What went right?
What went right?
Nothing. They fucked up.
>What went right?
140 Watts TDP... that shit it's going to burn...
ITT people who can't afford an i9
But i can afford it, and i'll buy Threadripper.
0 effort see me after class
how low clocked are the 18 cores going to have to be?
anything above 2.8 ghz is going to be melting steel
2.7 base clock and probably some ~2.9 all-core turbo. I wonder if we need a doomguy for the case of someone OCing it to 4 niggahurtz.
I wonder if it can run Crysis.
The person doing that is an idiot.
I'd rather have the natural gas release burn off instead of it pooling in the valley suffocating animals.
Same here.
Enjoy your cut down Xeon water boiler.
Bigger number therefore better! Can't wait for the double digits, then we're be getting into the true performance before they rebrand it with a smaller number!
Dont be an asshole.
Apparently, the chips can scale very well to near 5.0 ghz, but unfortunally its held by thermal jizz.
Also, on this release intel is increasing L2 / reducing L3 while changing bingbus to meshbus. If these things will do good only time will tell.
>scale very well
While pulling over 300watts of pure holohoax through the socket. No, user, clocking something to the moon is never the answer.
Shintel can melt steel beams thus the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by Incel and because they're jews that means the jews did 9/11
And now you have a forest fire, congratulations
Where the fuck are the reviews for Skylake-X? So far I've only seen two, one from Hexus and the other from Bit-tech (which I've never even heard of).
Well, at the very least, you CAN overclock it to 4.6Ghz, even if it means 100°C under a 240mm AIO.
The box looks nice.
i bet people can afford an i9
but they cant afford cern level of helium to cool it down
or a tokamak reactor to sustain its energy
>even if it means 100°C under a 240mm AIO
Everything, it's really the best way to start a fire.
That's a big chip
>alright we need to explore new markets, anyone has any ideas?
>how about ISIS?
>that's genius
>introducing i9
>over 9000MW power in a single chip
4 U
Not a damn thing.
It is a pretty good lighter
>can melt steel beams
I fuckin lol'd hard
kek'd and checked
Nothing. It all went wrong.
Intel expects better effort than this, Goldstein. No shekels for you
>not using legacy captcha
Not gonna lie, former Intel buyer here. This is fucking hilarious watching them crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys start selling RAID unlock codes.
You call that a big chip?
>8.9 million died
>not 3.5
Meanwhile, AMD's 8-core EPYC is 155-170W at 2.9GHz
And who was the housefire again?
>8 memory channels and 128 PCI-E lanes
It's like you're not even trying anymore, beawesome. Put your trip back on.
It's like someone is lying on the internet.
Why would someone do that.
Just outright lie like that!?
The image predates 970.
It could be updated though.
>mfw I want a 7551P but it will probably cost over $3000 without even counting motherboard pr RDIMM costs
Sub $2k according to that.
Though maybe give $500 wiggle room for retailers and whatnot.
RAM prices is where you'll get fucked though.
The 7501 should be under $3000
> tfw the jews built their own ovens this time
All measures of 300W was the system not the cpu only asshat.
Anyway, dont expect 18 cores to hit 5ghz. Apparently 10 cores sweet spot is around 4.5-4.7, good but unfortunally fucked by tim jizz. Also monstrous pricing.
Single core performance is extremely high
Ability to overclock pask 4.7ghz
But its a fucking housefire that requires a custom water-cooling loop.
Gaming performance I guess
>Not bad for thermal throttle on lightly threaded applications
I'm surprised that a 10 core even preforms this well.
>system load is at most 30w
It pulls nearly 350w when OCed
I'm surprised that 1600 is doing that well.
sick burn
pretty much everything
I can afford an i9 but I can't afford a new house every time it decides to utilize turboboost.
This is one of the greatest shitshow cpu launches of all time
Bravo intel
Yeah, I'm going to need a lot of cash to build a new house after the housefire that this shit will cause.
it doubles as a nuclear reactor
Too bad it can't power itself
Agreed. If you can afford it, the i9 is more than recommended. Scared of it catching on fire? Just buy two then!
>Just buy two then!
To be sure it catches fire?
Where's the smaller, more believable version of this?
Got you covered.
I can afford it. For the same price however I can also afford a variety of other devices for my setup or three-four new guns I want or a luxurious vacation to another country.
Or a multitude of things really. Imagine 2500 dollars worth of magic cards.
The point is its just fucking retarded to pay this much for a chip which is stillborn and had to be delidded to not cause a house fire.
Fuck off shill.
This desu. Or just a dual xeon build instead but probably thread ripper since Intel it's fucking cancer right now.
There is literally no reason to own an i9 its all negative.
Underrated post.
>Also monstrous pricing
This is actually the worst part, $1000 for 44 PCIe lanes, shit is ridiculous. I don't even know who these CPUs are meant for. Who the fuck is Intel Walletripper for? Threadripper is probably going to be a much better deal for actual workstation use, so what's left, gaming? Who the fuck wants to buy a $1000 CPU for gaming, even if 32 PCIe lanes are needed for 2 graphics cards the CPU price is still ridiculous, you could get that for $600 previously and Threadripper is probably going to have a model
I'm dying right now at this thread this shit is beyond funny
>500$ mobo
>200$ in ram
>1000$ cpu
>300$ in cooling min
>120$ for 1200w psu
and for what? near 10% performance gains compared to a 300$ Ryzen 1700 OCed?
The interesting part, if you consider gaming, is that ryzen is already performing somewhat up to par, thanks to intel mediocre performance increase in single thread last years.
For games that require brutal Single thread performance, yes intel is superior, but bottom of barrel is, ryzen is showing to be enough, even for high frame rates. For optimized games, ryzen is getting superior, im sick of seeing my BF1 almost all time topping 100% cpu.
I have an 7700K, 5ghz, its a fantastic rig for gaming, 1440P 144hz, however, if i just install vmware, even not using any VM together, i find stutters. I want to use several VMs for work, and i dont want to maintain 2 computers here.
From my perspective i would get an intel 8 cores, but with this bullshit of capped pci lanes + tim jizz, +price, i dont want pay 1000$ for a cpu. Where i live, taxes make the cpu almost 2000$. For probably some tax schemes, the most costly ryzen came here at 600$, 1800x, which is a nice price. If TR is here in the same way, i will probably jump red.
In the end, the possibility of OC 4.5 X 4.0, if confirmed, on a TR, i wouldnt care and would get either 10 or 12 core TR.
Intel has all sorts of virtualization and enterprise features that AMD does not
like paying for raid
intel is the best
sorry i would say 300W. Still, its drawing a lot, and its considerable due to ST performance.
Total war engine is a shit no matter what you throw at it. I have on 7700K with 1080SLI, on attila this shit barely maintains 80fps.
Some game engines like this War engine and bethesda horrible gamebyro are both abominations that should be scrapped.
Again, no matter, the core count shift is going to make IPC less relevant, as developers will need to adapt to it.
OVERCLOCKED I9 CAN'T MELT STEEL BE.. Wait, maybe it can.
That is one of the things that are worring me. I want to run vmware, but it seen AMD support still is not the best to date.
At least, it seen, infinte fabric seen to be better on TR than on ryzen according to rumors.