What DNS do you use Sup Forums?
Domain Name System
The normal one
My ISP's of course.
Whatever is the default.
Google because it's faster than my ISPs and I don't care about the botnet most of the time.
My own. It keeps a copy of the IANNA root hints file and recursively resolves from the appropriate top level authoritative name-servers
local recursive unbound + cache warmer
I found some random dude on OpenNIC
He's in Switzerland so I have privacy
no you don't
Tumabox, actually.
Yes I do
>not just remebering all of the ips
Opennic through dnscrypt.
How can I do the same? Thank you.
>he doesn't just memorize Sup Forums's IP address then never needs DNS
fucking plebians.
Open NIC.
A hosts file with the domains I need.
Do you guys even privacy?
Hi there, is OpenNIC botnet? Please answer asap as possible since I'm afraid, help.
The easiest way would probably be
apt-get install unbound
It's open source and Democratic so I think not.