What mail client does Sup Forums uses?

What mail client does Sup Forums uses?

I always used Thunderbird, it just werks.


I tried KMail when I used KDE, and it was quite good. However, Thunderbird does seem to be the best on Linux and Windows. Apple's Mail.app wasn't too bad either.

I used to use Thunderbird, switched to kmail went I went KDE though and it works so much better

Sup Forums uses gmail, obviously, Sup Forums has shit taste

i use claws-mail personally.

Gmail just werks
You guess

KMail if it's preinstalled, Thunderbird otherwise. For what I need, they're equivalent, although I'm starting to like KMail more.


I use Outlook.

How can you live ?

for work, r-right

Opera Mail

Em client

Thunderbird, but it's a bloated piece of shit. I'd like to switch, but I don't know what to. I thought about mutt, but I'm kinda lazy to set that up.

The kool one, obviously.

gnome mail
it came preinstalled so why not
it does literally what every other client does, no need to get autistic over them


>mail client

Regardless of the year it's great for multiple email addresses from different providers. Plus it gives me desktop notifications and the ability to read and respond to email without an Internet connection.

This piece of shit broke with the last update. I can't make my folders (gmail) display after the update.
>inb4 gmail I need it for werk
So what can I replace it with?

Thunderbird is perfect. It does email, RSS, and my calendar.

Thunderbird has a calendar?

Lightning addon

Thunderbird, too dumb to do pgp on anything else.

the best



>been using thunderbird since i got my first PC
>nice and clean, easy and to the point
>mom gets cheap office licenses from the office
>install the whole suite
>try using outlook for a few days
>it is so overencumbered and bloated i switch back to the free alternative

I use Facebook


Integrates nicely with owncloud/nextcloud contact lists, calendars and task lists. It seems to be more stable than Thunderbird (at least on arch)

>blah-blah I'm mature blah-blah

I've heard some people have communication needs beyond dick pics through Snapchat.

What the fuck are you on about? I was just listing practical advantages of using a mail client over web mail.

Why does POP3 still exists, Sup Forums?

Didn't Mozilla abandon Thunderbird? Is it still being developed?


Mailx sometimes

>Didn't Mozilla abandon Thunderbird?

>Is it still being developed?
Last time I checked no, it's not. Basically they say it's as good as it gets and needs no or very little development other than fixing occasional bugs.


They still work on security and fixing bugs, occasionally.

Mozilla was just mad because as we all know they went full retard a few years ago, so they don't know what to do with it. That is: how to fuck everything up trying to reinvent the wheel, as is typical these days, you just throw what works in the trash and come up with something new because somehow you'll die if you don't meme enough in a given allotment of time.

It's just a fucking mail client, by now "new" is pretty much synonymous with "bad", MOST of the time.

I use my phone for emails since I can easily not check it for weeks and don't care about any notifications on that device.

Solmail on android airmail on mac

you posted it

Just what they should've done with firefox.

me too, thunderbird
but at the same time I kinda hate it
feels clunky
addons I used stopped working
interface seem to be stuck in 2005


Emacs + mu4e


This nigger gets it

American connectivity is so shit that POP3 is genuinely preferable to IMAP.

>desperately download via POP3 in 10 minutes internet is available
>take rest of day to write pithy and clever put downs
>desperately upload with the 4pm connectivity window
>not one server timeout error

Comfy af @ the dmv

Thunderbird's alright I guess. Had an issue where it would keep downloading the same messages over and over again, causing a shitton of unnecessary SSD activity. Had to delete some file somewhere to fix it, but otherwise good. Compact them folders.

Apple Mail because I'm a macfag and it came with my computer.

Thunderbird for desktop, K9 for mobile, mutt for terminal

I'm currently weaning myself off the Google teat and I've been using ProtonMail as my primary email while I get everything switched away from my Gmail account. I love k9 for my phone's email client but they're still not compatible with ProtonMail. Have you heard anything about them getting that compatibility?


Haven't heard anything yet, but Gmail is pretty much the last google teat I suckle at

Yeah that's my last Google hurdle too. I've used it for more than 10 years now and it's an absolute bitch to try to switch everything away from it. I've been going through the process of actually deleting my entire Google footprint. Over the last year it's just really come into focus for me how much companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc all spy on you and I want out of the matrix.

Outlook 2010 was the last good Outlook.

>The best

I connected my account to my laptop (Windows 10) and got locked out.



Fight me about it, mutt users

recommend for windows senpai

>I want out of the matrix

Good luck with that. You'll never be able to know 100% that you're safe from someone other than the Feds spying on you.
I've welcome our Google Overlords



to delete mail from mailservers when you read it, protecting your privacy better than smtp which just duplicates it


Yes, the self destruct mode in KMail is a bit of a downer.

Claws is not a bad choice.

Thunderbird/Lightning + radicale server
>all auto synced to my phone without any cloud bullshit

>thunderbird and lightning
>very very frightening me!

Outlook 2010 at work and Outlook Web App at home.


Thunderbird + eningmail

Sylpheed, just works and is lightweight.