Windows 10 is a botnet and you can't disable anyth--

Windows 10 is a botnet and you can't disable anyth--

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t. microsoft shill

fuck off

Thats just the tip of the iceberg faggotfucker

>placebo switches
Unless you have proof of this shit working it's just another tinfoil attempt at muh security

t. anti microsoft shill

fuck oof


>implying it isn't placebo made by microsoft to make faggots like you feel safer

the only way is to block ips and domains in your router


What is WPD?

Why can't I find this on my Win10?

Both of u fatherfuckers
Fuck off

I think its a 3rd party program?

>Buttons to press, surely they do something!

>implying the switches do anything

Not sure how trust worthy this is

Hopefully more reviews will come

why are you even bothering to convince Sup Forums that you can disable telemtry.
They wouldn't believe it even it were true because they all suck stallmans greasy uncut dick

>trusting in no free software to protect against no free software

If only there were actual evidence of these things working

>the developers only have Steam links
>one is Russian
Seems legit
You should definitely use this software, OP.

They just do those things you could do via GPO and registry.
It's just more comfortable than doing this shit manually

Furthermore you could fire up wireshark before and after you click those toggles.

Network traffik will me significantly less than without switching those toggles.

I managed to run a Windows 10 OS (Education) that doesn't phone home during a single day. I don't know what happened after that but it worked for me

It's spelled "sageta," as "sage" refers to "下げる" (sageru), which is Japanese for "to lower." The past tense form of this word is "下げた." It does not refer to the plant, as many people still seem to think. Just remember that this is an anime website, and you should remember the rest.

>problem with russians
It is white white genocide.

>those who don't believe in the conspiracy are now the tinfoil hat wearers.

how is it different from Winaero Tweaker?

>not open source
For something that's as trivial as changing group policy/registry settings? I don't buy it.

Nice try user. A bunch of microsoft services don't respect group policy settings.
It is a well known, documented fact that if you block MS domains at the router level, the OS will shit the bed, trying to frantically reconnect to home base.

Yeah, because MS has such a stellar track record on these subjects.

False. Blocking telemetry and the botnet at router level completely bricks the operating system and renders it entirely inoperable.

Is there any report in this like ? Does it give you an error? Stop booting? BSOD?
Not trying to be a winshill, just curious

Ive seen no source proving the OS shits the bed when you do it

that's because it doesn't


It does because there's largely no big difference between telemetry servers and update servers.
At least stop shilling and tell users to suck it up, FB and Google already has all your info, but please stop pretending those "privacy policies" do anything.

wrong fake and gay, ive been blocking telemtry and i havent bricked my system

>still no proof

>there's largely no big difference between telemetry servers and update servers

I've had telemetry disabled with a third party program and updates disabled with group policy for a year and the OS hasn't shit the bed once.

Ok guys, fire up wireshark and prove me a flaming moron.


Why does Sup Forums get so mad over microsoft don't you guys have better things to do


Whats that graphical policy viewer called?

>not even stop
>he makes a thread because he can slow the speed at which all of his data is taken
I know windage are braindead retarded but seriously? come on

Burden of proof is on you, friend.

Not a single shred of evidence on that blogpost, but thanks for trying.


>these settings do something!
>prove it
>b-burden of proof is on you

what is Windows Cum Eating Instructions Protocol?

You claimed "the OS shits the bed" if you disable telemetry and you or another user claimed it was " because there's largely no big difference between telemetry servers and update servers.". You've still provided no evidence, yet you're demanding evidence of something that doesn't exist, a negative. The burden of proof is on you, friend.

I'm not the same person, I just joined this thread, buddy.

Dumb fucking mobileposter.

It has been shown that disabling lots of them doesn't actually disable them though.

I don't give a shit who you are, until you post evidence, you have no argument.

That naturally doesn't apply to you, though. We'll take your claim at face value.

>Guys, unicorns exist! I saw a blog post about it!
>I've never seen a unicorn before. I doubt they exist. Prove it.
>Oh, so we just have to take YOUR word for it. You prove they DON'T exist!

This isn't how it works at all, kiddo. You need to post evidence of your claim.

Had a thread yesterday where I was told if I opened Wireshark I could see all the packets. I opened it and asked them what to filter for. They just linked me to some news article, and I had to get the ip address of the domains myself (obviously these idiots didn't know how to do it because I asked them to do it for me and they were confused).

I then put them in and after 2 hours not a single packet was sent to those IPs.

They then moved the goal posts and said I had to watch it for 2 days straight.

Windows 10 conspiracy theorists are the most brain dead users.

This guy is right.

>This isn't how it works at all, kiddo.
Tell that to you.

Weird, you must have forgot your evidence. I'll wait.

When did I say anything about taking the other person's blog post as fact? I'm not that person. Reply to that person if you want to argue with that person.
Here is the post I am talking about: >I've had telemetry disabled with a third party program and updates disabled with group policy for a year and the OS hasn't shit the bed once.
Prove this claim true. If you're not the person who wrote this post, I'm not talking to you.

Also did this. Sometimes I can't tell if the posters on Sup Forums are genuinely autistic or if they're trying to get back at Microsoft by spreading FUD because their incompetence led to a blue screen or something.

Windows 10 is shit.

I don't see how someone is supposed to provide a years worth of evidence that they haven't bluescreened or crashed as a result of Windows. What kind of evidence are you expecting? A torrent of screen recordings of day-to-day use?

Wouldn't it be much simpler to demonstrate the OS shitting the bed like you claimed?

you don't use Japanese grammar rules to conjugate a foreign word used in English.

It's just FOSSnet spreading bullshit in the first place. You faggots don't even have data worth anything to functioning society in the first place. There is no giant datacenter recording you complain to strangers on the internet all day. If it was a giant conspiracy and not just basic data collection for product improvement. Your phone, your car (buss pass, we know), your customer loyalty programs, security video, debit cvard, tv, public networks you use are all doing it too.Some server software isn't protecting your freedom.
Possibly preventing the discovery of the naked kids on your storage drive, under all the subterfuge, this is what it has always been about right?

It would be unreasonable to expect anyone to prove years of continuous use without issue, but what can be easily proven:
>I've had telemetry disabled with a third party program
Show Wireshark running with next to no programs connected to the internet (you probably won't be able to get all of them closed) and show that there are no packets going to any telemetry servers.
>like you claimed?
I'm not that person; I'm assuming since he shut up, he has no proof either. You still made a claim, though, and that needs to be backed up.

>needing 3rd party software to disable your computer from tracking you

If all I needed was Firefox then I'd use Linux in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, Linux on desktop is still garbage.

So aside of knowing what fetishes i have and other stuff that facebook and google already knows, what else can i lose, if i don't put a leash on Win10?

you can't even download this program, you retard.


I'm sure everyone believes you now, without a single shred of evidence.
Are we done here?

I posted screenshots in the thread.

I posted links. I think this thread is over now.

just install linux, abp, disable all your social media accounts and route through the tor network to get to all internet based content.

I have never seen a link where they used peerblock and Spybot anti Beacon together.

>disable telemetry in settings and registry
>it still werks

>“We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to”,for example, “protect their customers” or “enforce the terms governingthe use of the services”.
They're not even hiding it now. Not to mention that Microsoft was the first company to join NSA's PRISM project. But hey, you can always choose to live a lie.

This is the closest to the scenario you're describing:

Cool, but where is the article where they use Spybot Anti Beacon and Peerblock?

An analogy to all those articles: You have a high chance get aids from having sex with more than 10 women in your lifetime! (condoms were never used)

What analogy? I've provided proof and you're being willfully ignorant. Nothing I can do about that.

>in4 some user made this JUST to brick your computer
Im waiting~

The analogy in my post. You have yet to show an article under conditions that people who claim to disable the botnet are under.

>The analogy in my post.
I understand that. But do you know what's better than analogies? Proof, which you're being willfully ignorant to. I never claimed telemetry was possible to escape. And you haven't provided any evidence to the contrary.

So where is the proof? Where is the article showing windows 10 successfully sends packets despite Spybot Anti Beacon and Peerblock installed and running?

Uh, I haven't been able to find one? But do you know which ones I was able to find?
And if you're so concerned, why wouldn't you do a public service and do such an analysis yourself, since you're most likely using Windows 10 already.

1. They're too scared
2. See above
3. See point 1 and repeat

It's obvious. But, hey, it's very unlikely anyone could stop random anons from living a lie.

I just installed Kubuntu and everything seems very laggy to me. Dragging around programs in Windows 10 used to be super smooth. Also, videos don't seem to run at 60 fps. Haven't had time to check games yet.
>Am I missing some drivers?
>Or do I have to just get used to it?

Why Kubuntu man? Go with KDE Neon or Antergos KDE.

I'm still very new to Linux. Is Kubuntu just shit? What do you think about Manjaro? Is it gonna be any better?

I hope these are helpful.

Yes! Sure keep telling yourself everything is fine user

God forbid you would ever have to face reality and... Brrrrrr... take responsibility for your own freedom :S

.... It's a word i heard long ago... Time to contine to fap.

But can i run 3D custom maid on linux (without any emulator)?

Make a Manjaro live boot disk and try it.
I'm just about to install Manjaro on my new laptop.

kde level options for how you want to be tracked. fukkin lol.

>Closed source
>Made by some Steam faggot
I'm good thanks

>implying any of those switches do anything
Post Wireshark captures or gtfo

That poster never provided evidence. This board is worse than wikipedia when it comes to circular reasoning and citation circles.

this, it's literally placebo

What drivers are you using?