How many monitors is too much for you ?

how many monitors is too much for you ?

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more than two

two (2) is the sweet spot if you're doing productive work. 3 is too much


When my hardware doesnt support more

One is too few. Two is the minimum. Three is great. Four is perfect. Five and I have monitors being unused.

>even horizontal number of monitors
>bezel right in front of you
why do people do this


there is no such thing as too may monitors, faggots

Ive got two, I wish I had a couple of small monitors that just serve to hold smaller windows that I often need like pic related.

with 3 I already barely use one, mostly keeping task manager and other monitoring software, mostly stuff that I don't touch too much but want to keep track of

I think it'd be better if I had 3 monitors with higher res than more than 3 monitors

>I think it'd be better if I had 3 monitors with higher res than more than 3 monitors

we got so caught up asking if we could, we never stopped to ask if we could

I'd rather have 3 big screens than 4+ smaller ones

more than one that has a width of 2 meters and is bend/curved

Thats not what it says though

that's exactly what it says

Looks photoshopped/GIMP'd

3 if gaming, 2 otherwise. preferably curved and aligned such that both are in one smooth arc.

4 is nice but lately I've been flirting with tthe idea of 8.

In the office I have 4. Only 2 at home.

bout tree fiddy

You don't have to sit in the perfect center. Nobody is going to fine you for moving around, depending on where your attention is required.

I could find use for 3. 4 Is too much

Fuck you op. Now I want 8.

Jesus Christ user.

Judging by the p3 era gayming mouse, early 00 flatscreens and old keyboard, you must have dived in a lot of dumpsters.

One large high resolution monitor is perfect for me. Any more and they just end up being used for useless distractions.

I got three free monitors (with arm) and am thinking of setting them up. I currently have two so I would have a total of 5 displays.

It would partially cover part of my frames.

What do you think?

What all is required to even have a setup like that? 8 gpus?

Desk? Monitor stand?

>8 gpus

>implying your running this off of a one computer
Yeah, sure thing pal.

I feel comfy with just two, one being 16:10, the other portrait 5:4. I use the 5:4 for keeping chats, Sup Forums threads or music when the main one is occupied with something. So yeah, I don't think I'd have much use for a 3rd one, perhaps I'd split all that shit I keep on a secondary display between them. Maybe I'll get one some day for muh symmetry

4 is the max for me. I have 3 right now:
One for web browsing
One as my primary workspace
One for chat: teamspeak, slack, and discord
I could use another for having my ide and what I'm testing on different monitors.

just slap a lot of these on one pc

Are they mounted?
No such thing as too much.

i have two
one was given to me as a gift but i want to replace it with a 1440p one how do i kill it without it looking intentional? living wit the person who gave it so dont want to make them mad

I think two monitors are perfect.
Work on the left. Shitty movies on the right.

Are you me

all of them.

if they no longer fit on my desk aka 4


More than 1. Pic related, this man is a true genius and the most valuable Google engineer. He's like a God at Google and not even the CEO would go against him. He literally made Google what it is today and wrote/worked-on all of their most important software stacks. He's worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Now, notice something interesting:

He doesn't have two, three or four monitors and he doesn't have some gigantic TV screen that kills your focus and distracts him from everything important.

He's not distracted by having a phone out on his desk, because he doesn't use such technology as a lifeline like consumerist millennial do who'd literally die without their phone.

He doesn't have some bullshit meme mech keyboard with some special switches that were forged by elves in Japan from katana-grade steel and lights that emit perfect sRGB colors.

He doesn't have some tricked out text editor with million different features and colors.

He doesn't run some super-autistic Linux distro like Arch that demands you babysit it all the time, or a useless toy OS like Windows.

He doesn't have some DE with customized CSS US that you usually see in tons of threads on here.

He didn't even change the default theme, colors or the default background.

He can afford all that shit, yet he doesn't waste his time on it. Instead, he writes 100x more lines of code than you and is 1,000,000x more accomplished than you'll ever be. And he's infinitely smarter than you'll ever be.

So quit falling for fucking memes and quit craving all the latest bullshit that gets posted on here in these cancerous consumerist "generals" threads. Mark my words, and this is coming from a professional: there's nothing more pathetic than consumers who think having multi-monitor setups makes them productive.

that doesn't even look like a personal workstation. I'm willing to bet that just some kiosk computer in a lab somewhere. I mean there are three stations at that desk. Looks more like a school library than a persons office.

Fucking this.

Everyone I know who tries to learn how to program always gets swept up in this bullshit.

>user subscribe to 1000 different tutorial websites with me
>>They are all documentation walk throughs
>user I need another monitor to keep the tutorials on one screen and the code on another
>user you have to type using this exact keyboard
>>Whats the difference between that one and my $10 one?
>Mechanical switches and macro buttons silly; they are like mandatory lol
>Why are you not using this exact suite to edit your code?
>>Changes suites every two months

Just ADHD my shit up senpai.

>p3 era gayming mouse
>intellimouse explorer

is it june already?


We found the anime batman's lair

Dude I have been looking for this GPU for a while ever since I heard of this. Thanks for posting because this is certainly an interesting piece of tech.

The ideal is an ultrawide for the center, and regular extra one mounted vertically to the sides or on top. For multitasking.


top pasta

Two. I've tried dual monitor setup on three occasions and I just can't do it.

imo 3 is the sweet spot. anything more is overkill, anything less is cramped.

get out reddit

>windows 10
Go back to >>>/bst_reddit/

nice shop kek

i got rid of the screen on the left
i used to dual screen now i just use an ultrawide

he would rather replace the 3 he has with some that have a higher resolution rather than adding 3 more to the ones he already has.

Go fuck yourself.

did you realize you could lose as much money as you want with just one monitor, didn't you

5. I run 4x 16:9 23" panels at work (4 landscape, 1 portrait) and any more and you're fucking up your neck moving back and forward.

I like the idea of a 34" 21:9 and two 29" 16:9s in portrait on either side.

More than 4.

reported for hurtful language
safety squad of enterprise shills deployed to shadow ban you nigger

Two is too much. I've never found them useful. One screen is more than enough, so long as it's 1920x1080 or larger.

Again I never really understood the multi-monitor meme. Seems more useful to just utilize workspaces/virtual-desktops.


more than 3.

>crypto market
>lose money
well i am underperforming the market
only up 900% from the start of the year
entire market is up 1100% or something silly
>friend is up 4000% because he timed the ethereum meme perfectly
i'm jelly of his gains everyday

How much money do you make?

It's really only useful if you need to reference multiple items at the same time. Using it to multitask is a meme, but it's much better than having to alt-tab between an email and your work object the email talks about, or your editor and a documentation page you need, etc.


2 is a good number for work. 4 is ideal for GMing online games and fucking around with hobby stuff.

Sadly my new machine can only support 2


The more things you need to reference at once the more godlike it becomes to have more monitors

3 is ideal.

2x high resolution (1440p, 4k) for "productivity"
1x 1080p monitor to the side for watching 1080p media

Unless you want to convince me that I should be watching 1080p content on a 1440p screen.

I only utilized all 6 when i was doing engineering homework. other than that 3 were a portrait eyefinity setup


Serious question whats the best way to get more than thee 4K monitors on Linux? I mean with best driver support and so on.

Run Windows ina VM with your GPUs passed through. Acquire an X server for Windows. Connect to the Linux host via ssh and forward X.

no thanks

1 is death
2 is meh ok fine
3 yep this is plenty
4 ok I probably don't need that one
5 what am I going to do
6 I think I have a problem

well memed

t. frustrated mall security guard

3+1 is the perfect setup, currently have just 1 1440p monitor

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

The smartest guy I worked with was a linux admin (who used ubuntu) and just 1 24" monitor.

He took me from a desktop support tech and turned me into a proper sysadmin. I'm an infrastructure engineer now.

Guy was smart as hell, used to design transistors, he moved to systems administration and devops because it was less stressful.

4k monitor at home, laptop and monitor at work. More than 2 monitors for anything less than trading or surveillance is just retarded.

>inb4 neet "coders" get butthurt

Three was too many for me. I switched back to two after realizing that I am barely looking at the third screen.

i'm a programmer only got into the trading meme because /biz/ shilled me into buying ethereum in 2016
shit started mooning this year like crazy got sucked into some /biz/ trading discords and it's my life now
how much i made?
started with $6000ish at the start of the year times by 9 is how much i made
friend in my homebase discord turned $20,000ish into $900,000 this year noone who was in crypto at the start of the year has not made money, it's literally impossible, i was holding $400 worth of the stupidest meme currency and one day it was worth $9000, i mean it's stupid, once in a lifetime, everyone says bitcoin was once in a lifetime, there's been like 100 bitcoin like events where you could have made the same kind of money you would have buying bitcoin in 2010 or 2011
ICO's have changed business forever

I use three monitors at work. Two for my actual work and one just for outlook because that fucking piece of shit uses so much space and doesn't resize well.

if i had 6 thin bezel monitors i would not be unhappy, but 4 large ones would be fine, too. running multiple vms while coding and digging through docs and memory/network dumps would be much easier with enough screen real estate to not have to switch windows to the background. sure, i could do it all on one screen, but y tho.

When I run out of wall space / can't afford food

Why are you using military grade monitors?

i actually agree with this. recently switched from two 27"s to one 32". however, detail-oriented productivity definitely decreases with the dual monitor setup. looking straight on at one monitor cannot be discounted for any kind of color/video editing or even some stupid shit like gaming

>Instead, he writes 100x more lines of code than you and is 1,000,000x more accomplished than you'll ever be. And he's infinitely smarter than you'll ever be.

This is the part where I started cracking the fuck up

About three fiddy

>Why are you
to comfortably play Battlefield , duh

1 for VS code window
1 for VS output/debug window
1 for IDA/assembly output of VS
1 for foobar/chat
1 for chrome
1 for documentation/reference lookup

Daily reminder monitors are like cores IRL and they reduce context switching.

If you are so concerned for your frames move them to another wall

Id rather have a ultra wide than an dual monitors setup. If gayming would be heavy for my GPU I don't mind the black bars...


That part is objectively true.

>have 2 monitors
>it's great, use both all the time for muktitasking
>dislike how asymmetrical it makes my overall desk space
>buy 3rd monitor
>never use it for anything, it's a wallpaper all day

Does anyone else know this feel?