Is there any way to tell if my parents are monitoring my internet logs? >staying with parents for a few weeks >my internet history is something that needs to be private >sort of suspected they might be monitoring me >logged into the router to check >router doesn't store any logs or anything (I know some do) >still use a VPN whenever I'm doing something I wouldn't want them to see >watching porn >connection keeps dropping >my room is far from the router so this isn't entirely unusual, but it doesn't usually drop multiple times in a row like this >try to connect again >out of nowhere it's asking me for me to enter the wifi password >panic >turn airplane mode on >connect again >doesn't ask me for the wifi password, just connects like normal >finish jerking off with no problems >wifi has not disconnected again since then
Am I fucked? My dads career involves networking and he knows a lot about it, so I'm extra paranoid. Even if he is monitoring, I was using a VPN, so there's no way he could see what site I was visiting anyways, could he? How can I test how secure I am? Also, no one else is home right now, idk if it'd be possible for him to even actively monitor my internet usage remotely.
Easton Hernandez
stop being paranoid and fuck you for killing a thread for this shit.
Joseph Wilson
God forbid some useless consumerist shitpost dies. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean no ones watching
Henry Walker
if you're using HTTPS he can't see what subsection of the site you are looking at, in other words he can see you visited but he can't see that you visited the tranny midget section of
Joshua Clark
Yes those are the exact symptoms that the monitoring software I installed on my sons laptop cause when I disconnect him.
Noah Edwards
How would he see? I want to see for my self it out so i can figure out exactly how much is compromised. Wireshark or something?
Michael Murphy
I'm on my phone, he's never had physical access to either my phone or my laptop so I'm not concerned about that, more concerned about packet sniffing or something.
Angel Rodriguez
If you are using a VPN with strong encryption, then your dad can't see what you're doing by monitoring the traffic. He would have to have spyware on your computer or a camera in your room to see what you are doing.
Tyler Parker
As for the connection dropping, does it also drop when you watch Netflix or YouTube? Could be related to the volume of traffic.
Zachary Cooper
I'm not sure of the quality of the vpn. It's an app called Xvpn. There's a nationwide filter on porn sites and it gets around that, so I assume it was actually secure, is that a safe assumption to make? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I know very little about how it all works.
Lucas Rodriguez
Hmm, yeah it does, actually.
Kevin Gutierrez
imagine breaking the law to view some fake titties on a phone instead of being social and fucking 3d girls.
Kayden Foster
Where do you think you are?
Evan Allen
You could try installing wireshark on your laptop, make sure you're in promiscuous mode, and start capturing packets. Then, with your phone using the VPN, visit Stop capturing on wireshark and search for in the packets. If you can't find it, it must have been encrypted.
Luke Russell
Also make sure that wireshark really did capture packets from the network and not just ones sent or received by your laptop.
John Myers
>promiscuous mode My laptop isn't capable of this, unfortunately.
Nolan Reed
That blows. I don't know what else to suggest. I guess you could download the xvpn apk, decompile it, and find out if it encrypts your data, but that's a lot of work.
Bentley Ross
Wireshark is a good tool. You'll be able to sniff your packets as try would be seen by an adversary. Try sniffing http, https. Look for packet location with and without your vpn to make sure it's all working. You can also try tcpflow. Just make sure you're on https and through a VPN, then you're fine.
Chase Richardson
> Good thing I killed a shitpost with my rule breaking thread! kys
Jordan Parker
Very nice pasta my friend.
Luis Howard
Thanks for all your help, user. One last question: I read somewhere that it's just the Windows OS that prevents/restricts promiscuous mode, not necessarily the network adapter. If I use Kali or something from a VM or booting from a USB, would that potentially alllow me to sniff packets?
Brayden Gray
I've never tried it, but that sounds like a good idea. I would boot from USB to make sure Windows doesn't interfere.
Christian Cook
what is your dad going to fucking ground you or something? i dont get it.
Jaxson Cruz
How fucking old are you?
Jeremiah Martinez
No, but I value my privacy, how is that hard to understand? Surely you wouldn't want to go give your dad a list of every website you've visited and every porn video you've watched, right?
Gabriel Sanchez
How about you stop being a faggot and confront your old man about the wiretap laws he's potentially breaching. Or, ya know, just sack the fuck up and tell him to get off your machine? Are yoy literally 16?
Jonathan Bennett
If my dad asked me for such a list, I'd tell him to fuck off and mind his own damn business. But then again, i'm not 17..
Mason Evans
Well, user. The whole fucking point would be to determine whether or not I'm actually being monitored at all. After that, then I could decide the next step. As it stands, I have no way of verifying anything. How retarded would it be for me to go confront him and it turns out my suspicions were unfounded? You act as if wanting to verify my privacy is somehow a bad thing. I don't care for your condescending and combatativr tone, how about you go fuck your self? Thank you very much, I really appreciate it man.
Carter Harris
what is he going to do blackmail you? besides if your lesbian pony futa loli inflation site uses https theres no way he can know what section of that site you visited anyways unless he's a hardcore hacker
Adrian Morris
Get back when you turn 18, kid.
Easton Richardson
>valuing your privacy makes you immature I'm sure whoever you take a dump or shower, you leave the door wide open, right? And obviously a big grown man like yourself doesn't have a password on his phone or computer, surely. Following through with your logic, you also leave the door to your house and car unlocked, and every window in your home open at all times. You're so mature user, wow very impressive.
Joshua Martinez
this thread belongs in btw
Noah Morales
Godforbid you're a fucking adult, not even your parents give a shit about you. You killed a thread for this bullshit
Easton Walker
I wish I could kill annoying faggots like you
Brody Adams
>There's a nationwide filter on porn sites lol
Sebastian Sullivan
>wiretap laws he's potentially breaching >his own personal netowrk >wiretapping lol get fucked. OP isn't entitled to shit. Since when are you faggots for arbitrary entities saying what you can and can't do with your network.
Jaxson Perez
>staying with parents for a few weeks
more like a few years.
Ethan Robinson
Nah man I wouldn't even be allowed to, legally. Once I turn 21 my visa expires