/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

weebs >>>/in/ edition
Previous thread News
>AB recruiting on GGn, RED and BIB
APL still down after brief period of uptime.
bclaude log drama h*h user realizes AB is good user discovers the path to success on GGn Bb down Resident PT expert predicts RED 1m soon APL dying Honorable mentions: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


shit thread

>(embed) (embed)

hope you're backing up your data

someone's backing it up



so how do we prove it's real?

reminder to AB staff to ban englavian for leaking stats in public


daily reminder that the HDB recruitment thread on BIB is still active. Good luck anons.


india is not banned?

That's what actually happened too, lul.

Two years ago KG had their reverse proxies, all of their money meant for paying the next year of hosting and therefore losing their actual servers, and their domain all seized by BREIN. NIGGAS WERE BACK IN BIDNESS TWO WEEKS LATER.

why don't we abolish copyright laws?

Lets get right on that.
Me and my associates will vote your suggestion into law next Tuesday. Thanks.

Ask Sup Forums.

Is that all the info they really need? Or should I get my profile links ready for some autistic snooping?

set my sights on a bunch of new trackers... lets see how long this takes.

should we start killing oppressive cabal admins bros?

If I contact InterPol would they let me help them take down the cabal?

u get to go guns blazing into lb06's bedroom
blow him the fuck out with a shotgun blast to the HEAD

>dude just buy music and fill requests with it, THEN you can download music for """"free""""
no wonder you're so big nala, you're full of SHIT

now post the diaper one


daily reminder that lb06 is a cuck

thats alienhippy neon. Lurk more

>using red for anything but the invite forum
nigga you retarded

Do not get cucked by sysadmins anymore! Here's your guide, neon-ptg users:

1) Fire up ratiomaster. Don't worry you are not going to fake any upload/download

2) Go on PT who have bonus points and look for torrents that
a) have a huge file size
b) are available elsewhere
c) have a healthy number of seeds

3) Add these torrents to Ratiomaster. Set your upload rate to zero, and set the torrents completion to 100%. It appears as if you are 'cross-seeding' these torrents. Since there are a lot of peers you won't be caught

4) You get a good amount of points when you are around the 2TB 'seeding' mark



Why not actually cross-seed?

>Your as fat as a pig

>not knowing who alienhippy is

>filling up HDD with useless shit

How the fuck do you get elite on bib

Seems impossible. Also how the fuck do you get power user

>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
Well how do I join then?


RED and MAM have interviews you can take, get PU on both and you'll get access to other PTs.

fuck off neon

path to GGn?

I am RedDunce and I will sell you a PTG Starter Pack(tm) (RED, PTP, BTN) for $59.99!

DM me for details.

>Take notes if you wish, however, you may NOT use these notes while taking an interview.
Sounds pretty bullshit to me.
Hahaha, no.

PM Rukia on AB saying you only use uTorrent


You think they can stop you from using notes? I passed the wcd interview with the prep open in another tab.

or just UL free bandcamp releases and get free buffer from autosnatchers.

RED interview, get PU, then official GGN invite

what tracker has the absolute best invite forums ptg? screenshots appreciated

I'm sure there's a logical explanation for it.

ok /ptg/ serious question, whats the max you would spend on a fidget spinner?


0$ and I'm autist

a what?

There are some really nice ones for $50


Find chat logs of RED interviews floating around various tracker invite forums, super easy


just how dumb does one have to be to cheat the RED interview?

just how dumb does one have to be to take the RED interview?

$5 easy


don't do it man, don't buy an invite

i'm not buying one, but my chances are pretty good when (if) they ever open recruitment at somewhere other than bib, given my class on other trackers

What trackers recruit from AB? Is it even worth getting PU?

what else tracker could you possibly want? you're in the best tracker in the world

ptp used to inb4 the what.cd fiasco, ahd also used to not much cabal stuff there rn, with the exception of redacted i guess

ahd's hd king is your only hope if you can't take the bib route. don't have any delusions about ptp/btn routes, ain't happening.

Just curious, you never know what could happen
Thanks mate

>ptp used to inb4 the what.cd fiasco

AB's tainted goods bro, ain't nobody going to come back after the leak fiasco.

seems pretty easy, only one torrent upload right?

100 and 2 years of being a member really tho

looks like i can't into reading and mixed it up with hd-pro, maybe i should go for the seedtime path or will hdb only recruit through upload path?

Name a series that HDB has that other trackers don't.

It's not about exclusive content, it's about quality.

The Invite RPG: S4 - The Final Frontier


its about the sweet transparent encodes nigga

nah h** and Blutopia™

>Is it even worth getting PU?
Two years ago? Sure
Nowadays? No

Why does Blutopia have a such shitty interface?

It's ahead of its time, When you realize every cabal tracker will be using that interface instead of the archaic Gazelle

Interface to match the content

They are working on IPv6 support, no time for pretty UIs

>you're not using mratio
why so ptg?

I dont want to get globalled YET

Grab everything you want now, forget ratio. I have it on good authority the cabal will be toppled within the week.

I seriously hope they do. AB really is a good tracker.

blease show me de broofs

paths to animebits?


What's the site with all the music tracker stats? RED / APL / NWCD


succ rukia's cock for an invite

I'm this guy and I just got banned seriously what the fuck

Thanks anonbro

did you mark the i dont want to get banned checkbox?

good job

prove it

Redacted is down