Imposter Syndrome

Do you Sup Forumsuys suffer from Imposter Syndrome?

Other urls found in this thread:


you made this thread yesterday
>no because I am not a fuckboy who talks about things I do not know about


It comes part and parcel with Asperger's, so yeah.

I consistently forget to realize that people are brainlets that do not share a hivemind.

this imposter syndrome bullshit is on every board and chan I've been to today

not tech related, please read the sticky user.

Impostor syndrome is a symptom of high functioning autism.
Autists cannot place themselves in the shoes of other people and they just think everyone is super knowledgeable when in fact, most people are fucking retards and they're just barely scraping by with how little they know.

>autists can not put themselves in the shoes of others
Does this mean autists are the ubermensch unbound by morality or the feelings of others?
Should we actually elect autists to public office and use them as human computers?

To the point it depresses me.


1: Yes.
2: Yes.
3: No.
4: We already HAVE elected autistic Ubermenschen. Putin is confirmed sperg.

No. I've had to grind relentlessly to get where I'm at and my IQ reflects that.

I don't suffer from it because I know it to be a fact. I work as a sysadmin with no qualifications besides knowing *nix systems and I have fuckall for certs.
I can't keep up when real sysadmins talk.

I have very mild autisms, but I know I'm a dumbass.
There are some people that I have met that made me question that assertion though.

I don't understand what this is. Is it about pretending to be an expert on something you know little about?

We had this thread TODAY.

isnt this dunning kruger effect by another name?

no, it's the opposite. It's when you know your shit but feel like everyone is smarter than you and you downplay your actual knowledge and skills.

is this the new smart but lazy

How is this a problem? It seems more like a compliment than anything else.

No, I'm more of a Dunning-Kruger effect guy

I don't know, it's just being humble instead of being a pompous asshole in my opinion.

Used to do a lot, now I've gained confidence but I still feel a lot of that anytime someone someone start talking about things I don't know in a generic field ie 2 people listened to a new song and I feel like I know anything about music when in fact I may say I have quite a culture.

I always joked about being autist and I still do and friends do jokes about it too and even with my ex-gf I always laughed about that. But I'm started thinking I really am at least a bit, even recently that I became highly functional and successful... I just apply mechanics I studied to other people, I don't really "understand them" with empathy

Its a problem because knowlegible people underestimate their ability and end up with a lack of confidence

I tend to feel worthless and unaccomplished at times but it's no biggy.

No. Dunning Kruger describes the fact that the skills/knowledge necessary to be good at X are generally also the same skills/knowledge necessary to tell whether or not you (or other people) are good at X. It's especially true with intelligence but I think it applies to other things as well.

Imposter Syndrome is the irrational feeling that you, a person who is actually objectively good at X, aren't really good at it and you're just managing to scrap by and any minute now you're going to be found out and your whole world is going to come tumbling down around you. It's like how anorexics always think they're fat even when they're approaching hospitalization, some successful people always think they're useless posers, no matter what they achieve.

So what do you call it when someone thinks they know everything and thinks everyone else is a retard like

Does anyone on Sup Forums not?

If someone does suffer from this, surely they wouldn't know?
I tend to feel like my peers at university are smarter than me but thats just cause they are actually smarter than me

They're both accurate interpratetion of reality to some degree but knowledge should be visualized as a branch because no one started without Democritus or whatever.

Yes, Sup Forums taught me to despise myself in order to avoid hurting my feelings.

This but most of the time. I feel like everyone, even younger people, have done more and know more than me. I hate it and it might hold me back from doing things, I'm working on it.