
Flat Earth edition

Other urls found in this thread:


good edition



>the guy on the bottom is all stretched out

might make my own religion

What will you call it?


quite like the flat earth gimmick



So I moved to the UK recently. There's a rugby club really close to where I live, I was thinking of joining.. Anyone here play?

where will you hold sermons?

I'm not doing what a nonce () tells me to do

Fuck off we're full

Where are the corners?!?!?!?
Don't tell me you believe in a flat, ROUND earth?!

>Hollow earth theory proven correct time and time again
>Nazi's sent a voyage to antartica to find the entrance in WWII
>Round earth shills STILL dispute this theory(read : fact)

Third eye status : DESTROYED



Post legs

you lot actually fucking retarded? last thread is on like 250 posts

wouldn't a hollow earth still be round though...?

alri janny

the EU is a key part of the neoliberal globalist agenda to install one world govt. and eventually slavery

If the Earth is flat how do the boats disappear behind the ocean's horizon?

in greggs?



I'm pretty sure in Uncharted 2 you go to Shamballah, that's all the proof I need Tbh

Any particular reason you felt this was so important it had to be linked at 250 posts

Too late, I'm here already.

You little homo you

cara 2bh lads

So you did look up admiral Byrd. Good lad.


Sat in a pub garden on my own lmao

Send help

yes in greggs I will stand behind the counter and preach to them

cloaking shield


How much did they pay you for this post, shill?


post lewd numbers

>Customs Unions are neoliberal

Ah yes, very impressive.

Now THAT's my kind of piety.



It's a 4 dimensional iced ring doughnut shape. The white icing, not the pink. That's Venus.

Reminder that the undecided voters will shit to #Bremain at the last minute. Prepare for intense shitposting when the vote is announced in any event




>he fell for the spherical earth meme

the russians built the moon in 1908

Tell me about Kiraly, why does he wear the jogging bottoms?


I fucking hate you all desu

>he fell for the gravity meme

why don't thinks float around bowling balls? fucking sheeple

Hyped for the threads NGL, might take the next day off work.

NASA please leave, we're on to you

are there multiple thailads in this thread right now

riddle me this

if the earth is flat how come gays exist

Lots of people say that but they can never prove me wrong. One day the truth will be revealed.

There's another Brit lad that lives here, also a proxy lad, not sure which it is.

Who here /hyped/ for the referendum night threads

Might take the next day off work hehe


I'm not a flat earther, but this is seriously strange.
Can someone explain this?

It was actually 1921 lad. Fooling the world into believing the moon exists is one of communisms greatest achievements.

>some economists said it so it will definitely happen

ah yes ah has happened precisely zero times in recorded history


not actually testing for anything, honestly.

the moon is a hollow shell with a bunch of lights inside it

someone goes up once a year to change the bulbs

The Earth is round

>I'm not a flat earther


Met this girl in a club down in old Soho lads
she's taller than me but qt
says she wants to show me a surprise latter tonight
I'm excited, what could it be??

You'll get no arguments from me.

is everybody in this thread inbreed?

If only Fred was still with us, he would guide Britain through these turbulent times.

>wedding is over
>reception is over
>the only reason we're still here is hurr dUrr look at our long wedding
>not allowed to change our my suit into something more comfortable

At least I have a bottle of wine to myself

did you know that the sun orbits the earth and the other plants were made up by jews we are alone in the universe

WARNING : Your third eye must be wide open to view this image.

Viewing this image whilst your third eye is unopened or calcified may result in permanent brain damage.


I've seen the moon out during the day loads of times though




is her name lola?

Interesting factoid thanks

Where did the jews come from then?

I only go on /fit/ and Sup Forums, is Sup Forums really #bremaindamaged or is it just meming?

might have an alcoholic beverage lads

>reception over pre-6pm

Confirmed for shit wedding. I'd bet a good wedge on divorce within 5 years.

What's the difference between pounds, quid and bob?

>but but loads of immigrants will flood in during the 2 years it takes us to negotiate our exit from the union!

ah so immigrants ARE a concern after all?


it's her benis :DD

they evolved from lizards

>don't put Britain First
>get shot

Our Daisy is fitter 2bh.

first to are names for £ and a bob is 5p if i remember correctly.

Girls don't have penis
she just has a really puffy vagina and big clit

her assistant was literally a paki


*unsheathes scimitar*

>we call ireland a corrupt tax haven
>london is a corrupt tax haven

business idea: dress up like a girl and masturbate on camera

hmmm yes this was a legal foul

>he didn't put britain first
Enjoy getting shot yanko.