>93ºC on stock freq.
>Liquid Cooling Recommended
Core i9 FX edition.
93ºC on stock freq
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Firelake looks good, tbqh senpai
>93c on air cooling
I hope every retard saying Intel was going to solder the finished product or use better thermal paste eats a big fat shit sandwich.
This is fine, There's nothing to worry about until 105C, stop making a mountain out of a molehill!
>83c 280mm rad(dual 140mm rad)
Just downclock it dude, you don't need 4000mhz
Buy raid keys. It's better.
Imagine running that CPU with Intel's stock cooler
A weapon to surpass FX-9590
105C is fine, 666C is where things might get a little toasty, goy.
I remember the sandybridge days where Intel was the top dog when it came with heat efficiency. AMD's MOAR COARS couldn't compete and just made noisy housefires.
How things have changed.
This cant be real..... this is a $1000 CPU...
Hardware dlc, thanks Intel!
>supports only intel SSD modules
Extreme Housefire Technology™
This like an fx9590, but with performance gains.
That's not what it looks like, goy.
Then why this product even exist?
I never thought I would have witnessed the days that Intel is worse than AMD.
Like in 1998?
You mean again, right? Intel has always been lazy.
you must be 18 to post here
7740X isn't even that much better.
I guess they literally just jizz on the die and use it as TIM.
Just like good old times
>87 on air
And here I was, thinking my 1600X hitting 65°C was too much.
When the fuck did 70+ temp become acceptable for 24/7 use?
Enjoy your slowly dying hardware.
Probably not.
I don't see a problem two rads and 6 fans couldn't fix.
*ITER edition
Hope they throw in some noise cancelling headphones.
Or a normal air cooler if fucking mayo wasn't used.
>81c on dual rad 140mm(280mm total)
It's doa for me.
It simply doesn't output heat fast enough due to the mayonnaise inside. The only solution here is cryogenics.
Not enough attention is being paid to this.
The gouging for RAID is hilarious enough, the gouging for Intel drives only is a massive fuck you.
Come on intel, go for 666W or go home!
I remember Linus mentioning that in his rant video as a "possible rumor". Guess it was true? That's fucked up.
Depending on FFT version they are using, this is "acceptable" considering full AVX usage without AVX reduction. I only seen prime95 consistently use AVX
It's true. Source: x299 msi manual.
Don't be silly, 666C is a bit warm but within tolerances, just watch for 6,000,000C temps, might want to invest in an AIO or CL
Blender, handbrake, x265 also use AVX.
Disabling AVX or putting a offset on these many core CPUs just lowers the performance of their intended use case.
>When the fuck did 70+ temp become acceptable for 24/7 use
When it became normal for Intlel it became normal for everyone.
well, since forever the issue is that pump and fans will go crazy and die in a year
>my 1600X hitting 65°C
by which measurement? tdie is 20C lower
install HWInfo for proper temps
Obviously going up to 300C is some specialist shit and not normal for CPUs
but modern technology has failsafes for overheating, hitting 110 shuts off your machine, this is before damage not after
oh and the noise, and heat exhaust from the case
heck even running cpu+gpu at 60C is like having a heater in the room due to cooler efficiency
can't imagine how 70 would go
>wants ulatimate performance
>and low temps
>and efficiency
Pick one and only one, you entitled children
I just don't want to burn my house to the ground.
Sure, a 24+ core at 3.0Ghz+
What do I win?
16 cores instead of 10 it is then
I pick AMD then.
It's ok, you can always buy another house and the CPU comes with a warantee
New Housefire from Intel
Sure, but you don't want your stuff running at that heat for extended amounts of time.
Ryzen 1800x
Why did it change blue and suddenly Boom?
Excuse you. This term is trademarked. If you have permision to use this term please indicate as such by using the trademark symbol. Intel Housefire™ Technology
Overclock failed.
Sorry if I sound stupid, but I have never done this watercooling thing.
Isn't it a problem hitting almost 100°C, when your cooling medium is water?
Isn't it gonna boil or some shit?
18 is being born in 1998 user
The chip hits 100ºc, not the water.
You know when you boil water in a pot?
The heat soure is above 100c. So is the metal pot, but the water gets to 100c after they do. and cpus will throttle down when they hit 100c
To 1999
>Intel Housefire™ Technology
oh yea I remember, thanks presshot
that's an excerpt from a piece specifically about electronics
A state change from water to steam is endothermic, so on top of the fact that the given temperatures are on the CPU itself, successfully boiling water in a cooling loop would require the CPU to reach way, way over 100C.
It's like Pentium 4 Exteme Edition again
I can not contain my laughter
Do you not understand the difference between silicon and silicone?
>Enjoy your slowly dying hardware.
It shortens the life span like from 20 years to 10 years, and even that is probably an overstatement. Please stop spreading memes.
Source: I run pic related pretty much since launch at 85C load.
What are you using to cool that thing?
Well I successfully crippled a 3770k buy running it 4.5Ghz@ 80°C for a month.
Was rock stable for 5 years@stock before that.
So excuse me if I have doubts.
pic related. SilentiumPC Grandis, pretty hard to come by outside europe
unlucky, user
before 2500K I had E2160, overclocked to 3.5GHz from 1.8GHz stock. Ran 80C on intel cooler for 5 years without a problem, still works as a media server, though admittedly now runs on stock clock.
they did the same shit 7-8 years ago on pre builts...selling 4c/8t as 4c/4c and forcing people to buy software keys to enable HT
>intel circumcision tool.jpg
I used to have an FX 6100, well still do just don't use it. I could clock it to 4.6ghz an temps were still under 68c with prime95. Had a 212 plus for cooling. I don't think fx series shoulda got all the hate they did. They were pretty decent for the price imo.
I seriously doubt 80°C temperature was the problem. More likely you/your shitty mobo gave it too many volts.
They realized their CPU's are lasting too long, they rather get maybe a little better performance, heat the cpu more, and have it break on you earlier so you buy another sooner.
Also its not just hotter but it draws more power, both of which contribute to cpu degredation.
That was socket temp by the way.
post video
who is this fluid druid
Those tits
if you cant do a right click and searched on google you should leave Sup Forums and RMA your self
Wow user that was a level of Judaism I didn't even consider.
Is 93C that bad? I've been running my 4870 for quite a few years and it hits about 115C under load with no problem.
That is very likely misreading the temperature. It would thermal shutdown by that point.
Already have picked one, Intlel shill
>It's called Ryzen