/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Don't make a new thread, make your simple/short/stupid questions here.

Try to use a search engine 5 minutes before asking.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Alfa-AWUSO36NH-Wireless-Long-Rang-Network/dp/B0035APGP6/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1480757786&sr=1-1&keywords=alfa awus036nh

I have a girlfriend but I still like to do some cyber sex. Is it safe using a fake account on Facebook and Skype or is there any chance that someone could find out my real name/address somehow? Obviously, I'm not opening any files they sent nor give I any real informations about myself.
I'm still worried that they could get my IP address and then real data or so.

how do i fix my download being shit

i've scammed over 30 girls for "paid" skype shows in the last 3 yrs. nobody has come to my house yet.
you're fine

Should I use PayPal for my savings?

What are the risks of adding addons to the tor browser?

Hello, anons! Is there a Sup Forums approved VBScript e-book? I know VBScript and anything Microsoft is a meme here but one of my job requirements as a junior tester is to maintain old VBS scripts and I know barely anything about it. I guess I should learn about Windows objects while I'm at it? From what I've gathered a lot of VBS scripts rely on these objects. I'm probably wrong, though.

What are these things for? Are there GPUs that fit them?

Update LAN/Wi-Fi drivers. Or install older drivers if you have the most recent ones.

im studying basic tech stuff

Why is x86 refer to 32 bits? I am confised ._.

Why does my computer always display the BIOS splash screen on my secondary monitor when I boot? Is there any way to make it display on my primary? I've diddled with the BIOS and Nvidia Control Panel and can't find anything that can change it.

Those are PCIe Express slots, they're not made for GPUs but you can put other components like wireless cards, sound cards or some hard drives in them.

it doesn't, at least not directly

the "x86" refers to the architecture, as in "86"
starting with the 8086, then 80186, 80286, 80386 (first 32bit model), etc
up to 80686 (pentium pro+), which is the last one before AMD64 was introduced into the mix, adding 64bit support

"x86" in modern usage refers to 80386 through 80686 (or 386-686, it's common to drop the preceding "80"), which are all 32bit

as for "x64", that's just a microsoft thing, microsoft came out with "Windows XP 64-bit edition", which was for intel itanium, not AMD64, so when itanium flopped and they made an AMD64 windows instead, they couldn't simply call it "64-bit", as they had already done that, and it'd be confusing

Looking for suggestions on a monitor. Must be 144hz and 1440p. Will consider ultrawide.

However my stupid question is about adaptive sync (Freesync and GSync) - I used to have pretty bad screen tearing on my old GPU and used Vsync whenever not playing a competitive game, but now that I have a 1070 I don't have screen tearing at all or its very minimal and doesn't bother me so I don't use vsync because of the input lag. I currently use a 60hz monitor - if I start using 144hz will I start to get screen tearing if I can't hit at least 144 frames in games?

oooo ok thx senpai

It's 83F degrees and %50 humidity. My CPU temp is at 116 !
What do, is it normal for summertime?


shut it down holy fuck

Put new thermal paste on (after using rubbing alcohol to gently remove the old) and make sure your cooler is on there properly when you put it back on.

How do you encrypt CD or DVD so that nobody who has access to the CD/DVD can view the contents thereof without knowing the password?

burn a password protected zip or rar file to the dvd

Actually it is 105. I checked again. Is it still bad? I will buya fan for the room to blow at the PC.
I built it in November. Ith paste and everything..

i use this one and i'm very happy with it. it has g-sync to eliminate screen tearing, though i'm using it in ulmb mode (motion blur reduction) and i don't notice any screen tearing.

if you want an ips display (slower than tn, but has better colors), get an eizo. prepare to pay more, though.

I've done this before but I notice that the user can still see the contents of the zip file (such as the names of the contents) but cannot read them.

Is it possible to password protect a disk that has already contents burned to it?

105F? Isn't that like 40C?

>Is it possible to password protect a disk that has already contents burned to it?
i don't think so.

also, you'd probably be better off using an encrypted usb stick for sensitive data.

put the files you want to hide in an uncompressed zip archive and then put that archive in a password protected archive.

yeah, I am at 41 now. Google says it's fine..

Thanks dudes. The information I plan on storing isn't valuable or incriminating, just private.

What programming language should I learn if I want make native desktop soft.

that's idle temperature. you should start worrying if your temps go above 90C (190F). your pc is cool.

Disregard , I suck cocks and confused Fahrenheit with Celsius. You're fine user.


I can see why you felt terror.

Thanx doge! It seems fine. I opened it, all the fans work, the GPU fans don't even work atm (not running games). BUT I do use the stock intel fan with the i5 which they said it is pretty good.

Unless you'll overclock your CPU the stock cooler will serve you well.

try again

when can I buy a RX 580 for a reasonable price again

I've been waiting™ to upgrade for ages and now that I finally have the money the thing's out of stock everywhere because of some dumb cryptocurrency craze and cunts are selling them used for twice the MSRP

>a legitimate answer to a question is bait
Are you seriously this gay?


Yesterday I accidon my laptop on now my the second graphics hasnt gone to in the graphics panel, how can i turn it back on?

Is Speccy legit or botnet that vlogs your resources?
Good monitoring program?

speccy is a windows program. If you use windows, don't complain about things being botnet.

I need to get the steam email to my mom's acc. is there a way to find it? If I get the email, I should know the password. I seem to not be able to remember her password to her acc.


nvm got it Sup Forums

I'm pretty new to programming and was following the Learn Python The Hard Way book, I'm nearly done but for some reason I can't get nose to work on fedora 25? I've made my project skeleton but whenever I use nosetests in the the skeleton directory It Always says Ran 0 tests in 0.002s.
What am I doing wrong?

Will this


fuck up my computer?

I'm going to usc in the fall for their comp sci games major and it seems like I need a laptop for the classrooms, what are some good laptops for programming and game development? I don't think I'll be gaming on it but I imagine the hardware will need to be decent for testing purposes.

I want to back up my files, I use Linux/Windows dual-boot on the same system. I also have a 5TB Toshiba external HDD unused.

What is the best way to 24/7 backup files (or at least when my desktop is powered on)? Should I build a cheap server PC with 2nd hand server parts?

Contact the department directly and ask them what they consider to be acceptable specs for an incoming freshman's system. Then assume that's a minimum.

Makes sense, alright thanks for the recommendation.

Is there any significant difference between RAM at the same frequency?

How do I make windows think my generic crap joystick is a x360? I only found solutions for official controllers

HW id is VID_0079&PID_0006&REV_0107

Asking again

Is there an Android emulator that lets me change CPU allocation to less than 100%? Nox doesn't have an option to do this.


nice ip brb haxoring

My routers wifi is blinking all the time, even when no one is supposedly using it. There are no suspicious mac addresses registered, could someone else be using it?

I burned a win PE rescue environment CD so as to be able to restore a macrium image once i've created it on another HDD. However there's no file explorer listing the drives/programs and such, just a cmd. How to fix? Do i have to burn it again with a 3rd party explorer baked in?

If I download the W10 ISO from Microsoft's website, can I put it and boot from a USB drive without erasing it?

what's wrong with the cmd?


This is an advanced stupid question
Mostly, I'm asking so I don't have to boot up my Leenux... that would be an easy way to fix it but I'm lazy and want to do things the hard way.

So, this zip disquette won't allow Windows 7 to mount it in any way. GNU/Linux mounts it fine, and it's formatted NTFS viewed through GNU/Linux.

Simple problem. I want to be able to fix it through Windows, but I can't see any way without formatting it.
If there's no solution, I'll accept that and go fix it with GNU/Linux.

So all I need to do is download the ISO onto my drive and I'm ready to go? Thought I had to erase it and use their tool

I tried to include freeCommander XE Portable in the mounted iso so i could burn it again but the site is down. Anyone have an alternative mirror?

Ok so here's what's up
I recently installed Arch Linux and have gotten kinda used to it over the past few weeks.
So yesterday, I go to an autistic Sup Forums related flash requiring stream
Mind you, I use firefox and dont have pepper-flash instled, rather the adobe package from the official repo

So said stream had neither video nor sound, after refreshing a bunch of times and tampering with js permissions I got it to run video but sound was dead
I checked for ALSA priorities, correct output and all but no fucking sound

So i said fuck it and went to grab a beer, by the time I was back sound was working perfectly well.

What did i do so right?
Did it just bug out on me?
Anyone have an idea what that was about?
I still can't get it to work on a 100% basis

The user who said yes is most likely trying to bullshit you, or is stupid.
Mechanically, to make an ISO work as a boot from flash device, you need to format (a partition on) the flash device as iso9660 (or UDF? not entirely sure) type for a motherboard(?) to be able to read it as an ISO.

If you just drop an ISO file inside an already formatted and used USB disk, you're going to be shit out of luck.

To explain in layman's terms,
Download Rufus, or any other "iso flash disk burner" utility (rufus is tried and tested - not sure of any controversy lately, if there IS any), and create a bootable flash drive with that utility.

The flash drive will have to be clean, or be cleaned by Rufus. It has to empty the drive entirely. You cannot recover data from it. Make sure you store your files somewhere else.

A few questions to help you solve yours.

1. Did you use an automatic installer for Arch?
2. Did you install regular firefox?
3. Did you at least try pepper-flash - or, perhaps, gnash?
4. Did any other users have problems with the stream?

My thoughts:
Either your network may have been shitting itself, Adobe's flash sucks through Firefox (I think flash is just starting to get wholly deprecated in general), or you have special Firefox configurations going on in the background that may conflict.

Please update me with responses so I can help you.

My grandmother still uses AOL for her email
My uncle works in accounting and he helps other family members with taxes and things
this morning he received an email from her account
asking some financial questions and telling him to wire money
I logged into my grandma's account just now and found the emails there all opened and she hasn't opened any of them
Someone else probably found her password, but if we just change the password will it lock whoever else out?

As soon as I start a torrent, "service host local system" starts to download something too, it eats 1/3 of my bandwidth.
It only stops when I pause the torrent, It can't be a coincidence.
How do I stop this shit ?

didn't see the linux thread so I'm dumping this question here.

I'm using xfce and the compositor with sync to vblank enabled still has tearing. what's the go-to solution to get rid of it these days?

Are there any particular reasons my Memory debug LED might be constantly on but my ram is fine?
>memtest clean
>xmp on or off, no difference.
>different dimms make no difference
I have a windowed case, and it's the only LED in my system so I find it really annoying.

Alright thanks for the warning!

Is it going to format it as NTFS? I guess I could just back up everything on it, but I need to use it on different operating systems

My suggestion is to buy a new USB drive, or find an old one kicking around and format that.
If you need to use it once, then back up, use Rufus, (which does it automatically and will probably format FAT32 or exFAT) then throw the stuff back onto it.

Preferably, find an old USB drive to use for Win10 ISO. It's your best option, probably.

Actual stupid question here, how can I know what chipset a non booting laptop has? Im a fucking idiot and tried for days to boot Win7 PE from the usb port without realizing it needed the chipset or something like that drivers (boots fine from DVD), basically whatever usb device is plugged is simply turned off during the boot process, and it never boots properly. I thought Windows included basic drivers for this but seems im wrong. The laptop has USB 3.0 ports but I thought it would fallback to 2.0 mode but no luck.

Best email client for Windows 10?

Change password and recovery email,and recovery questions

Do a good security sweep on her computer for malware and or other threats

Stupid questions belong her anyways - use compton as the compositor.

Two questions.
1. Can you get into your BIOS?
2. What is the make and model (brand) of your laptop?

That's quite a stupid question - first, tell me what you need. Secondly, I'll give you a link to a decent client:
If you tell me your needs in an email client, I can determine a fairly optimal one for you.

1. manual install
2. yes
3. no, only flash package is the adobe "official" one for NPAPI
4. noone else had stream problems

network was working perfectly fine, could easily run a 2k youtube video on a second tab
I have some configurations on ff such as noscript that could've tampered with this, although I didn't change any permissions

Did... you at least try disabling noscript on the website?

thunderbird is the only acceptable email client

>mount in the OS that isn't a faggot and will actually mount the drive
>pull all files on to hard drive
>boot into Windows
>format drive
>put everything back

ofcourse i did, only had google syndication and the like disabled

Most I can get is that firefox' adobe is buggy af and it's probably out of non-security updates for like 4 years now
I think they're pulling even those from the market in 2018

I've got a few around the house, unfortunately I can't confirm if they're USB 2 or 3.. Does it make a significant change when I install?

>1. Can you get into your BIOS?
Yes, booting order is set like
>usb/external device
>internal DVD
>internal hard drive (broken, thats why im trying to boot externally)

>2. What is the make and model (brand) of your laptop?
HP ay021-la

I will
Also new info
we have a bank way in another state which was where they were asking the money be wired to
We're gonna report it to that bank
Also they sent the first email to that uncle based on something my grandma had said in a phone call that day
Also they speak in broken english in most of their emails

you're wrong, it is possible to make a windows installation media out of a usb drive without erasing the content already on it

There's probably going to be another restocking in a couple weeks. You might get lucky, but I wouldn't count on it. Best case scenario, miners will stop buying Polaris and focus on vega after it comes out.

My desktop has become significantly slower than my laptop when it comes to loading webpages, and often times out when I'm solving captchas. I can only assume that this is because of the usb wifi I use for on my desktop. I'm currently using this:

The thing I don't understand is how it has gotten slower over time. Both the laptop and desktop are clean installs of Lubuntu (I threw Windows on both of them so I could dual boot, and just re-installed Linux alongside afterwards), so it's not like one browser has more in it's cache over the other.

With Windows, I can use this USB wifi (pic related):
And it's blazing fast, comparatively. But unfortunately doesn't work with Linux.

Should I buy a new usb wifi? Can someone recommend me one that's compatible with Linux?

Does anyone know where I can get reference design GPUs in Europe? I need a fucking card with rear exhaust cooling.

Wasn't that stupid. I'll just use thunderbird.

This is correct but it's a bit hard to do for someone who has to ask if putting the iso on it is enough. And pretty sure it has to be formatted as ntfs so if it's not he'll have to eras it anyway.

amazon.com/Alfa-AWUSO36NH-Wireless-Long-Rang-Network/dp/B0035APGP6/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1480757786&sr=1-1&keywords=alfa awus036nh

even if it's not a suitable filesystem, one can resize the existing one and make a new partition for the windows installation files, without touching the existing files
but yes, probably beyond a winbaby

Yeah, I knew that was the easy solution. Don't worry, I'll do it. I'll do it immediately, as of right now - but if anyone else knows how to use Windows 7 to effectively recover partition data from a GNU/Linux-touched USB, that would be interesting and worthwhile. However, that probably isn't the case.
Thanks for the response, either way, friendo!

What I'd honestly suggest, is to find the source of the stream, and try to configure MPV to run it. Run MPV along the side with the videostream, still use the website (probably block the element of the stream itself [and write down the actual source of the stream so you remember it!] so the bandwidth isn't doubled but you can still chat) for chatting, I guess.

Kind of just use two programs to... get that experience. MPV and Firefox. I think that's the best way to fix your problem. If anyone else has a better way, I'd wish them to help out as well.

Ah, you're trying to boot it through USB? On some kind of external hard drive?
Also, the only results from that make is all in... Spanish, for some reason.
I'll do some further investigation.

Sure, partitioning, but that's presuming the guy has any space left on the device. I was assuming the most common thing.

To format a question stupidly is the inherent stupidity I was bringing to light.
"What email client does most of Sup Forums use?" or, "What email client would you recommend (for general use)?" would both be questions less stupid by a marginal amount.

Exactly - it would be terribly impossible to partition and format the partition without damaging data on the drive already. Especially since the drive would most likely have a "big-as-the-drive" partition.

My kernel is 4.8, should it still be okay?

use pci wifi instead. usb wifi sucks.

Question: does your machine have an internal networking capability? As in, can you install an actual networking card internally?
USB networking device is not my recommended solution to PC networking, in general. It's acceptable for laptops that have inherent garbage networking cards - but in a PC, you have much more capability for networking.

So i managed to burn the freecommanderpotable into the root directory of the windows PE CD but when i switch to X: in cmd it doesn't show the folder at all? Also a bunch of files are not shown either

Not really, if you weren't a faggot you would've replied with your preferred client. I.E. the other reply I got.

I gave you a link to Thunderbird, you audacious cunt.

is blowing the dust out of my tower every 6 months regular enough?

raid 1 configuration, friendo. make sure both of your drives have at least similar speeds

And you put your extra two cents in with it.