Anyone got advice? OP was doxxed.
I was doxxed
Other urls found in this thread:
post your email and I'll help you
Delete compromised accounts and start over. Relevant
only post one image per thread unless you plan to change the filename
Advice on what?
What is your goal or dilemma?
>anti bsd propaganda
just when i thought i'd never see a bigger faggot, OP came along
What are you even getting doxxed about faggot
You need to do something bad or illegal to get doxxed so the person doxxing you has something to extort you with
>don't use syncable password managers
>disable all javascript so your websites barely function if at all
>use a meme email provider with an unprofessional name
>chat on a thing nobody but freetards use anymore
>use a search engine that can get you v& for indexing CP
>worries about bios passwords which are trivially reset with a jumper (physical access = you lose)
>unironically suggesting the false positive generator that is clamav
>using UFW instead of just learning iptables
>stay away from BSD
>no advice to make a backup dmcrypt key volume
Your advice is shit and you should feel like shit.
t newfag
So much shit in a single post
>tfw the email I use on my resume ends in
>tfw I've never not gotten hired because of it
>my email ended with
>walmart didn't mind
Half the advice in this is nice ("stay away from systemd"), half of it is shit (recommending TOR without stating the caveats, unironically recommending gnu social, gives semi-extensive advice on physical access security without mentioning that only doing part is a placebo and even if you do everything you're still vulnerable to e.g. evil maid attacks), the ordering is arbitrary half the time (disable javascript, switch to IRC and gnunet BEFORE getting rid of the microsoft/apple botnet - that only comes as step 10 for some reason), half the entries are really basic ("install Mint and stay away from BSD") and half assume a deep understanding/willingness to do extensive research ("use grsecurity" with no further comment).
Also a bunch of advice there gives a very fake sense of security. For instance
>set a bios password
makes it sound like the bios password is hard/impossible to reset or bypass, and if anyone doesn't know it (or you forget it) there's no way to access the computer - which couldn't be further from the truth.
>"Hi, my name is Remington Holloway, please find attached my resume detailing my 35 years of experience in the financial sector."
>From: [email protected]
Nice, yeah, that'll go down well
Get your own domain and host it yourself (at home or on a trusted VPS) if you want to be safe. Protonmail is good too.
Does it matter? Are they going to actually harm you? If not, then just forget about it. Worst case you get a couple of unwanted pizzas. Being "doxxed" doesn't equate to your life being ruined (consider that the majority of people willingly dox themselves every day through social media), it just means people know who you are. If you really don't want that, then disappear and start again with a new handle.
Pick the airmail/firemail domain then, you absolutely retarded piece of shit.
Oh no your "personal" information that you probably publicly post on social media was collected via google and consolidated into one source! how horrible!
Was it malicious? Almost everybody has dox's or dox-able information online that just hasn't been compiled. The fact that yours was combined into an easy to use list means that someone wanted to scare you (or all your dox is from the same database leak). If you're being a faggot, prepare to get wrecked. Otherwise, ignore it.
You can't retract information, you can only just stop being retarded.
Is in level of difficulty so things like the bios password are logically to be warned of being forgotten for people at that level.
I deem is a very sound recommendation.
You have to dump your doxxed aliases. Try not to react to any harassment, as this will provoke more harassment.
Should have never put your personal info to start with faggot
Oh wow you were doxxed. Now some teenager is gonna send you free boxes and send the dominoes to your house. Oh no! And he will gloat about how he knows what your name is!
(Seriously OP, it doesn't really fucking matter)
>working at Wal-Mosque
Don't react, but do dump all your old accounts and set up an entirely new account ecosystem.
No-one will care in a month if you just continue on as normal.
if you've done nothing you have nothing to worry about
>unless they have you bank account details
Remove all info currently available.
If the put it on pastebin, request for it to be deleted in about a month or two so they won't notice it's gone.
hmm maybe don't post personal information online? Ever think of that buddy? normalfags are fucking disgusting.