What are you doing with your 20$ paperweight?

What are you doing with your 20$ paperweight?

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Streaming torrented shows and playing N64 and snes games


literally nothing


I use it to store vibration profiles that I later sync with my dildo

I was using my SBC to read a Btrfs-formatted drive on OS X, now I've got the computer that drive connects to back running so I don't really have a use for it, might set it up for Kodi for my dad.

Ambilight clone

Better be a dragon dildo

Of course. Is there any other kind?


Lazy, just did the retro pie with on old USB gamepad I had...

(Would like to learn it and do a better garage door opener, where I can monitor if they are open etc, need to learn GPIO I guess...)

sold it.

Made a NAS out of it and my external HDD for me and my flatmates.
It isn't very efficient, but it serves its pupose.

try $50
currently running aircrack-ng in hopes of accessing my neighbours wifi

>playing n64 games

do they lag?

Not him but yes.

it's more like 50-60 dollars because you have to buy the parts for it

a power supply(which cost like 10 dollars)
a micro sd card
a keyboard if you don't have one
a mouse if you don't have one

>opevpn server
>host my blog
old raspi1:
>use for hacking stuff with arduino and atmel µC

Did you overclock your raspi to store those profiles even faster?
Less time storing and more time with vibrabor.

This is my next plan... I've been doing some other stuff, though.


I use mine as a small webserver for hosting test websites that I want to be publicly and continuously accessible without wasting power. (that is, not on my main computer).

Tracking planes via ADS-B.
Also: IRC server.

I just use mine as a cheap programmer for CPLDs. It's pretty ghetto; I soldered the wires directly to the gpio pins.
If you aren't using the gpio pins you probably don't need a rpi.

using it as a paperweight

Reported to FBI

OpenVPN server
Bitorrent seeeding server
NAS host

To be honest, running computation-heavy attacks isn't the RPi's strong suit, but more power to ya

holding my papers

>tfw i bought a cubieboard 2 bet then found I can't use some pins (i.e. spi) because the drivers are shit and only works with a kernel provided by the manufacturer.
Quite dumb from me. How is the odroid?

using it to support something like a rock would be used, thinking of selling it

I don't use odroid?


Turned it into a media server.

NTP server

tor node

I hid it in a place with free wifi and then ran a tor exit node on it.

Downloading automatically rtz streams

its learning how to shitpost efficiently for maximum (You)s

any self respecting nerd has all that shit.

>Tracking planes

Found the muslim

Watching my HDB-downloads with OSMC.

I have planned a Plex Server, a Bartop Arcade, a KODI Box that plays nickelodeon cartoons and throws in vintage commercials on a smart playlist, and eventually a pi zero and screen inside an empty GBA shell with microswitches instead of buttons

but nah, I bought the first model pi years ago and its a paperweight.

my original raspberry pi 1 is set up next to my bed to work as a white noise machine, with some custom scripts and some cheap speakers and a cheap USB gamepad to control it.

I've been using my raspberry pi 2 to run RISC OS, which I don't do much with apart from write & run BASIC programs

My raspberry pi 3 is sitting in a box, I haven't got any ideas of what to do with it yet

anyone else have trouble running perl scripts on a pi-zero? maybe i'm underestimating the processing power required for that kind of action but i've always felt like web scripts were pretty easy to run.

You fell for the honeypot. Enjoy your time in prison, fuckers.


I have mine setup with a discord and irc bot. Sometimes i scrape webpages with it because my pc isn't always running

I use mine for dust collection in my workshop

I'm using it to do embedded computer vision in a large project for 4th year engineering.

I'm assuming you don't know what either of those are?

DNS server

Fucking your fat mom

Samba and rtorrent for download/share in local

Controlling a fucking golfcart using computer vision u illiterate underpowered mind fag

it serves as inspiration that one day we will break free of the silicon jew.
(not to imply that broadcom isn't one of the silicon jews)
that day grows further and further, but whatever, i like to dream.

Tor relay connected to public library

how can you do all of that at once and pay attention

Pihole and VPN for when I need to access my server. Also run a IP updater for dynamic dns at namecheap so that I can always access my server and VPN.

Oh, and I forgot DNSCRYPT, of course. I run PIHOLE with DNSCRYPT on both my pi3 and my server (in case one of them goes down, or I'm actively working on my server and need to restart it a lot).

>Enjoy your time in prison, fuckers.
In what kind of 3rd world shithole do you live? Since when is playing N64 games illegal?

Video games should be illegal in all Muslims countries because they feature images, and some even feature dogs

Did you even read the article? They went after that dude because he was selling it with the games preloaded. Download the ROMs yourself and you have nothing to worry about.

permanent server
essential. could not exist without it now

ODROID is cool, I use it as seedbox and BNC

Reported to my mom for being mean

Ahh shit, i always wanted the cubieboard for dat sexy sata port.
Glad i didnt buy it.

Holding paper

Ad blocked VPN wifi Hotspot for guests and chromecast

Openvpn & tor

i have pihole installed..it doesnt block shieeettttt....

I am using it as a PiHole and also have Retropi installed. I might make it into a e-mail server someday.

one as NAS
one as handheld with slide out keyboard (not done)
two for testing shit

discord bots and meme webhosting

>a power supply(which cost like 10 dollars)
Or a usb cable, which you already have if you have a phone.

Keyboard and mouse are not required, since a pi can be run headless.

Only real expense is an microsd card, which can literally cost pennies.

Otherwise, you can just use a usb key.