Screenfetch General


i fucking hate my desktop

What panel is that?

..and just Uptime 2 hours, get it?


>timebomb MBP

Gnome with Dash to Panel and Dynamic Topbar extensions


I can't handle that much freedom.


I get it ;)

I like stallmanu, but it's so plain so what's to rate? ;P

unity fag reporting in, I'll be switching to gnome3 in october.

Proprietary slave reporting in. Yes, I hate Spotify and Discord as well but I don't pirate and my friends refuse to try Riot.

First time I've seen someone use KDE Neon on here. How do you like it, and what made you choose it over Kubuntu?


Hey OP, could you upload the wallpaper?
It's very calming.



Now what?

try going

[installs Windows 7]



I finally made the switch yesterday and I am loving it. I've hated KDE so long but now it finally clicked or something and I'm never going back.

In the past, I've tried most distributions and DEs out there but prefering stable distributions, the DEs are usually outdated af. Now, I couldn't give a fuck if GIMP, some dumb library or Libreoffice are up-to-date or not as long as my system is stable, yet DE updates usually have a ton of cool shit I don't want to miss. KDE Neon is basically Ubuntu LTS with a rolling DE.

What should I do to make it less bland?

Why do you faggots keep reposting these images of other people's desktops when all you know of is Windows?

This is like the thousandth time I see this picture stop posting it stupid neet


make me

Fakebusy the fuck out of it. You're basically just showing your desktop background and hip libre distro.


also post dots please


nice colors


what's the visualizer?
mind sharing the wallpaper tile?

Source on the piiiic?! :O


what's your connection to this site

Hows this? Can I get a rating now?

Forgot pic.

It looks great despite the autism. The default i3 panel is ugly tho.

I just think it's a cute site with cute posters and pics!

>tiling wm
Perfect autism, friend. A lot better than your last post.

What do you reccomend? (I should have opened gnunet-gtk for maximum autism.)

What's bothering you?



user, are you a hacker?

lol was a crude bot before the captcha it made black flags overnight

Fedora 2000


Those girls have some puffy vaginas


Background makes me want to replay Riven, for some reason.


What font is that?