Screenfetch Bread

Because you are loved

Why does that dude in the background move when I resize the picture


he get big


Are you retarded

Seriously move the picture around

home server

meguniggers not allowed


wtf am I supposed to do now
I dont even remember how you fix this apart from changing the letter spacing


>not i3 edge 11 motherboard
Please consider suiciding



Oh man, those fonts are disgusting

That color scheme looks comfy as hell, thanks for the font


>he fell for Debian meme
enjoy shit font rendering and outdated packages




Ow my eyes

its 0w0 not Ow

thats gay

But the desktop caused me physical pain

I demand sauce user

physical pain in your heart of love

Topkek, this is so true, I wish those /desktop/ guys would get a b& hammer like the threads did

Not their fault they have superior computers desu

>home server
>uptime 32 minutes


had to reboot it for -Syu

Rate this plebs

default Kali
logged in as root
250GB volume
wired connection
looks like a live usb
what you gonna do with it?


also, you should check your temperatures to make sure it doesn't get as high as your dubs.



Look up "install screenfetch"
Took me best of 60 seconds to look it up, paste the commands in and run it.
Think before you post


m i doin it rite

Mmm my windows look good

wut? just download the script from github with wget and run it.

~$ screenfetch -d -host -N
.o+` OS: Arch Linux
`ooo/ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.11.6-ARCH-CUSTOM
`+oooo: Uptime: 4h 3m
`+oooooo: Packages: 1074
-+oooooo+: Shell: bash 4.4.12
`/:-:++oooo+: Resolution: 1920x1080
`/++++/+++++++: WM: i3
`/++++++++++++++: Icon Theme: ROX
`/+++ooooooooooooo/` CPU: Intel Core i7-4600U @ 4x 3.3GHz [48.0°C]
./ooosssso++osssssso+` GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile
.oossssso-````/ossssss+` RAM: 1627MiB / 15477MiB
-osssssso. :ssssssso.
:osssssss/ osssso+++.
/ossssssss/ +ssssooo/-
`/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+-
`+sso+:-` `.-/+oso:
`++:. `-/+/
.` `/



Hey that's really nice. Do you mind sharing your dots?






my favorite maymay



I'm undecided whether or not the performance boost from compiling my own shit would be worth the headache when I could just use arch for a minimal distro. How good is Gentoo fellow t420 user?


Use CloverOS



I should have installed Arch


stay where you're now. nothing is wrong.

>intentionally being a jewcuck

small price to pay for my freedom

no u

cause I love to fix things I accidentally fuck up on daily basis

holy damn hes right

how to get taskbar like that config if possible


>2421 pkgs

Hey! What time is it? Idiot.


very nice rice man, can i get your config for your upper status bar

Please Rate.




what are we rating here?
a wallpaper?




post that pic



xfce4-panel is a graphical config and mines just whisker menu + workspace manager + battery/clock


>shit font rendering
I-i-is this true?



I like it.


Thanks bro



What effect is this


The purpose of these threads is to show your desktop fucktards

At least you tried

Which ones?



no bully OK