Scored one of these for 70 bucks

Scored one of these for 70 bucks.
What is the opion of Sup Forums?
Did I get kiked?

what the fuck is that

for 70 you can’t be kiked, but really what the fuck

looks very nice, looks mint. congrats OP

Pretty good. Get into the thinkpad thread

Dell XT3
It's got an old 2nd gen i7 and 8bgs of ram
HD is slow but I think I can just put a SSD in it.


On my way over now

Looks dope AF

jesus christ OP you kiked whoever sold you that.

Well you certainly got a great deal on that one. I have no idea why someone would sell that at $70. The RAM alone is worth a little less than that.

Sweet Jesus, install Gentoo on it.

Eight whole bags of ram? Nice!

>tfw when no weird fucking swivel laptop to install gentoo on
feels bad man

i got a thinkpad T470 for free

so yeah, you got kiked

Well I didn't steal mine, so I think that makes you the kike

I hate these types of laptops. Screens and their hinges are always the single point of failure and the first thing to turn to shit on a laptop.

Regardless, hopefully it can provide you use.

So far so good. I know what you mean about the hinges and was able to negotiate to 70 from 90 based on that. Also, BT drivers aren't working in win 10 and broadcom doesn't even have an ftp server for generic drivers anymore. Xubuntu works out of the box though.

So does that mean you've already installed ubuntu on it? Kind of curious how it handles what I assume is a tablet like laptop.

XT2 here.
High quality shit.

I've got a 1st gen XT. The N-trig display isn't detected by any operating system anymore so touch features don't work, but other than that it's a nice laptop

>paying $70 for a gimmick

Well OP if that makes you happy...

>sticker says i5

screen seems broken.