Even linusshilltips is BTFOing Intel now
Even linusshilltips is BTFOing Intel now
Other urls found in this thread:
Their PPD slide was complete BS, only factors in CPU cost and not motherboard/cooling, plus doesn't add in the 1700 or 1700X.
Who else waiting for the KIKERIPPER?
AMD doesn't really have to rush things as Intel's 12-18 core CPUs won't even be out for awhile.
>can’t even come up with an original skit baka
>gaming on a p.c.
holy fuck why?
>At stock
don´t be a Kike. Put a R7 1700 at 4.0GHz instead and see how the performance per dollar goes trough the roof
If you didn't notice the entire video was him acting like Intel sponsored this review.
didn't even talk about power consumption and thermals.
Others did.
Linus Shill Tips is
80% 20% Whether he should be posted on Sup Forums is debatable.
It is a fact however that:
- He leans more towards entertainment than being educational (even if it is 9gag level entertainment for retarded people).
- His reviews are geared mostly towards gamers and 13-year-olds rather than actual tech enthusiasts.
- He doesn't actually know much about tech beyond the level an average gamer knows. He is mainly a marketer and brand shill, rather than a tech(nician) or a tech hobbyist. A tech hobbyist is interested in much more than just the narrow gaming tech field. That is to say: His reviews of hardware are shallow and scratch the surface, and the same goes for software, because that is his maximum capacity and any more would end up with him looking stupid with every word (and he already has instances of speaking stupidity on the shallow level of hardware discussion).
I believe that banning LTT from Sup Forums would increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to the board's main topic: Technology.
I also believe that moving LTT to Sup Forums would also increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to video gaming since getting a bit educated on how gaming hardware works would reduce stupid GPU/CPU wars threads.
And how are you going to do that? I mean he is still talking technology one way or another, and Sup Forums is a palce where people buy consoles because of marketing speech and eat up any buzzword. They literally can´t handle any in depth talk about hardware, it's just the Sup Forums folks who like videogames that have to put up with the shit that Sup Forums is.(like myself)
Well intel did sponsor the review.
Unless somehow he bought his own review sample (golden chip, cherry picked of course) before they went on sale.
Intel also sponsored Tom's review, but Tom's, guru3, gamersnexus, and techreport absolutely shat on them
>They literally can´t handle any in depth talk about hardware
Which is why you move LTT there.
>it's just the Sup Forums folks who like videogames that have to put up with the shit that Sup Forums is.(like myself)
Which is why we excommunicate LTT threads from here to Sup Forums to reduce Sup Forums influx.
I know nothing about hardware but i've been following this Intel shitfest for a few weeks. My question is, will this really affect intel in any serious way? Meaning, the people who go chasing the last processor and worry about overclocking and all that are just the most extreme hardcore techies. Most people don't give a shit about that. So if Intel loses those hardcore costumers, so what? They still dominate the rest of the market. They'll lose some street cred, but nothing more. Am I wrong here?
>Sup Forums
haha lol
>i am a dumb faggot who doesn't have anything productive to say on Sup Forums so you also shouldn't strive to improve Sup Forums even if a little
ahahaha lol u mad
So what youtuber is Sup Forums friendly?
Me unironically
They should run their gaming benchmarks at a lower resolution, so that they won't be limited by the GPU.
>t. just came from reddit
Tek Syndicate
Any who is an actual hobbyist, in that they don't focus on attempting to come off as entertaining and instead focus on showing you all the details, analysis, tinkering, and physics behind tech.
If it's boring, it's tech.
If it's 9gag humor, it's LTT and by effect
>Sup Forums
you must be a real hit at parties.
>mixing entertainment and education
Do you go to a special school for special kids?
haha lol where the fuck do you think you are?
Not at your house, and your house does not represent Sup Forums.
user 1: "real tech discussions are fairly boring"
user 2: "you must not know how to socialize"
Wat m8?
Have you ever read a fucking white paper?
(I'm lol'ing at myself because your probably very young or your not really into the technical aspects of technology and come here for generals)
Socializing is done at social events.
Getting knowledge and education, and applying skills, are done with regards to tech.
Your prioritizing skills are that of a highschooler, and given how Linus looks like, it doesn't surprise me that you have something in common with him.
>"real tech discussions are fairly boring"
no they're not, you sound like a pseud
>wow i managed to stay up through the entire 10min youtube talking about new chipsets!!! I am teh smartz!
Yes ban things you don't like you fucking redditor
Neck yourself
I have a degree in CS and am posting from my desk at a tech company that you've heard of
>moving something to an appropriate manchild board is banning it
People seek to look entertaining to compensate for their lack of substance and literacy in the field they are discussing.
In that regard, you and Linus have something in common.
you should probably get that stick out of your butt
Wat? Shit maybe my lack of communication skills thwarted me once again.
I'm trying to criticize the user I originally replied to for implying that the inherently boring discussions (in the eyes of normies) tech requires, are linked to a lack of social skills (the "you must be a real hit at parties" comment. I brought up white papers to demonstrate that real nitty gritty discussions of tech are required to be dry.
I hope that cleared up your confusion.
Have a great day user.
>My question is, will this really affect intel in any serious way?
Nope. Despite Intel blundering hard here they still have the best product on the market.
Just because you are stupid, and people recognize you as such, doesn't mean they have sticks up their asses user.
If I was talking to an actually intelligent person, then i'd have a stick up my ass.
Go away, Brian.
That wasn't even the same guy you replied to
Everyone seems to agree you're a mouthbreathing mongoloid
>If I was talking to an actually intelligent person, then i'd have a stick up my ass.
I have a Fields Medal, dude...
And I reminded you that parties are one thing and educational discussions are another thing.
If you want to compare one and the other, then you belong on Sup Forums. They have their video game jerkoff parties.
There is definitely a market for low cost low power high performance 8+ core CPUs, and AMD will continue to gain marketshare over Intel there.
You mean through the basement?
>going to Sup Forums for educational discussion
>thinks he can call others stupid
lol irony
How much did it cost?
just some of the best damn mathematics I've ever done
>go to Sup Forums for educational discussion
>get some productive discussions going
>go to Sup Forums without any expectation
>become a shitposter and cancer
You seem to be the 2nd kind.
Why does everyone hate Linus? He created Linux
>>go to Sup Forums
>>get some productive discussions going
haha pick one.
Counting money is indeed hard mathematics,
especially calculating the return.
Linus has a faggot voice.
>>go to Sup Forums for educational discussion
>>get some productive discussions going
You must be new here.
for you, perhaps.
>i am a failure so others are as well
That's sad user.
>Sup Forums is srs bsns
Neck yourself.
oh man the delusion is physically palpable
i think you might be spending a little too much time on Sup Forums, kid.
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums + Sup Forums
One day, there will be a purge.
yeah i hope you get banned
The shiteposting white van of peace is here to spread the sidewalk with intelligent discussions.
This board isn't dealing with Sup Forums spill over. it's dealing with the fact that most people who want to talk about technology aren't educated enough on the subject to talk about it more complexly than from a "well informed consumer" perspective.
Which is why we get so many CPU / GPU threads about TDP, GHz, Core Count etc, because that's about all most of us can understand.
He wasn't that rough on them compared to some others.
Even just comparing the CPU, from what I can see the 10 core 7900X is only about 15-30% better than the 1800X while costing twice as much. That's worse performance per dollar.
Looks like someone messed up the slide and put the wrong label there.
It takes 3 minutes of Googling and 15 minutes of reading to educate yourself on the full specter of CPU or GPU components beyond just TDP, GHz, Core Count.
Yeah that whole graph is fucked, re-upload when?
that's hardly "complex" discussion. Literally consumer grade shit
Understanding texture computation units in GPU's alone renders half of GPU discussions retarded and graphs irrelevant.
Understanding cache renders half the existing CPU discussions retarded and graphs irrelevant.
Bus lanes, bandwidth, specific features, when everything is taken to mind the CPU/GPU threads become less of a war and more of a realization that there are deficiencies and positives on both side of the fence depending on featuresets.
Shit like LTT don't ever cover this but focus on the minimum requirement to keep flamewars fueled, and ignoring the important bits that may have people actually discussing shit and thinking.
They are though.
We can demonstrate this by having a talk about buffer overflows.
>not believing a fucking normy would think that discussion is boring.
>not believing 90% of g are normies
>Shit like LTT don't ever cover this
then hide the thread and move on, genius.
How will Intel recover?
Or better yet move the thread to Sup Forums because advertising YouTube channels whose purpose is marketing primarily yet don't produce any hardware or products, is against the rules.
Dunning–Kruger at work lol
I think we are argueing the same thing. Although you sound nervous or mad, and I don't understand why. Maybe you have the same communication problems I have, as you don't seem to have added any information to the discussion, but felt the need to post again. I however will add some, to prevent my self.from being like you. (because I hate you)
My right arm is shorter than my left leg.
This thread isn't against the rules dude
It is though. Remove the youtube link, the picture, and the "linus" name;
replace the picture of an Intel and the OP saying shit about Intel, and then we have a proper thread.
This as it is, is an advertising thread, thinly veiled as a tech thread.
Everyone should know that watching LTT is for fun, right? They make tech related stuff in a format that even average joe understands it. Not by using fancy words only familiar to those who work on tech related stuff.
I mean come on, he runs WINDOWS on his server like a fucking pleb.
What basis would you judge my technical aptitude?
My acknowledgement that technical discussions are boring to non technical people? Or my attempt to show that this is true by bringing up something that many juniors think is interesting until they read up on it and discover it's dry and relatively uninteresting?
I bring up this question because you must be able to judge my aptitude in order to determine whether or not I suffer from. The effect noted in the post I am replying to.
>They make tech related stuff
So if i start video game discussions on Sup Forums,
since they are tech related and the average joe understands them, it's ok?
>if it's narrowly related to Sup Forums, and the average joe understands it, then anything goes on Sup Forums, including discussing vibrators
Now it is, friend. :)
Watch someone die. hmmm.
Watch a child walk in on mother masturbating. hmmmmm.
This got out of hand fast.
>pierced nipples
Computer's run vidyas. And computers are tech.
Yeah you would be right, but vidyas are gay other than Dwarf fortress because there is no challenge to it and average joe understands the power of different components via gayms.
>including discussing vibrators
If you make one and create a thread about, then why not? There is a guy who bought a magic wanda stick just to disassembly one and make it portable via build in batterybank.
Also this is magic wanda I was talking about.
But discard that, I suck cocks lol. LTT does not belong to Sup Forums
YouTube reviews should be banned on Sup Forums.
Only reviews from review text articles, or reviews from anons, should be allowed.
Video format reviews are cancer and should be purged.
youtubers want money. money is not Sup Forums
>What basis would you judge my technical aptitude?
your posts
This is just an elaborate shilling tactic.
>feign outrage+faked lame humor
>actually promote i9 as a valid product
>Is biased in disguise
1:30> "we're still working together"
wat did he mean by this
>realised today that if I quit smoking and eating junk food and drinking soda that ALONE will allow me to save up £4k in ten months without putting any effort in
>could save up even more if I'm willing to make a few extra compromises
Probably going to get myself a nice Threadripper build early next year lads + peripherals + a comfy new desk and chair to go with it.
>intro about not being a shill
>still a shill throughout the whole thing
Need suggestions on words to add to the filter to hide these threads.
So far I have:
Can anyone suggest me anymore keywords?
>+ a comfy new desk
Go custom.
Measure the part of the room where you computer is now, or where you want one.
Draw on paper a basic sketch.
Draw the additional shit like drawers, cable holes, monitor stand/monitor arm holes (for specific holders which you can send a PDF or print of to the table builder so he knows what to set up and where).
Choose the material you want.
Always go custom with tables, at some table maker.
Forget pre-made tables.