That's it!

That's it!
I'm installing fucking linux.
Ever since I updated Botnet 10 to the last update like a week ago a process called COM Surrogate have been using my i5 6600 non-stop at 40%.

Other urls found in this thread:


I reccomend trying ubuntu or if you get lucky and your wifi drivers work debian/trisquel. Welcome to the free world.

I'm in a desktop connected via ethernet cable

>Updating your Windows
Your fault friendo.

Just go for Lubuntu. Is barebones but you don't need to rice shit my friend.

In that case if you want to be botnet free trisquel would be nice allthough keep in mide there is no propietary software in the repos.

If you can't figure out how to control processes in windows, then you're not going to have fun with Linux

Quiet! your scaring him away!

that shit is updating you are apps

(the backend of all the w10 app framework is COM based, not .NET (but has C# bindings))

Windows 7 master race

Try Debian 9, it was released just a few days ago and should be good for at least 2 years until the next release.

I highly recommend Debian with XFCE. Ubuntu is a broken piece of shit though.

Ubuntu and debian are both nsa's best friend though

Ubuntu yes, but debian? They go out of their way to deblob the kernal and seperate free from nonfree packages.

Just finished installing ubuntu lts, what commands should I run first, also how do I change my desktop environment and theme?

>sudo apt update
>sudo apt cache search (insert desktop name)
>look at results
>install the desktops you want using apt install

What are the best desktop distros? What are memes?

Debian and Fedora are best for stability and ease of use. Ubuntu and Arch are unstable. Mint is just decent but limited.

How do I increase scrolling speed?
Like scrolling pages on ff

>start out as a winfag
>leave pc on every night
>mfw windows spins the hidden like crazy

what about OpenSuSe/Gecko Linux

enable hardware accel in about:config

also enable smooth scrolling

Pretty Stable in my Experiences

>spins the hidden

you will find more tutorials and documentation with the other projects

i personally use debian testing with openbox

you lose some stability but you get never packages so its in between a rolling and lts

>put PC to sleep and go to bed
>it makes noise in the middle of the night as if I turned it on but the screen stays off
>this happens every night

try solus

t. notkevin

Is fedora ran by cianiggers?

OP here
What's is the best theme for gnome?

Fancy PSUs have a self test built in, and it is probably maintaining a certain charge in the capacitors and checking it. All part of the planned obsolescence initiative.

I installed fedora in a partition some days ago, and today it told it would update some of the packages. After doing that for what seemed like a long time, system broke and at start I get a 90%+ cpu usage on gnome-shell.

However I could pick the previous version of the boot, and that one seems to work fine. Still, fucking sucks, why the need for updates everywhere? Win 10 updates suck as well ;_;

Also how do I run a script? I need to run a script to install the amd gpu pro drivers but when I try open it nothing happens:

Never mind, just find out how

How the fuck do I install amd gpu pro?

sudo apt-get install amd-gpu-pro

Anyone here used O&O Shut Up 10? How well does it work?

Not working

get used to it


Reinstalling Windows 10 right now.
The year of the linux desktop will come until you fags start helping out the newfags like me.

Good, I don't want to spoonfeed dipshits who can't duckduckgo and read

did you try installing gentoo first?

don't bother switching to linux if you can't follow simple instructions or use google, the page you linked tells you what to do.

Hi, I'm linux newfag as well. Depends on the distro, in fedora it was dnf search (kindly pointed by an user in the friendly linux thread some days ago, thanks!). Look at the Sup Forums wiki on the sticky. If it helps, I'm still deciding on the best drivers for my video card available for my distro as well as the best way to install them without this thing fucking itself up, kek

Already tried this guide memeboy and it didn't work:

what part didn't work? you need to be more specific

You're a fucking idiot.

The drivers still aren't recognized as well as the gpu.
If I run
dpkg -l amdgpu-pro
Spits out

where faggot


haha you are actually retarded jeff no drivers for you next question

>too dumb to troubleshoot winblows
>thinks he can switch to linux


software and updates

dont fucking tell him you faggot let him suffer

people are spoonfeeding you up the wahzoo and you feel like it isn't enough?
I switched to linux 4 years ago and not once have I needed to ask on Sup Forums for help
kill yourself

buy a windows 10 key for 1.5$

Just finished reinstalling Windows 10.
The COM process is nowhere to be seem.
The year of the linux desktop will never come, stay mad freetards.

I don't have this feature on Win 10 LTSB 2016 please help me enable it??? I want a surrogate thingy to use my CPU cycles please help

if you knew how to read you could have saved a lot of time not uninstalling reinstalling windows
what a shit thread

stay MAD lincuk

keep crying linfag


>acting smug when he uses cuckcuckgo
>muh privacy
>trusting a jew with his information

>mfw windows doesn't spin my hiden


>tfw I paid for an official copy of Windows 10 only to install 7 with the loads of pozzed bigger cum meme program

Install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB it's the botnet without the botnet

Enjoy your ransomware faggot.

A wholesome reminder that microshit is cucking itself because too much money

>works on my machine :^)

are you giving up everyting so quickly?

The ransomware that YOU HAVE to trigger by LAUNCHING A SUSPICIOUS APP? Oh, don't worry mai friendo, I've some common sense.
Now go and kill yourself, thank you very much.

>not just sticking to Windows 7

>spins the hidden