Meeting up with someone tomorrow to sell my RX 480 8GB for $275

Meeting up with someone tomorrow to sell my RX 480 8GB for $275.

Am I making a mistake Sup Forums?

You could easily sell that shit for $350 fucko

bring a gun in case he tries to run off with it

bring a friend
bring a gun
bring your friend a gun
meet in a gas station parking lot a 2 am

selling on eBay is asking to be scammed.

Plus $30 in fees and at least $10 shipping and I would have to honor a 30 day refund.

$350? He could make $500.

Fuck yes you're making a mistake. You should be charging $500.
Don't accept less than $400

Minerfaggots are the gold-rush idiots buying premium picks. Milk those idiots.

eBay doesn't show my card selling for that much anymore. The price trend seems to be dying down.

Selling for $275 cash is equal to around $310 on eBay. And I don't see them selling for considerably more than that.

Sold mine for like 350Eurobucks.
280 is too fucking low if your market has no rx470/80 or 570/80 to buy right now

Yeah, but I've had mine on Craigslist and let go for about 2 weeks and have gotten no interest in it.

Not willing to ship it?

Amazon would take a huge chunk of the money, and like I said eBay is highly biased to the seller.


I don't get why you're limited to amazon or ebay for shipping, but they again I'm not really sure how it works over there. I can ship packages over my post offices with almost any payment method I wish on the receiver's end.


You're gonna get shot.

can I sell 390 nitro for mining?
it should be same as 480 at it

if not for use of madvr i'd sell it now
planing on vega either way, hope fad doesn't die out this summer so I can sell it

you gon get raped

Since it's somewhat related what do you think my Asus Strix Memecard would go for?

I am having PFN_LIST_ERROR issues lately and i'm blaming it, even though it's probably my strained USB ports.

Ok guys, what im missing here.

The 480 isnt supposed to be 250€ msrp ? its not even a 580 and its used.

Should be sold @200€. Are you just shitposting?

>being this new/retarded


people are using amd gpus to mine cryptocurrencies. their 2nd prices skyrocketed recently.

if only AMD
just saw MSI 1080 for $1200

Yeah 480 might be good for mining but why the fuck would you get a 480 over a 580 and why an used one at 250 or more when it costs 200-220€ ??

HOLY SHIT, ok i just went to newegg and even french sites to check the prices, what the hell.
Ether is that good ?!

let me explain it to you
in countries with cheap electricity even 1080ti sold for mining because small bill offsets the returns

in countries with high electrical costs 570,470,580,480 and even 1070 are sold out

You don't have to honor it if you put no returns and make buyer pay shipping.

always carry clandestine pocket sand when trading cards. good luck and godspeed.

> April 1, 2017

No, definitively not. You could possibly get more but it's a good enough price.

It's hard to predict the crypto bubbles and other traditional forex currencies for that matter. Perhaps the bubble will last, perhaps it's over in a week.

I agree.

Selling for other than _cash_ is very risky in general and selling on ebay is specially risky.

Here's a horror story for you: Police broke into my home and stole all my electronics seemingly out of the blue in 2015. It seemed almost random to me, I had a real hard time figuring out why and what they were after. I knew cops are mostly criminals so I answered all questions with "No comment" but it was a pretty horrible experience. It turned out that someone had paid me $300 for some Bitcoin using a stolen bank account back in 2013. That was it. When I later looked at the scammers profile I found 20 feedback comments from people who had gotten similar experiences months and years later. Apparently they went to anyone who had got funds from that account connected to some scam and stole their computer hardware. This cost me a lot of time, loss of revenue and so on - way more than the ridiculously small amount I got by actually sending some BTC two years earlier.

Think about this before you sell anything on e-bay and sites like that. You risk getting paid with a hijacked paypal or a stolen credit card and it could take years before you find out.

>Apparently they went to anyone who had got funds from that account connected to some scam and stole their computer hardware.
uh what

we have small PC stores here that take anything off your hands for cash for a small market price cut

it's a stable way to sell old hardware, not as profitable as selling directly but you know nobody will fuck you with money

>bitcoins are anonymous they said

Update: He has a bricked reference 4GB 480, I'm gonna take that and $200.

I'm hoping the 1+8 method and flashing under do will fix it. Any other things to try on it?

Bitcoin's not the problem.

Some asshole went on localbitcoins and bought bitcoin from 20 people with one localbitcoins account and paid everyone using some stolen or hijacked (scammed) bank-account. Everyone who got paid for their Bitcoin with that account got a visited and violated by the Police. This could happen regardless of what you sell, doesn't really matter if it's Bitcoin or a GPU or a car. Never accept wire transfers as a payment for anything, demand cash. And as I said, this happened out of the blue two years later.

I wonder how those idiots working for the Police get anything done or solved at all. If someone steals a credit card and buys a pack of cigarettes in 10 different stores with it then it's just stupid to go steal the cash registers and random inventory from those 10 stores 2 years later. But the Swedish Police really are that stupid.

How do I get paid in bitcoin through a bank account retard?

Shit fake story, nice LARP

The people are idiots for using their personal bank accounts to accept a wire transfer. I've had bad wires go through for my business (corporate entity), and all the police did was call the bank. Thd reporting/policy/procedures regarding legal actions on a bank account is night and day when it comes to business vs personal.

I swear. Sup Forums users are getting stupider by the day.
>hurr durr muh may may
Fuck off already. Its bad enough things are falling apart.

You're gon get raped, shot and they'll find your head in a different dumpster from your body

This. Or he can memine 6-7$ a day.

he sold his bitcoin for real money u idiot