Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
More detail would be helpful. For starters, why can't you test the code?
I need help with an assignment that is due for today, i'm happy to work with the code myself but i can't seem to get the IDE to work.
The language is C# and i've tried visual studio but now it asks me to make an account on microsoft. I made that account but now it asks me to change the cookies policies on my browser.
Aside from that i tried the Xamarin Studio IDE but i don't know how to link the compiler and the debugger.
TL;DR: I need a debugger for an assignment that is due today. Any help is appreciated.
Real new thread: You snooze you lose
Thank you for using the canonical image of this thread.
You could always resort to printf debugging
Is there a reason to not use OLAP over OLTP other than being a brainlet?
i wonder if its the fins who have been shitposting this whole time
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I'm gonna check it out, come back in a bit.
I don't understand why people wait until the day their assignment's due before asking for help
Please stop breaking the rules.
This is an English anime imageboard.
Most people are lazy.
>Real new thread
Yeah but that's only the real new thread for Norwegians tho
To the non-Norwegians there it's not even the new thread, it's the new "-strĂ¥d"
Fuck off, not anymore.
Then don't they deserve to fail their assignment?
Try Rider from Jet Brains.
Excellent IDE for C#.
kill yourself
>not anymore
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
If this isn't an anime imageboard "anymore", then this isn't Sup Forums "anymore".
Your post is as stupid as people who say Europe doesn't need to be European any more.
i've been working for the past few days, i only asked here because im desperate enough. Also i couldnt use my computer for the last two days cause the stabilizer broke down.
Oh, they do, but probably your teacher will let it slide. They usually can't fail too much people.
>"programmers" who can only function in one language
>They usually can't fail too much people.
What a terrible idea.
actually I know over 15 languages, it's just that all but two of them are not languages for speaking
Running a university is a business, sorry.
Sup Forums is technology board. It has nothing to do with anime.
What feminists want to believe: The reality: [pic related]
Just stop. Your bait isn't even clever.
That's where you're wrong.
>hmm instead of just ignoring it and reporting im going to give it attention because that will surely change their minds
Sup Forums is an anime imageboard. Sup Forums is the technology board of Sup Forums. Understand?
>Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!
>Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board
Where does it say that Sup Forums isn't an anime site? Weak bait.
Where does it say that Sup Forums isn't a furry site?
Prove the assertion that Sup Forums is an anime board.
The burden of proof is on you.
Please stop derailing the thread. Sup Forums remains an anime imageboard.
Furry shit is limited to /trash/ and if posted anywhere else, deleted on sight. What's your point?
No, it is on you, since you are the one, who stated, that Sup Forums is not an anime board anymore.
Then stop arguing something you cannot prove.
Do you have a brain damage?
Actually those languages speak to the computer :^).
Obviously, you can't.
Hey, I know no one in these threads actually posts code, but have you guys noticed that Sup Forums has been blocking code snippets as spam lately?
How do we get this to Hiroshima's attention?
The redditors seem to be out in force at the moment.
You need to go back.
I don't want reddit stink nearby. Fuck off.
>calling anyone redditor
Just fucking kill yourself.
Why is Sup Forums so gay?
Where do you think we are?
I'm Just wanted to let you know that you helped me a lot.
As for all the people discussing anime. Stop shitposting.
Don't they have anime in Argentina?
Write a mathematical proof that male programmers actually exist.
Pic related: a fictional depiction of the elusive programmer (male)
it doesnt word plz hlp
How does this make sense?
str[3] is t and str[5] is i
how is str.substr(3,5) think?
There are trans men programmers. Do they count?
Boole-Fitch style proof coming through
1. | Programmer(X) -> Girl_male(X) [premise]
2. | Girl_male(X) -> Girl(X) & Male(X) [premise]
3. | Programmer(X) [premise]
4. | Girl_male(X) [conditional elim: 1, 3]
5. | Girl(X) & Male(X) [conditional elim: 2, 4]
6. | Male(X) [conjunction elim: 5; QED]
I disagree with your premises
Is Lisp shit, give it to me.
But I'd prefer for you to support me by saying Lisp ain't shit.
I hate the Jew meme.
Jews are the smartest race in the world.
No wonder Lisp is so god tier, as it was created by a jew.
Also, you literally can't tell me why you hate Jews.
Comparators make my head hurt, maybe because the exercise that introduces them teaches about them by using playing cards as an example and I pretty much never play cards. I don't even know what the fuck sort against suit means.
Can anyone tell me if this course is any good? The end of week assignments seem pretty nice, i'm especially looking forward to the Conway's game of life on coming up, but also it seems to sort of hold your hand a lot, I've completed a few assignments without feeling like I fully understood what I was doing as much as I just understood how to plug in the syntax. I mean I guess some people can't even figure out how to do that much so i'm making some kind of progress, right?
who the FUCK are you quoting, user?
>I hate the Jew meme.
That came out of nowhere.
I also hate the Jew meme though. It's pretty racist.
>Jews are the smartest race in the world.
Wrong, there is no smartest race in the world you fucking racist.
Anyone know a good website for finding Scala/Clojure jobs outside New York and Cali?
Is this the proper way to combine C and C++ code?
gcc -ansi -O2 -Iinc -o obj/main.o -c src/main.c
gcc -ansi -O2 -Iinc -o obj/foreign.o -c src/foreign.cc
gcc -s -o test obj/main.o obj/foreign.o -lm -lstdc++
Lisp is literally a shitty meme, even has the echo meme to drive it home.
Don't be a coward user.
Nice source.
Is that supposed to be a lot?
Better than whites, and whites are pretty good.
i will fucking end you if you ever dare to badmouth jews or lisp. think i'm playing? try me, kiddo. tracing your ip i read this, you'd better beg for my mercy
Delet this
substr is (beginning, length) not (beginning, end)
No, never. -Ofast is the only acceptable switch for non embedded.
Don't blacks have an average IQ of 125?
-Ofast doesn't always produce better code and ignores IEEE FP standards
No, 85, aka, borderline retarded.
>-Ofast doesn't always produce better code
I know.
>ignores IEEE FP standards
Like what?
That seems about right.
Kill yourselves. Gathering statistics on races, taking them for innate to those races rather than social artifacts, and comparing them as a kind of dick measuring contest is not only insensitive, but moreover it's cringey and asinine. I don't care how smart Jews are, their average IQ could be 90 and the vast majority of them would still be considerably smarter than any disgusting manchild who thinks it's great fun to talk about race in this way.
>having your floating point expressions fucked with, potentially causing numerical errors
If you're using floats you're already admitting that numerical errors are permitted.
>>having your floating point expressions fucked with, potentially causing numerical errors
Please insert valid example which are not nan or infinity fiddling.
What features should I add to my language to make it unusable for black people?
user from here.
You are altogether another kind of pathetic.
>their average IQ could be 90 and the vast majority of them would still be considerably smarter
I'm sure it's hard to understand for a female, but that's not how it works.
>this guy again
dont ever post anime in my thread ever again
>stream > input
Fucking why
cause it looks like shells lmao
>in my thread
This isn't a "subreddit".
>I'm sure it's hard to understand for a female
Kill yourself.
> >>
> >>>/
>leftist garbage
Well, okay, you don't have to. It's up to you.
You know what's not up to you?
Being a piece of shit.
Unfortunately you don't really have a way around that one.
>> >>
>> >>>/
What did she mean by this?