Previously In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a Sup Forums's perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.
To contribute follow the WORK PLAN and get programming!
WORK PLAN: 1. Browse the links2 source code (you can use Ctags or GNU GLOBAL for tagging functions and files). 2. Open API to future javascript integration (by an independent engine?). 3. Expose API and give (scripting) access to just about everything. 4. Create a scripting engine for every accessed interface (vimscript-like?). 5. Create a switch by profiles for incoming and outgoing connections (uBlock-like). 6. Create profiles generator for user-agent and canvas fingerprint, with manual option for the user-agent. 7. Give control over the DOM, use folders for each site to be manually edited (use a hierarchical structure to cover subsites). 8. Include cache/tmp/cookies/logs options like read only cache and local CDN emulation. 9. Implement a link grabber for every link available to be parsed by the scripting interface. 10. Work with the links2 ncurses interface to support simple tree style options for everything (adblocking and tabs in the future). 11. Implement tabs and add tree style tabs in ncurses. 12. Work in the tree style bookmark management with ncurses. 13. Implement a javascript engine. 14. Work in the framebuffer graphics rendering.
Remember when doing the website no web 2.0 bullshit, just a nice static javascript free web 1.0 website.
Ethan Bailey
just use ungoogled chromium fag no need to reinvent the wheel
James Rogers
Framebuffer compatability so you can run it without X is important for this project. Links has a variety of graphics drivers like drivers for the X Server, Linux framebuffer, svgalib, OS/2 PMShell and AtheOS GUI. This allows it to run in graphics mode even on platforms which don't have X Server. Links is a very cross platform browser, that's why it was picked.
Lucas Morales
netrunner is terminal compatible, different usecase
Samuel Carter
i like the logo
Jose Young
A FAQ seriously needs to be made because anons who weren't here for the original threads are starting to post.
Jaxon Diaz
i hope i fall asleep while jacking off
Josiah Gutierrez
Umm, do you have the copyrights from FFG?
Eli Butler
What's the best web hosting website?
Chase Watson
On the internet.
Also bump
Luke Murphy
for free? try 000webhost
Ryan Perry
Should a domain be paid for? Godaddy can give you one really cheap.
Joseph Foster
you get domains like for free. costs $1 .bit domains for zeronet costs pennies
David Gomez
"Netrunner" exists already as a browser for bbs you idiots.
Jordan White
> believing the project will actually take off beyond logo / mascot phase upper zozzle
> everything I don't like is reddit I've been here since /prog/, try again sonny
Dylan Garcia
Why don't we fore Firefox? Making a racist white browser based on Firefox would trigger thee fuck out of Mozilla diversity hires.
Daniel Hall
Epic post my fellow redditors, screencap this epic post because upvotes galore
Jaxon Brown
This project will never produce a single working program that manages to even do Sup Forums properly.
Jace Fisher
+1 for that idea.
Zachary Green
Samuel Wright
dammit boy this browser is supposed to be running without x
Sebastian Carter
Let's create a web browser using Servo instead
Jaxson Turner
Why not just contribute to konqueror?
Julian Gutierrez
Nicholas Brown
i'd rather see work being put into palemoon and/or netsurf than making yet another "not quite worth using" browser
Cameron Parker
It's either links2 or netsurf.
Adrian Gomez
i vote calling it "Mozzarella Führerfucks"
Caleb Turner
Because that's not the point of this project at all.
Michael Cook
hi i made a title logo and stuff
David Gray
What can Netrunner give me that existing ones can't?
Luke Richardson
Dylan Garcia
Luke Carter
Thanks but I'm already vaccinated.
Jace Taylor
Sup Forums presents lynchedcoon
Dylan Cruz
Not any of the previous anons but please end your life
Adrian Jenkins
missed a bit of blue under my wifes foot fixed now heres higher res too
Matthew Jones
WTF compiler is this? I'm not some Arch fag that puts any shit in the AUR on my laptop.
Leo Mitchell
ok my hopes are that this actually becomes a usable browser that is lightweight multi-threaded/processed customiseable beyond compare fast secure plugin supported or extendable for umatrix/ublock origin/privacy badger like plugins also provides portfolio for those who want to one day leave the neet life
Wyatt Roberts
Ethan Scott
>Empty repo, just plans >Sup Forums tier logo already done >asinine goals with nobody working on reaching them gee whiz will be this the first Sup Forums project to take off??
Aiden Rodriguez
Sure thing buddy, you forgot to ask for full on open-source flash replacement support and a translation layer to display flash content in framebuffer.
Jaxon Gray
>no work done after initial commit VAPORWARE
Carson Miller
Jose Cooper
Lets add support for GNU Gnash!
Gabriel Cox
We need to get the ball rolling on this
Can someone with a Trello account make a board for this? It'd be helpful to get the initial jobs up there so we know where to start
Adam Hughes
Here's a more realistic Sup Forums project >A console *chan browser with Sup Forums x features and shiet
Daniel Powell
There's a Sup Forums browser-mode for emacs
Alexander Evans
>Sup Forums decides to create software >someone makes a logo >????
Every fucking time.
Jaxson Anderson
It sucks and you can't even post
Nolan Nguyen
>Gnash does it support AS3?
Josiah Cooper
>itt people complaining that Sup Forums can't make software instead of helping so thay Sup Forums can make something for once
Connor Reed
I can't program and neither can 95% of Sup Forums.
Andrew Clark
./configure make
do a sudo chmod -R 777 ./netrunner
if you lack permission for it
Cooper Mitchell
>itt people complaining nobody is helping Sup Forums reinvent the wheel
Juan Lewis
Nathan Williams
post the original image of the girl pls
Nicholas King
Typo in the readme
>Writen in C
Caleb Green
>netrunner is ricebaby desktop thread compatible, different usecase
Dominic Cooper
>imblyign i want anyone from Sup Forums to have my ip address or email address. Or anything else for that matter
Nathaniel Cooper
>TODO: >- Create website.
This is why Sup Forums never get anything done.
Daniel Carter
fucking awesome! please make a tinycore8.0 package (.tcz) available when complete.
reminder that tinycore is the unofficial cyberpunk OS that runs exclusively from ram!
Cameron Morris
Why the fuck is your main repo on
Brandon Sanchez
why would it under any circumstance matter at all?
Jose Ward
It's a card game It's a Linux distro >pic related: pick a better name
Brayden Roberts
Let's get a headcount
Brandon Long
STOP using low level languages you dont even understand you weebs Fork this shit and you will have a small chance of success you faggots
Ian Lee
Here, but I'm a lazy ass so I won't.
Grayson Jones
this. Just because you can read C tutorials doesnt mean you can write something as sensitive as a browser. Remember toxchat?
Liam Peterson
I find that logo racist and offensive.
Elijah Wood
>written in Java >Copyright 2014, 2015 Uproot Labs India Pvt Ltd
it really writes itself
Nicholas Reyes
I find you racist and offensive.
Sebastian Harris
Stop trying to start shit.
Xavier King
i dont know desu, i normally hate poos but this Pajeets are onto something here
Alexander Morris
>13. Implement a javascript engine. I love how this is mentioned so casually when the reality is that it would require tens of skilled engineers working full-time to get full ES5 support and performance even remotely comparable to V8 or Spidermonkey. The latter is 500+k LOC, for example.
Logan Lee
I though Rust was Sup Forums lang.
Tyler Adams
Does HolyC count?
Liam Williams
Just like Sup Forums
Evan Young
>making a C browser from scratch in 2017 >with Sup Forums AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I worked on gtorrent and we kinda made something usable whilst our project was orders of magnitude smaller in scope. If you guys actually make something that works I'll be genuinely impressed, even though it'll be crashy as fuck because most of you probably can't C well enough.
But you probably won't.
Nicholas King
In reality we just use an existent js engine.
Nathaniel Watson
Henry Davis
AHAHAHAHA implying bullshit
Ayden Thompson
Here booooy.
Ian Mitchell
Why don't you just customize Chromium?
Dominic Myers
THIS Fucking morons I swear.
David Hughes
Please stop shilling servo unless you plan on rewriting it on C yourself.
Noah Perry
I wouldn't say this is too much of a problem unless they actually are planning on reinventing the wheel and not just using Duktape / v8 / spidermonkey. The main problem is probably that simple browsers like links2 and NetSurf were never really designed to have events hooked into everything and to have a DOM which is actually editable and not just a statically rendered page. Try making use of the "JavaScript support" already in NetSurf for example. It would probably take a lot of rearchitecting to do anything other than pretty much nothing or just displaying alert boxes when the page loads.
I think the funniest part of this project is:
>TODO >Browse the elinks2 source code (you can use Ctags or GNU GLOBAL for tagging functions and files).
This kind of sums up how nobody actually has any clue as to how they're going to go about any of this and nobody's even looked into the links2 source to see if it in any way fits in with what they want. On top of that they don't even know the name of the browser they're forking and think it's called "elinks2".
Connor Gonzalez
>c go f uck yourself kid if you care so much about meme languages and meme speed you should be using assembly
Jaxon Ortiz
This, noone here has a fucking clue what they're doing
Nolan Gomez
Much of what you say is true, but consider the TODO has been copied a gazillion times from OP to OP.
But we do need to make an FAQ.
Daniel Flores
>rewriting Rust code in C
Tyler Young
>"elinks2" >"writen" not "written" Pasta passed from hand to hand, yes, typos were made. Please be gentle.
Josiah Perry
I have enough, but unfortunately not very much free time