With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility amrite my fellow intel broskies?
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility amrite my fellow intel broskies?
Other urls found in this thread:
It gets better
>the new 2 thousand dollar chip that's designed to be Intel's flagship CPU doesn't suck
Wow I'm so surprised, thank you for this insightful thread
Mmm love them intel 1% gains
>Tfw I just noticed that was power consumption and not performance
Oh, AMD powerlettes btfo
But it does suck because it will either burn my house or force me to sell my house to even be able to power this piece of shit
Welcome back, Netburst
Free heater!
And better
Tom was redpilled
Guess Purch didn't enjoy having such bad publicity after the last shitshow.
I think this video does a good job of summing up why the CPU recommendations were wrong while also showing that it probably wasn't down to blatant shilling but just some numbers taken out of context.
Gonna give them the benefit of the doubt on this one since they seem happy to retest things after the fact. Even in the 7900X review, I was happy to see that they mention retesting the Ryzen results for up to date results. Good on 'em.
holy fuck
Have I got the solution for you!
Jesus Christ
>As for characteristics of the Skylake-X silicon itself, Intel honchos clammed up when we asked about die size and transistor count. The company believes that disclosing this information will lead to unfounded conclusions from its competitors about the quality of their chip designs and process technologies compared to Intel's. Only the paranoid survive, we suppose.
Reminder that these are the intel-cherrypicked review samples, and not what you'd get if you bought one yourself
So are we talking 1.7% levels of yeilds huge?
You need to get up to 12+ cores for the yields to really tank that far.
Genuine Intel mayonnaise
If these are cherrypicked and this bad, Intel's pretty fucked.
Not even the custom loop helped!
This is fucking worse than Netburst
This was at stock right? Overclocked it's a space heater easily reaching nuclear power station levels of voltage.
It's stock running on a compressor... Here's OC
Thread theme
reminds me of old Sup Forums
So is this new intel processor basically Prescott II?
it shuts down by itself
I still remember the Fermi housefires threads
Ever since I saw the clockspeeds of these parts I knew this was another Netburst, or Fermi, whatever you want, both are shitshows
You just need a compressor to handle it's immense potential, that's all.
>intel implemented a virtual jew into onto the CPU die
what a time to be alive
Is there any site where you could find these old threads again?
You meant this my senpai.
Thats my post on the right
>1-2% improvement
>turbo housefire
why intel
I want off this wild ride
So glad I built a PC on 6700k before Intel decided to burn themselves to the ground and AMD took over as the resident jew.
AMD will never jew. Ever. Even when they had market dominance they still kept their prices consumer friendly.
leaked footage captured from Intel's i9 launch event last night.
I was wondering what caused the Portugal fires.
>amd will never jew
>athlon x2 1300 USD
>sacred business practices
What does he mean by this.
>Opteron rebranded as FX
So kikeripper is also jewery?
>AMD will never jew
>Rebrand the same GPU for 4 generations
>never jew
Better version
So happy that I went with the E5-2699v3 and didn't fall for the muh 14nm meme.
>Rebadged Xeons are still pigeon holed by the same issues with high end Xeons.
>That being you can toss at many cores as you want on a die within reason, but you will be limited by the weakest link it's pretty much an Achilles heel in regards to Xeon manufacturing as opposed to the infinity fabric process used by the other guy. Using "other guy" to avoid Fanboi
>With infinity fabric WYSIWYG In layman's terms slap 2 or more 1700x together get a thread ripper, 3 or more you get an Epyc. you don't need the best of the best silicon to create it ergo cheaper.
>I'm sure there are trade-offs for infinity that have yet to emerge and when they come to light be sure Toms hardware will be blaring the trumpets and klaxons.
Whom is this ass?
More suitable i think.
Core 2 extreme 1500 dollars.
Memory latency shouldn't be as much of an issue because they are using quad channel.
>Ringbus of Fire
>tfw even your biggest shills abandon you
>water coolers need to keep up
Yes goy your water cooling solution isn't enough!
You're dumb as fuck.
> dat fucking ass jiggle
not limiting avx is retarded though... that's not a real workload...
>wowowowowow I can overheat my car while running a/c full blast in neutral with my pedal to the metal, redlining the rpms!!!!
you're a dumb fuck.
300w is ridiculous though... just thinking about that... that's a 290x... what does an 8 pin cpu provide for power and how much does the mono provide?
oy vey
fucking lol
goodnight sides
Uhm honey, racist much?
Accurate depiction of a 7900X in action:
What happened there?
Apparently Skylake-X exploded into our world much like Ragnaros.
Test runs of the first 7900X sample.
anyone cares to speculate the yield needed to detonate a i9 7900x and fermi setup?
the CPU 8 pin provides all of the power nowadays, the main 24 pin only really feeds board devices and the ram.
Hard to be sure, but each set of 4 pins (2 12v, 2 ground) is rated for approx 192W. So, 4 sets of them (2x 8 pin) is 768w.
Its why its not uncommon at this point to see HEDT boards capable of overclocking coming with another CPU 4 or 8 pin.
Madlad overclocking skylake-x to 5ghz
Babylake. Kabyrape. It's alriiiiight!
b-but muh AVX-512!
t. Linus Torwalds
kaiju inside
>use 280mm rad, with two premium 140mm fans
>CPU still hits 90c within minutes
>CPU easily pulls 200w+ from the socket
>intel claims TDP is still 140w
Absolutely hilarious.
>lets change bingbus with meshbus
still shit perf
>lets put MOAR cores the amd way
still 1% in many cases than a 1700
>lets increase the wattage the amd way
still same perf
>lets make BS pr about vr and gayming perf
still the same perf
>lets increase the price cause idiots will buy it
cant argue they do have idiots
Remove yourself.
No one cares AMD shill.
>cant argue they do have idiots
Not even Intel shills are dumb enough to buy their overpriced HEDT garbage in significant numbers.
>tomsshillware is an AMD shill now
ayy lmao
Sauce pls.
guys, I feel like I've timewarped back to the 90s. I love it
>intel is bring back the age of exotic and extreme desktop cooling solutions
Thank you based intel
What a disaster
229w on the fucking CPU
I'm an owner of a Fury X, so I know I can't say much, but WHAT DA FUG
Looks like Intel just stopped giving a magic fuck.
Which one went 4 generations?
The 7850/265/370 is the longest rebrand I recall
>Rebranded GPUs still compete with "new" nVidia cards
Now that's what I call THE TOPPEST OF KEK
>>tomsshillware is an AMD shill now
I thought I'd never live to see the day.
It's more like this was their only option. Their arch is spent in terms of improvements. 10nm on desktop is still years away. Their new arch doesn't arrive until 2020/2021 and may not even be that good (Apparently it's just x86 with parts chopped off to make it faster). They could either lower prices or go nuclear with the TDP, and they chose the nuclear option.