how do hackers learn how to hack?
By becoming a
Laws are meant to be obeyed, not broken.
t. CIA nigger
they're born with it
Soon there will be no need to hack in your country.
May will ban all forms of encryption, because terrorism....suuure
So you can just read everyones datastreams ins clear text
Autism has power
Hackers don't hack encryption you fucking retard as often that is impossible to do.
Hackers find entry points and then try to crack passwords, or search for passwords and then search whatever they just unencrypted for data.
Fucking faggots on Sup Forums trying to pretend they know shit about hacking.
Suck a dick.
They study security and find weak-points.
Usually, they just take advantage of security holes as they are revealed and hope someone has not patched the software.
installing gentoo always is the 1ststep
>Security of %thing% is basically finding logical flaws in implementations of %thing%. Hence to find flaws you need to learn everything about %thing% you want to exploit first.
Hacking is not the media interpretation of hacking either, hackers are creative people who can solve problems in unusual ways because they don't adhere to rigid paradigms or accept status quo. Like a Lisp hacker who decides they are going to write an interpreter and embed it in a small C binary, in order to run their entire phone with a DSL. The MIT lab of the 1970s was the best representation of hacker, the modern day criminal who tries to grab memory out of point of sale machine so he can read card data is not a hacker, he's just a thief.
They read RFC's or "Requests for Comment" then they download something Unix-like, then they read about Security Holes, then they understand all the wholes are kind of by design, because you know, Money Laundering, 9-Bars, Cocain, Bit-Coin Barons and DJ Rump!
they teach in elementary school))
There definitely are outfits like NCC Group or Optiv that specialize in finding crypto implementation flaws. Try these yourself:
The people who actually "break" encryption are PhD cryptanalysists. These days the majority are side channel experts like djb and his phd students who can exploit shit like a virtual machine's emulated cores in order to time the decryption and encryption of a stream cipher and determine what it's key is.
hacking is done by finding vulnerabilities and then writing exploits and payloads to take advantage of them
so you need to be able to:
>find vunerable software
>write code to exploit the vulnerability
>write code that will do what you want once you've exploited the vulnerability
generally this means you need to be a very good programmer with a thorough understanding of programming, computer architechture, networking, and secure programming. also you usually need to be smarter than everyone who wrote the software you're trying to exploit.
They don't need to ban encryption. Instead what they do is come up with backdoored by default standards like HTTPS/2, where major providers like AT&T are allowed an end point that can decrypt traffic for "optimization" reasons (and totally not NSA reasons of course).
Hacking/Reconnaissance/Private Investigations.
These sources are filtered out from google.
You will never find books like
>Surveillance Tradecraft: The Professional's Guide to Surveillance Training
because CIA and NSA want to know if you are buying it. It cannot be downloaded free from anywhere on net.
good luck
Yeah, but that isn't the same thing as decrypting AES 256.
>Hackers don't hack encryption you fucking retard as often that is impossible to do.
Erm, not thats not impossible, its been done time and time again, most times the criminal fuck-wit's like the dickheads at the spy agencies just use weak crypto they can bypass, like DES - with cococobana or they bypass that shit entirely with backdoors so they can enable massive insider trading frauds and manipulate the stock market by buying license's to the C library, then sitting on the License for oh say 20 plus years like the little fuck nugget under investigation by the FBI and now senior advisor to the prez.
Step 1: find a game or some software that has a flaw
Step 2: fire up IDA and do some static analysis
Step 3: fire up your debugger to confirm your results
Step 4: write tools to make it easy to fix the flaw
Flaws can be anything from protections, to vulnerabilities, to annoyances. Example: my favorite game has crappy joystick support, so I decided to hack in in XInput support.
It's not about being "smarter". You aren't more intelligent than the designer of something because you found a logical flaw in it.
Take for example the 'hackers' who used SAT data in order to hide their location. What happens is they broadcast stolen data to satellites, but configure these to drop the packets upon receipt. Now they set up a receiver that can just pluck the dropped packets out of the sky over a wide area of coverage, making it very difficult to find who is downloading the data.
Now if they assume they are "smarter" than all their adversaries they are going to jail because I'm guessing nation state level spies have already devised decoy packets to trace where they end up hoping they are grabbed by said hackers. These packets could do something as innocent as merely report the hardware model of it's receiver, enabling a remote adversary to write a custom overflow packet that will frogblast the ventcore upon receipt and establish a persistent mole inside it's own firmware.
tl;dr never assume you're smarter than anybody else or you have problems, assume your adversary is a complete genius and anything no matter how remote you can think up they have already implemented
Nobody said anything about decrypting AES-256.
However, you could still find interesting ways to break implementations of AES-256, remember it's not just a cipher by itself it's a whole program that can leak keys and memory.
russia is fucked up country, nigger, i know this because live here
ease off the video games mr genius haha otherwise you'll get told off by mummy for not doing your homework
гдe ты живeшь в poccии бpaтaн
youtube videos
Well, I'm actually Ukrainian (half). Also I'm a femanon :3
Tits and timestamp, or GTFO. :3
learn emacs or tmux or i3
was born in lviv and lived in chernivtsi for a while. pretty fucked up country too
Hacking is breaking into computer systems illegally. Not tweaking train sets to run more optimally you fucking neckbeard faggot.
You learn how the systems you want to infiltrate work and, if you're smart enough, find a way to break into it. In other words it involves a lot of reading, patience, practice, and math.
best waifu
enough of this bullshit
they're all hackers
hacking is making something work in a way other than it was intended or designed to.
installing gentoo on your toaster? hacking.
modifying said toaster to cook eggs? hacking.
exploiting toaster security to dump memory and take secret egg codes? still hacking.
just because you hold one particular subgroup in disregard doesnt make it not hacking
you can eat shit too. Hacking isnt (always) illegal, nor is it always computer systems.
>packets doing anything other than encapsulating data
How can i see which websites are visited over network that is from android phone tethered
from the phone? from the device its tethered to? from something else entirely (good luck)?
install a network monitor and watch for dns traffic and connections to ports 80 + 443
devices are using phone internet, which is tethered
i want to track network for all devices
Natasha Koroleva, is that you?
You are remembered for the rules you break not the ones you obey
A lot of effort, like anything, obviously.
Then people will discover them and release exploits to the public.
>break implementations
Sure, but that has nothing to do with AES-256 and is entirely the developers fault for creating a basic piece of shit.
Install kali
Look up how to use the programs it comes with like metasploit, john the ripper, wireshark, etc.
they learn to hack the same way you learn to fuck, experiance and retries