-none of the drawbacks of firefags
- all of the advantages of chrome
Currently the best browser
Other urls found in this thread:
>not using multiple browsers for multiple purposes
u even trying?
agreed user
What "purposes" a browser has other than browsing?
Yes, upvoted.
An unbotnetted one for bank account
A botnet bloated one for normie stuff
Other for pr0n
>not using multiple browsers for multiple purposes
exactly. it's just a matter of time before the wikileaks style database is released tying all Sup Forums posts to users' real identities.
That's what the whole ekansovi.com exploit being placed on Sup Forums a few weeks ago did.
how many levels of bloat are you on senpai?
sorry, you say Im wrong or you agree with me?
>im drunk
Or, you know, use unbotnetted for everything.
bloated one is vivaldi
unbloated are FF with endless antibotnet addons, palemoon and comodo dragon
half of internet doesnt even loads
thats why multiple browsers
i haven't done that since i had to switch between netscape and IE depending on page compatibility
FUCK!!!!! Is this some kind of revenge on Sup Forums for getting Trump elected?
>with multiple, likely redundant, addons
i agree. Sup Forums should be browsed on a separate browser from all other activities
>firecucks 57 won't even have working vertical tabs
>uses credit cards
it okei
i just use opera
Why is this closed source (Yes, closed source) botnet being shilled so hard?
because the open source botnet (yes, firefox is a sjw-botnet) is even worse
Firefox is forkable. Vivaldi is a spyware at the core. Fuck off, kike
So this is...?
and all the forks are even shittier. enjoy your crippled cuckware lmao
Not the complete source. Go to Vivaldi forums
I'd pick any of them over that closed source spyware piece of shit that needs 24/7 intensive shilling to stay relevant, kike
why are you so assmad that someone uses a different browser? chill out, bro
Once Firefox will become good again, I might switch back to it
>why are you so assmad that someone uses a different browser?
Ask OP
>Yes, upvoted.
Get yer arse back to redit ye dumb cunt and never come back again!
>When you install Vivaldi browser (“Vivaldi”), each installation profile is assigned a unique user ID that is stored on your computer. Vivaldi will send a message using HTTPS directly to our servers located in Iceland every 24 hours containing this ID, version, cpu architecture, screen resolution and time since last message. We anonymize the IP address of Vivaldi users by removing the last octet of the IP
okay, I don't like this, but it's a small amount of information, so why not.
>Vivaldi includes various links to websites in the browser default bookmarks. Some of those websites are partners of Vivaldi AS and some are not. Vivaldi AS receives shared revenue from those bookmark partners. That’s how we are able to provide this software free of charge to our users and continue to stay awesome! We work to only include bookmarks that are valuable to our users regardless of whether we receive any revenue or not. You are, of course, free to remove any or all of the bookmarks, if you prefer.
So, they economical model is "companies pay us to be in the bookmarks by default". Not really a problem to me.
>Your browsing history such as visited URLs, typed search keywords and downloaded content are stored in your client profile and only accessible by your own action. Vivaldi AS has no access to this data. Your history cannot be shared unless it is by your own action.
>Vivaldi features a built-in password manager, which stores your login credentials for sites where you’ve enabled this feature by selecting to store your credentials in Vivaldi’s password manager. Vivaldi uses password storage frameworks provided by the operating system on your computer device and your data is encrypted if encryption is supported by the framework.
Seems fair.
>When you turn on Search suggestions in your Settings (Settings > Search), Vivaldi will send a request to the chosen search engine with the typed keyword in order to display search results. Privacy policies for individual supported search engines can be found here.
>Vivaldi integrates the Safe browsing API from Google, which checks the site you are visiting against a master list of known suspected phishing and malware sites. This feature can be turned off in the Privacy settings (Settings > Privacy > Privacy).
Disable that shit, tinfoil
>version, cpu architecture, screen resolution
What are those even for? They can check most popular resolutions via other means and code properly so that their browser works properly on every CPU lel
>"companies pay us to be in the bookmarks by default"
100% honest question - which browser doesn't do that?
> not using Opera with embedded WhatsApp, Telegram and Messenger chats on the sidebar
Well, you do have to admit that it's somewhat useful feature to normies, who don't use Opera. And it would be to me, if I didn't have Telegram desktop application already.
>takes half a minute to restore a (lazy-loaded) session with 100 tabs
>the ui is choppy as fuck
My current Firefox session has ~150 tabs in 4 windows and it takes a few seconds to restore.
The thing is outdated. Vivaldi doesn't collect cpu architecture or resolution anymore, but it does ping the home servers once a day with ability to turn it off being disabled nowadays. There was a little shitstorm about it because the patch notes had removal of opt-out named in some really roundabout way.
Holy fuck, I'm so mad about that update. It was so perfect before it.
t. loves to get his browser hacked