>pay 2$ for a windows 10 key
>install windows 10
>install all my programs in 15 minutes
>have everything I need
>don't need to tinker with anything or read up on internet guides because everything is right fucking there
>can update at my leisure
What's wrong with this?
Pay 2$ for a windows 10 key
Other urls found in this thread:
Install gentoo
There's nothing wrong with being a clueless normalfag
I wonder why you would come to the technology board though. Probably to discuss Apple watches or something?
dumb frogposter
try harder you worthless retard
Or as I've recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows
There's also nothing wrong with making your life easier.
Or as I've recently taken to calling it, "you probably have a smartphone anyway"
>you probably have a smartphone anyway
Doesn't make your bragging any less wrong, at least I am aware of it's usage of the NSA toolchain and use other boxes for important stuff
You could at least buy win7 key.
>saying something is adequate = bragging
You have literally no proof that it's a "NSA toolchain" or whatever, so it might as well not be an argument.
>Buy an outdated OS
No thanks.
at least use a vm with pci passthrough you sick fuck
>pay $0 for a Solus ISO
>install Solus
>install all my programs in 15 minutes
>have everything I need
>don't need to tinker with anything or read up on internet guides because everything is right fucking there
>can update at my leisure
What's wrong with this?
I wish Solus didn't give me any issues, I would be using it right now.
What problems?
>pay $2000 for macbook
>macOS preinstalled
>install all my programs in 15 minutes
>have everything I need
>don't need to tinker with anything or read up on internet guides because everything is right fucking there
>can update at my leisure
What's wrong with this?
The "$2000" part?
You should have brought it years ago and still use it.
Screen tearing, cursor stutter and no audio
And don't bother posting solutions, I'm aware of them.
You asked what's wrong with it, I jokingly reminded you what is common knowledge that is wrong with it
The "macOS preinstalled" part ?
I told you.
Now, you can focus on your task, and think about how to get it done.
But on this board, most of idiots focus on fixing and configuring his operating system over and over again.
>on board for people that like to tinker and play with their computers
>call people idiots for liking to tinker and play with their computers
>pay 2$ for a windows 10 key
retard detected
>install windows on a macbook to play skyrim
>boot windows 2times a week
>hibernate instead of turning off, to prevent update. I will not wait an hour to switch os
>after some time update restart is forced
>uninstall windows
If you made some sort of device, or software.
But you just install, and sometimes compile software. Install fonts, themes and other stuff. You don't make any of this, you just use fished products. It's kinda playing fucking Lego.
There would be no problem if you don't think that you're very extraordinary and clever, and other people don't.
Some of Russian websites sell OEM keys very cheap.
The retarded thing is that he pays for Windows
Why not? This is proprietary software, and he just bought it like all normal people do.
>russian website
>Search wilileaks for Windows serial
>Get Windows courtesy of some South American government
The fact that not a single statement in your entire post is real.
he is talking about plati.ru where stupid russian brats sell stolen accounts and cd-keys
I have Windows 10 installed. I want to buy a product key for Windows 7 64bit
Is this a bad idea
Thanks for supporting credit card fraud, Wincuck. Those keys were stolen.
My friend bought Windows 10 from some Russian site and I told him he same thing. He told me I was stupid and didn't know any better; that website just strongarmed Microsoft into lowering the price.
I need to get smarter friends. Also, since the key was probably bought on a stolen card, wouldn't the bank demand the money back from MS? And thus nulling the key? Or do banks just chew the losses?
For Russian or Ukrainian (that is pretty the same) get some stolen for nearly free, is very very cool
>pay nothing
>install Debian netinst
>run my shell script which installs and configures software
>have everything I need
>needed to learn shell scripting which is useful knowledge
What's wrong with this?
>not just using anti beacon/oosu10 to actually turn off the updates
>posts on the technology boogeyman
>thanks for supporting
that credit card was already stolen and 500 copies of keys were already purchased, believe it or not 2$ means jack shit
Link for the $2 key?
Banks are never care about it.
>the market for selling heroin is already there hurrrr i-i-i swear I'm not perpetuating a problematic industry
Can you tell more about your shell script?
>hurr durr don't do it because it will totally fix the problem
it won't
>low battery
>turn off the laptop
>windows 10 update is installing, do not turn off
>laptop dies
>windows doesn't load anymore, have to reinstall
tell me again how forced updates are good
You are stupid.
Just a shell script which runs apt-get, copies my configs, etc.
So you're a retard?
Got it.
>>run my shell script which installs and configures software
>not using Puppet or other management software for that
>pay nothing
>download and install ubuntu
>install the few programs that aren't already installed
>don't need to tinker with anything or read up on internet guides because everything is right fucking there
>can update at my leisure
What's wrong with this?
Nothing's wrong, user, you should use whatever is best for you.
>be a geek
>install debian/devuan/gentoo
>install all important software in 15 mins.
>everything werks™
>Update and fix modules because you are a capable geek.
Nothing wrong with this.
Linux faggots united again I see. Linux distros might be great for leet haxors and neckbeards but try to use any professional software on it and accept that you can't.
The only software missing entirely from GNU/Linux is autodesk shit and adobe shit. I don't included insecure super specific programs that get ransomwared like hospital software.
>can update at my leisure
1 day passes and Windows forces updates down your throat.
>install windows 10
>spend half an hour manually downloading, installing, and setting up paths for software that isn't in chocolatey
>wifi drivers cause frequent bluescreens and aren't fixed for close to a year
>every hardware vendor has their own settings program separate from the two built in control panels
>have to edit the registry just to do simple shit like show seconds on the clock or enable focus follows mouse
>updates take an eternity to install and you can't use your computer while they're installing
>have to restart after nearly every update or driver install
>have to open multiple file explorer windows to work with multiple folders at once because microsoft still hasn't heard of tabs or split views
How is any of this okay?
ITT: MacFag gets scammed
there's maya already.
>Get mint/ubntu for free
>Install it
>Install all my programs in 15 minutes from a secure repository where all packages are easily updateable
>Have everything I need
>Can have easy updates at my leisure
kys pajeet
>download mint for 0$
>install it
>install all the necessary programs in 15 minutes
>notice the microphone isn't working properly
>spend 3 hours troubleshooting and googling for solutions
>go back to windows where everything just works ootb
Why bother?
Which is used for not much other than making 3D animated movies.
Just your human rights being violated, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
>if you try to firewall or disable telemetry windows breaks
What's not wrong with this?
Windows is literally only good for watching jew tube and playing vidya and doing things that your work requires use windows. Everything else of value should be done on Linux
>be a windows user
>have to install fucking drivers for every piece of shit tech you plug
>force updates
>have to wait 2 hours to install 200 updates
>have to wait after that to configure all the 200 updates
>have to scream in agony when have to wait for another 1 hours to rollback changes
>have to go through the autistic MS community for a problem like "something happened ;"
>having to read answers like for a completely irrelevant shit to try
>having MSs and NSAs finger up in my ass 24/7
>have to all for all of that
is it wrong, op ?
>have to pay for all of that
im high as a kite right now
>NSA plus Windows
*Windows plus NsaTracker
The kernel goes after.
> Hold release parties for Debian updates
Hypocrisy at its best.
There's also nothing wrong with using Linux or MacOS.
You neckbeards need to get a life, seriously. It doesn't make any sort of difference what OS you have, whatever works for you is what you should use.
>inb4 everybody tells me I'm a [company/OS] shill
>What's wrong with this?
Windows 10
>It's kinda playing fucking Lego.
implying playing with lego is a bad thing
You sir, won Sup Forums.
Have a blessed life.