Ok, so I have an old computer that I have forgotten the Windows password for...

Ok, so I have an old computer that I have forgotten the Windows password for. How can I use my Windows CD to boot from disk and reinstall Windows over the old partition, thereby making my computer usable again?

Install gentoo

install Gentoo

By doing just that? I don't understand, you answered yourself

What is Gentoo

Give it back Jamal

But how do I get the Comp to boot from disk instead of start right at the login screen? Ive tried everything.

Stop trying to log in to your ex's account

Is there no one here that can really help? Im not trying to log into anyones account, Im needing to overwrite the entire HD by reinstalling window. I dont want to do that, but Id rather have a comp I can use than one I cant remember the password for.

Not your personal tech support

sorry, you're fucked op.

Pretty sure Hiren's Boot CD has a program to wipe the password.

Give it back Tanisha

BIOS device boot order, jewgle it.

Change the boot order..

Just use kon-boot
after that you can install software that shows you the pass or something

When the computer boots up look at the bios flash screen. Press the key that enters the bios (Usually one of the F keys).

Go through the BIOS and change the boot order of your computer. Place the CD/DVD reader/writer as the first item in this boot order list.

Save your changes, insert the CD, reboot.

Your computer will now prompt you to boot from disc and will give you a timeout before it goes to the next boot option. Press any key to boot from disk.

Windows install CD will take you from there.

Give it back Lequisha

step 1: install gentoo
step 2: give it back tyrone

waht is bios user? is it the windows with the old 90s style graphics with a bundh of numbers and frequenceies settings and such?
pls halp

Sauce pl0x

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