He doesn't use vs code as his ide

>he doesn't use vs code as his ide

But I do, user

Even Visual Studio is less bloated than vs code

>any year
>using any Electron-based shit
enjoy your AIDS

i do and love every second

You clearly never used vs code

VS code is not a ide, it's just a text editor

With plugins it can have syntax highlighting and a debugger

>syntax highlighter
very impressive

>autists actually believe this

lol wut

Not quite, but the bloat:feature ratio is really better in VS.

And a parser. And git management.

But that still doesn't make it an IDE.

>he doesn't use superior vim

>using IDE when SATA exists

Your joke is too good for this board.

what is an IDE?

>his ide makes autocomplete suggestions that result in incorrect code

Actually I use it for typescript projects when I need to adjust some frontend bullshit.

usagi a cute

Eyour mom

epic, simply epic


top fucking jej
[spoiler] I'm actually on a 40gb ide drive right now [/spoiler]

That's very cute user. You're a real cutie pie, do you know that?

Something that not only knows your code but also your project.
Think Mylyn or what VS has to delegate tasks to team members.

>calling it Intellisense(TM)
[picture of twentyseven-headed hydra puking.mng]