What is the thinkpad of mobile phones?
Pic related: It was this about a decade ago
What is the thinkpad of mobile phones?
Pic related: It was this about a decade ago
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It still is.
Retro nokia thread too?
Who still uses one?
OK but focus more on current jizz
Mah fone is also a laptop
Mah nigga. I have E75 for muh keyboard.
Moto X2
I can load a google
Fuck off cunt, this shit heats up like a turkey on thanksgiving
a bunch of E7's were being tossed out at my job, I rescued a couple because that flip-out keyboard just screams BUSINESS
I love any phone with a flip out keyboard.
So fucking businessey
Modern smartphones are so sterile, boring.
I have a htc m8 which does all the modern stuff well but they all look the same. No more exciting designs.
just imagine the possibilities if iphone didn't pop out and Nokia survived until 2017 without Microsoft.
Bump. Interesting subject.
how's ur m8 m8
It's fantastic at what it does. Picked it up for peanuts in immaculate condition. It's never let me down.
Just think of the crazy designs...
Just screams autism mate
you should... you know... get a life, smartphones are just tools, why would you want them to be "exciting"?
Yup, gotta find a phone which is
Boring and plain
Built like a niggers cock
Capable of lasting for a decade
Immune to drops, sledgehammers and water
Big enough to act as a secondary dildo
IBM thinkpads are old Nokias
Lenovo thinkpads are Moto
oy vey i had one of those
it was proper shit because i had really bad connectivity where i lived back then but boy was i the coolest man in the neighbourhood
Mobile phones have always been different than laptops.
Mobile phones have predefined use and limited resources, where laptops does not have a predefined use and the resources is less limited.
I would define a good phone as:
sturdy, fast software and relevant features.
The best phones I have used was sony erricssons.
They had multiple alarms, the alarms could turn on the phone (and the phone always turned off before the battery was completely drained, meaning you never missed an alarm.
They only had imap email that probably wasn't encrypted and the calendar didn't sync with anything, but the calendar system was really good, much better than the android calendar.
Everything was keyboard based and the keyboard was good.
If there was a modern equivalent, I would pay a lot of money for it.
Wonder what's the most non normie phone.
s4 active
Have used mine without a case since I got it when it came out, thrown it against the corner of the door, dropped it however many times, etc. Still doesn't have a scratch.
The iPhone was a decade ago, that was 20 years ago
You just posted it
Nokia 6 is the Chinkpad version.
Which actually works and is reliable so i guess P50?
what's the thinkpad of android devices?
chinkpad op
apologies for your misfortune of being deprived of the pleasure derived from the incredibly satisfying snick slickety click of a samsung u900 keyboard's slide action.
not a smart phone but cool and shiny as all heck and touch screen for the nav menu... not buttons like on the phones of peasants back then.
didn't have to deal as much with awkward pocket dials with buttons though
oops this phone,,,
Nokia N900.
Anything that's designed like a Blackberry phone.
chinese botnet
Old ThinkPad, the Bold 9900.
The new ones, the Classic.
I'd say the oneplus One ain't bad.
I have it for 2 and a half years now, LineAge os.
But there's no real good phone today.
I wish I had a phone with blackberry features, that I could root too.
And also had the ability to be somewhat modular(atleast be able to change camera and battery, can't believe now days battery is unchangeable in most.)
everything is a botnet if you keep your internet constantly turned on.
Literally this, you turbonerds
>runs linux
>pretty sturdy construction, except for the usb port :(
was just about to post this
N900 is the ultimate Sup Forums device
either what says or if you want something more modern, Nexus older than 5X or a Motorola of some sort
I have a Xiaomi phone, it's a cheap plastic piece of shit. Decent value though.
>it's a cheap plastic piece of
how old is it lmao, ever since the redmi 3 series they've been metal
Samsung s3.
Support for many custom roms.
I bought it less than a year ago. Not sure if a metal back would make it any better though, the whole thing is flimsy and poorly made, the camera protrudes at an odd angle, the charging port is weak, the screen creaks slightly, it heats up like a motherfucker, etc.
congrats on buying one of the worst Mi phones
It works fine.
>not s5
>buys the worst phone, clames it is horrible quality
>"it's fine"
I also said it's good value. The hardware is pretty much identical to a Note 3/4, and it cost me less than half as much. Thus proving two points, Xiaomi doesn't give a shit about the construction of their phones (or at least most of them), and that the phone I bought is good enough while being a piece of shit construction-wise.