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Verdens bedste land.

Sådan betegner de fleste nordmænd stolte deres latterlige olie-diktaturstat. For at få mad på bordet til jul, er millioner af nordmænd nodt til at stå i ko efter ribbenssteg helt fra slutningen af oktober som i Osttyskland under kommunismen.

Socialistregeringens fodevarekommissærer har nemlig besluttet, at uanset voldsom mangel på ribbenssteg, forbliver importskatten så hoj, at det ikke kan betale sig for danske slagterier bare at prove på at levere en enkelt lille ribbenssteg til fjeldlandet. Det fortalte slagterierne sidste år.

Da var der også fodevaremangel i Norge.

Ikke nok dermed. Der er også så voldsomt mangel på smor, at det nu handles på Den Sorte Bors til 600 kr pr. kg.!

I titusindevis af nordmænd er nodt til at rejse til nabolandene og KOBE MAD IND!

Norge = DDR!

Refugees :DDDDD

Why are there so many jobs in Python? Is it because there aren't enough good developers to go around, so companies have to use shitlangs in order to get enough workers?

Jobber med et knotete R-script for å analysere 1000 fullsekvenserte genomer


Norbaggar och Pajeets är på exakt samma nivå.

>The reasons were consistent with Instagram’s engineering motto of “Do the simple things first”: Python is user-friendly for engineers — it’s easy to get up to speed and get out the product, allowing the team to concentrate on user facing features. Python is simple and clean and favors pragmatism. It is a proven technology. And, finally, it’s a really popular language, which makes growing the engineering team easier.


excellent edition

>Python is user-friendly for engineers
Python makes things feel easier for engineers at the expense of users, which is the wrong tradeoff. Additionally, it's only easier when designing trivial systems. Designing larger systems in it is painful because it is impossible to reliably automate refactoring Python code.

>Python is simple and clean and favors pragmatism.
Cleanliness and simplicity are subjective. This is a perverse definition of pragmatism. Haskell is simple and clean and favors pragmatism.

>And, finally, it’s a really popular language
Argumentum ad populum.

>which makes growing the engineering team easier.
With shitty engineers.

delete this


tell that to Instargram. I wouldn't use python for backend stuff myself, but they did and it seems to have worked out for them
full interview: thenewstack.io/instagram-makes-smooth-move-python-3/

>php is shit
>tell that to facebook!
>python is shit
>tell that to instagram!
>c++ is shit
>tell that to epic games!
>haskell is shite
>tell that to.. umm...

facebook still uses php?

>"This page is in Danish. Would you like to translate it?"

>c is shit
>tell that to rms!
>assembly is shit
>tell that to intel!
>machine language is shit
>tell that to alan turing!
>electrical circuits are shit
>tell that to thomas edison!
>copper and silicon are shit
>tell that to the hypothetical supreme creator!
>the hypothetical supreme creator is shit
>tell that to every religion on earth!
>every religion on earth is shit
>tell that to your psychologist!
>your psychologist is shit
>tell that to you're waifu!
>you're waifu a shit
>now we're getting somewhere!


b-but why?

Just werks™ and expensive/time consuming to switch, probably

YOU'RE shit.

they use hhvm iircl
not quite your everyday php

good luck rewriting millions of lines of code that works, from scratch in another language

How do you deal with anxiety /dpt/? I am always nervous and it drains me ;_; Vodka?

I just take a walk outside. Maybe some physical exercises.

Is Lisp shit, give it to me.
But I'd prefer for you to support me by saying Lisp isn't shit.

Lisp is way better than any other dynamic language currently in existence

Lisp is simplicity at its best.

lisp is for code wank, thats it.

Code wank is a patrician way of living.

I feel the same way
>tfw no sugar mommy to pay your bills while you wank with some obscure programming language

>tfw my dad is a literal wageslave, drives 1:30h to work, getting 20k after taxes, just so I can keep programming in Lisp

I'll learn Java after I complete my project I swear.