinguin get their keys from?

they arent from stolen credit cards and shit like that are they? good chance MS can block them down the line once they find out

Pulling statistics out of your ass again.
These are facts:
24% games on steam run on Linux
34% games on GOG and HumbleBundle run on Linux
You can check this yourself.

>horribly unoptimized
I've only run on this problem with KillingFloor and literally no other game. Developers are to blame. There are tons of unoptimized windows games, btw.

They are business license keys


if thats the case than it should be pretty much good for life

It was meant as an expression, the only one of my common games that runs well on Linux is CSGO.

There are many things that factor into gaming on Linux, im just saying that it would be easier to just dual boot windows.

Thst thing started after some time ago a bitcoin miner was shipped with the installer without option not to install, so now people are afraid of uTorrent 3 and use either uTorrent 2.2.4 (IIRC) or other clients.

Also, you can disable ads right in the application's advanced settings. Here's a tutorial: lifehacker.com/disable-ads-in-utorrent-via-settings-826283231

Get all my ISOs from MDL and MTK dont trust anything else.

>not using cracked utorrent pro

They should leave it to be free, it's shit and ad ridden anyway so why make it paid.

This iso worked just fine for my new Ryzen build:
