How is this $100?

How is this $100?

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No way Casio could get away with $100, like Texas Instrument.

Americans are getting cucked by its education system.

Your pic looks like you took it with a camera attachment for a graphic calulator.

Had to pay for something like that 70 € when i was in school because hurr everyone needs it, then they tell us not to use it, then they get some shitty software for the school computers, that was 10 years ago, last time i asked they still have the shitty software which is beaten by wolframalpha for free.

Not so much the education system as it is TI/calculator makers being the biggest fucking jews and knowing schools like shit cheap and then you have a viscous cycle of schools buying calculators from a company at a good deal then textbook makers using said companies calculators for lessons because its what the schools have and then the school keeps buying said companies calculator because its in the textbook and then you have textbook makers using said companies calculators for lessons because its what the schools have

A lot of unethical practices by Texas Instruments that lead to even more unethical practices, to the point where TI has a veritable monopoly on the graphing calculator market and are seen as the "most trusted" despite their unethical business practices that led them there.

So, a calculator that should cost $10 max costs $100+ because fuck you.

>TI has a veritable monopoly
>OP posted a casio

I know but TI is so well made and stuff, you can find them used for cheap.

I got a Casio fx 9750 gii for like 3 bucks and flashed it with the more 9860 gii bios for the natural display.

Because that is what people will pay for them. If you don't like, vehemently oppose any course or program requiring the use of one.

>asio fx 9750 gii for like 3 bucks
How the fuck did you manage this

I can remember paying ~$110 for my blue Ti-83 plus in 2002 for my first year in highschool. It still goes for that price today.


You have to get your Ti calculator calibrated every few years. I have a guy give me a discounted calibration for $20. He calibrates all my electronics.

The worst part is the students use the calculators for simple shit, then the calculators become their crutch for things they could just do in their heads.

Calculators don't teach you concepts. And if I'm taking a math test, I'm not going to waste my time long division and shit like that.


100$? why don't you think 125$ is cheap, goyim? It's worth easily 150$

>not using a laptop in to do math in 2017

I mean I never owned a phone, but I assume you could run python on a phone right?

>not getting all of your electronics regularly quantumly calibrated.
Spotted the poor fag that's just jelly of the discounts I get. He's been keeping my tamagotchi alive for years.


Only elder god tier calculators for me thanks

>THIS is $225
>it's actually sold out so you can only get it from resellers for ~$350

That thing wasn't a joint venture with Applel?

>not using a musical calculator

giving you points for tamagotchi

Because it's (((approved))) for test taking. Teacher/prof can press a couple of buttons to do a full memory wipe, at least if it's not hacked. TI got smug about it and kept the price the same as when it first made them.
We didn't have that shit when I went to uni (GenX), I can't fathom why you would need a graphing calc to take a test, over a simple Casio fx-series scientific.

They even go for decent money in pawn shops.

Does he calibrate your penis too?

>doing baby-tier arithmetic in head and introducing greater possibility of error when a machine can do it for you
Yeah, nah. I'm pretty good with arithmetic and do a lot of it in my head, but if it takes longer than a second or two I just punch it into a calculator. Arithmetic ability has almost no bearing on my ability to do the math I regularly do, differential equations and multi-variable calculus. Even then I'll use Mathematica most times, because it's simply not worth my time to step through procedures I already understand and have machinery to perform them for me just for the fuck of it.

It sucks. I have the TI emulator for my phone (l-o-fucking-l that TI pretends they have some kind of right to say I can't use the fucking calculator I overspent on by $100 on my phone) that I use unless I'm at home or taking a test because it's so fucking bulky, but the physical interface on my TI is really nice. My only regret, other than the unavoidable stupid price, is that I got a TI-84 instead of an nSpire (which is only like $20 more for God knows what reason) because my university does all testing in a testing center, and the only distinctions it makes is 4-function/scientific/graphing calculators, so any test I could use my 84 on I could have used an nSpire on. They also perform no verification that it hasn't been programmed, which is extremely foolish but whatever.

Oh, and as a bonus, even though they don't check to make sure I haven't loaded my calculator's memory full of notes, they do require I take it out of the case and leave the case in my back pack in case I've hidden a note card in it.

>posting le epic reddit cartoon

Saw one at the materials lab in my uni. Connected to its printer.
Mired it for a while.

Teacher: buy calculator
Students: but my smartphone is 10000 times better

Maker calculator: $$$$$$$

>burger students have to take up loans to buy calculators

Enjoy getting cucked by your corporate education jews. Meanwhile in glorious Europe i was taught matlab and python in my first semester to fill all my numeric needs.

Either pay up or fail the class for not having the required materials, kiddo!

No competitor sells something better for cheaper, and people pay that price. Why is Sup Forums such shit with economics?

terrible post. fuck off

hah here in the US we arent retards so calculators are not allowed on exams.

I used wxMaxima as a calculator for years

Pay up piggies

Nobody else buys graphing calculators except those in school, mine is still resting in a drawer in my room.

Was that before or after intro to islam

>tfw I use an app instead of an actual calculator

The future is truly here

Too bad if your college doesn't allow it


>viscous cycle

It's basically a mandatory purchase for most students, so manufacturers get away with it.