Get old iPad for free

>get old iPad for free
>"cool, I can read pdfs everywhere now"
>connect iPad to PC
>can't drag and drop files to iPad

Like what the fuck. "Just werks" my ass.

how do i get an old ipad for free too

It will get a files app in iOS 11. Which probably still only allow (((cloud))) syncing.

jailbreak it?

It calls "pirating".

>something works differently
>I am confused
>it must be shit

Ironically, you're as dumb as normies who cannot into complex things. You, cannot into simple thing. You're just the opposite end of the retard spectrum.

Can you suggest simplier way to copt files than drag-and-drop?

>opposite end of the retard spectrum
user is a fucking genius then if he is indeed on the opposing side of retardation.

>having to use itunes to do something as simple as put PDFs on a device
wow so Simpleā„¢ and Innovativeā„¢
















It "just werks" as long as the only thing you need to do is play Angry Birds. :^)

I accept that iTunes are necessary for music and videos but pdf and docs? Come on man you know this.


>>works with the cloud
>tells some 8 years old meme about itunes

you are the retard here

What I do is put all my pdfs on Google drive, then open them in safari(haven't tried the Google drive app) and then hit "open in ibooks"). Still a hassle though.


>transfering files from pc to tablet through server

>having to plug a fucking cable

Cloud is fucking convenient and normies are right about this.

>can't use a device made for retards and grandparents

You shouldn't have even posted. Fucking brainlet.

>Lose internet connection
>No more files

I didn't say anything about cable, files can be transfered via wifi. Icloud is retard-tier


>"hmm I want to read pdf on my iPad"
>open browser
>open iCloud or whatever this shithole is
>insert your username and passowrd
>upload the pdf
>if the pdf is large (~500mb), wait
>when it ends, you pick up your iPad
>download the pdf again
>start reading
>you could have just copied from usb but it do not work

What the fuck I hate apple now

google "ifuse"

Give it back, Jamal

Use iCloud. You can access your documents right from the app. I use it to access my Desktop and Documents from wherever I am.

Normal way:
>connect cable to both devices
>wait for driver installation
>drag'n drop file

Apple way:
>get internet connection
>download itunez
>sign up
>accept email confirmation
>log in
>select file
>file then gets transferred to another computer at the speed of your internet connection
>your tablet recieves the file from that same computer at the speed of your internet connection seconds later

How do you get files (supported and unsupported by the apps in the device (since you also want to use it as an external drive)) and music into it without iCancerTunes?

Shows some examples on how to put:
EXE files on it
MKV files on it
FLAC files on it

It's funny because he's complaining the iShit doesn't have a native option to transfer files from your PC to iFag. He knows there are other ways he just thinks it's shitty that the iPad can't really do it.

You shouldn't have even posted. Fucking brainlet.

Now's not the time


>Can't drag and drop a PDF into iPad
>iToddlers call it a "portable computer"

>get free swimming lessons
>"cool I can finally swim"
>try to walk in water
>instantly drown

Like what the fuck. "Just werks" my ass.

who in the fuck connects their devices via a cable anymore?

put your files into your iCloud folder, access them via iCloud Drive on your iPad. hell use your service of choice, onedrive/dropbox both work too.

stop being retarded.

>even having to wait for a driver installation when it could simply use a standard like mtp
most times it really is as simple as plugging in and going

dumbest analogy I've heard in a while
right up their with food and cars


I only said it so applecucks won't cherrypick useless arguments like
>Xddd u faGhes have 2 weit 5 driver install Xddd
>itooNz not hase this pro[B]lemm

would you download a car?


lmao who the fuck still connects shit to their PC

Internet exists nigga

>using the smiley with a carat nose

lrn2english Pajeet

>I post on a technology board and I don't know what Dropbox is
Are you mentally retarded?

You're aware that you can just make the files available offline in any respectable cloud storage app, right? Or just download them to the device?

>I'm new on Sup Forums and use the botnet
>I'm an oldfag guise :D

Thanks for confirming that you have Downs, friend

>Just works
>Requires more effort
You retards are as bad as the Gentoo fags

Sync over wifi, drag and drop your PDF into iBooks. Done. How fucking dumb are you? Nobody here even knows the basics of shit they criticize.

You must be 18 to post here.

>Uploading anything to the Botnet "cloud"
yeha no. I would rather just transfer my file regularly thanks.

>Use fucking iTunes.
>Wifi-sync so you don't need the USB cord


>If you have a cloud storage account (Google, DropBox, Mega, etc), upload the PDFs to there.
>Download the app for the iPad.
>View them there, or transfer the PDFs to iBooks.

You should have realized that iOS is a closed system to keep retards and Pajeets out. It's not a fucking generic Android hackfuck tablet; you need to play the rules of the "Apple Ecosystem" game.

Fucking this

like people were little kids, haha you dumb applefags

>Extra steps
>No easy file manager to do it all easily
>Needing separate apps for moving specific files
Look at how more efficient it is to just have a file manager. How fucking dumb are you?

>lose connecting cable
>no more files


>lose connecting cable
>no way to charge device
>device is brick

mtp sucks too. why cant it just be a normal external storage device like they used to be

It's not there to keep retards out. It's there to protect retards who buy it.

It keeps intelligent people out.

>get old iPad for free

get with the times grandpa

Normal way in reality

>send file via wifi

Apple way
>fuck yourself in the ass
>files still aren't on your igarbage because you haven't paid enough money to their religion

>not having wifi LAN support is okay because you have to sign up for an internet accessibly only cloud service that doesn't let you store as much as your regular HDD does, unless you pay a monthly fee!

applecucks every time