Recovering from Linux

What was the last straw for you? What made you realize you were just wasting your time?

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still haven't yet. debian is comfy.

When I realized NSA/Windows can't stop spying on my torrents

when i couldnt mount a hard drive no matter what i tried
when i couldnt get a daw working properly
when i couldnt do anything i could on windows properly

iunno I've been using ubuntu exclusively for several years now, use mint in the uni labs

when I tried macOS

The way systemd adoption was handled. I realized it was a joke, and no longer cared about it. When I was under the illusion, I thought it meant something to use an OS not in line with the establishment. Turns out the establishment just used the FOSS community as another brick in the wall.

We are all trapped on this planet.

Enjoy spending hours every day trying to disable telemetry
I don't have time for that shit, I just want my OS to work.

>Enjoy spending hours every day trying to get a barely functional computer
>I don't have time for that shit, I just want my OS to work.

those who trade privacy or freedom for a little personal convenience, do not deserve nor will they have either

I don't understand how people have trouble with Linux. I went straight from using a PS3's web browser as my PC to Ubuntu(baby's first distro, I know) but I was using arch about 6 months after that.

depends what you do. Like seriously media developement sucks so bad on linux. But on the flipside a mysql server is way easier to run on linux

>generic chink girl picture

the last straw for me was when i literally had to search for 3 minutes to find out how to change the wallpaper in kde.let me give you a hint:right clicking an image or writing "background" and "wallpaper" to the search bar of options does not work.

>What was the last straw for you?
Bad user experience.

What part of systemd exactly is part of the botnet?

>when i couldnt mount a hard drive no matter what i tried

That's not the exact quote fuck you faggot

>Recovering from Linux
>What was the last straw for you? What made you realize you were just wasting your time?
I can't even go back.
>download program
>program removed because virus scanner thinks its a virus
>anti virus trial is expired
>500+ days
>settings option disabled due to expired trial
>only way is to uninstall
>this isn't even my computer
>can't download shit
In the end I just used Linux and then transferred it to windows via WinSCP.

Sauce on grill?

It's a boy.

bullshit. proof?

besides the fact you got it wrong, this does apply here because youre not trading privacy or freedom since its purely opt in. That applies to civil law


>windows updates itself while I'm doing something
>oh well, didn't need to work right now anyway
>2 hours later
>Ah, done! Time to.. oh all my settings have been changed back to max telemetry and ads
>1 hour later
>Time to start working!


You faggots are so desperate for every slightly attractive girl to be a trap

>for a roach
Gross! No

They can't find actual good looking traps so they have to play pretend.

when I realized that I would have to filter Microsoft's traffic on a hardware level to prevent them from spying on me

I bought an iMac at a rummage sale and found out OS X didn't suck

I am sure you suck a lot.

A cute girl being a trap makes her(male) more attractive, so it makes sense that people would seek to heighten the attraction, and harden their boners.

Nothing wrong with that.

xD le Apple iz gay

UM nothing? Because I'm not a brain damaged normie who is literally too stupid to follow detailed instructions, go back to le muh gaymen faggot kek

grsec, literally the only thing that made Linux competitive with Windows from a security standpoint, becoming closed source.

why are you so dumb
fair call
why are you so dumb
you're a homosexual
why are you so dumb

There are more exploits being released for Linux these years than for Windows, faggot. grsec was the only thing that made it secure you dumb faggot.
>hurdur hardened linux project by Google
Ah yes, the one where Google gave money to some pajeet to try and port grsec to mainline and ended up porting A fucking randomization option after 3 fucking years?

fuck man every time i get a computer with windows preinstalled the first thing i do is install some linux distro

half the time i dont ever boot into windows in the first place before i install


This is an 18+ website.

>more exploits
*more exploits being made public

whats grsec and who cares again
my box is running fine without it


>more exploits being made public being released
Good job.

You're a retard and probably have 50 bitcoin miners on your shit.

>girlfriend wants to watch a movie
>spend half an hour getting audio working because the updates broke it AGAIN
>realize that I don't actually use any software that requires me to run linux, so there's no point in using it besides ricing threads
>go back to windows when I buy a new laptop
I haven't looked back since. Maybe if I started to run my own server again as a hobby, but otherwise I don't see the point. Linux just isn't a good desktop OS for me. I spent more time working against Linux and dealing with its problems than I did getting shit done.

what distro do you use

When I found out about macOS as the proper alternative

and you're dumb for abandoning a perfectly secure OS because some random team of fags patches aren't foss anymore

your mistake was using a rolling-release distro

Use it every day. Use windows too. Windows is more miserable in many regards. Linux has it's own misery then again it's a fucking computer isn't it.

>waisting time
>Sup Forums in general

>secure OS
Yeah, about as secure as your mother's virginity.

>google "ubuntu "audio not working""
>thousands of results
You can check for any non-rolling release distro too. They all break regularly on the desktop. It just stopped being worth my time to debug things just to get shit done.

and people trust potter with systemd when he can't even get audio to work right
fucking hell

whom?????? is this ???

my gf


no its my gf

Nvidia driver and x11 is not capable of vsyncing several displays at once, has to swap between which display stays in sync, this has made me angry.

Wayland is like jesus and people praise it up in the sky, but it is quite shit, why?
The mouse cursor lags when then gnome shell compositor is under load.
Well gnome shell runs like 2000 javascripts, and the javascript engine is single threaded and tied to the main loop, which also handles the fucking mouse.
Gnome-Shelly-Frankentstein lags the moment you open the overview, or search, or whatever you do.
Thus the mouse cursor locks up and lags as well, with every lag and stutter in gnome shell.
Here is the bug report:

they opened this bug in 2015.
Two years and nothing has been fixed.
They will never fix this.
They are incapable of fixing this bug.
Fucking faggots.
I am angry now and need drugs.


It was about 1 AM, my eyes were watery and crusty, having spent 2 hours trying to get mpv working. I had just finished sending a bug report for the libva driver that was pushed the day before, when all I had wanted was to watch some anime and zone out.

Next day, on the way back from work, I passed by the Apple store and bought a 13 inch Macbook Pro and never used desktop linux again.This is not an uncommon story really, for jwz it was audio drivers that drove him to the edge for the gentoo guy it was xorg. Everyone has a breaking point.


What the hell is this? If you want to zone out and watch anime throw in a mint live cd and watch away. You don't even have to install it or have a hard drive. If you can get through posting to this board you can accomplish this much.

Maybe in the future if I get a mac, but for the time being, Linux is alright for what I do. Certainly better than running just Windows. And thanks to virtualization, I can run Windows at the same time and enjoy exclusive software.

No offense but you're an idiot. Linux isn't for idiots. I agree that it should be made more idiot proof but if you drop Linux because you can't figure it out that's still your own responsibility and not something to brag about here. Convenience never comes for free. You pay either with all your privacy or with having to know a little too much about computers. Choose wisely.

>google "windows audio not working"
>234 times more results of "ubuntu audio not working"

My whole family uses GNU/Linux and they love it.

It's not botnet and much more secure than all of the other OS out there. And Ubuntu Gnome is easier to use than even OSX.

You literal fucking retard, right click on the desktop, desktop settings, wallpaper BOOM

How do these people even manage to boot their PCs

Install CloverOS, the only 100% Poettering-free distro.

with 10000x the userbase

relly makes u think

>What was the last straw for you? What made you realize you were just wasting your time?
When a tiny piece of teeth left on your mother's mouth actually made a little cut on my dick. I could deal with the bitch being toothless and having aids, but hurting my dick was a bit much.

Tell he Johnny said hello though, no hard feelings.

When I met NetBSD

Shouldn't give up on an OS because of that, instead give up on living. Suicide is painless, user, especially for barely human creatures such as yourself.

>getting this angry over tech

It's not about tech, man. I can guarantee you that once you realize how much better the world would be without people too retarded to do simple things, it gets a little passional.
It's about that guy that's in front of you in a line, when you're in a hurry, and he simply forgets to look for his keys in his pocket after he's let you pass.
It's about that person who asks you for directions, and then can't figure them out, and keeps asking again and again after you've given the most clear explanation possible.
It's about that stupid woman who'll look in the rear mirror just to see how her lipstick is looking, and will kill your fucking daughter.
And about those people who feel the need to shill for bad software because it's more comfortable for them to admit that they're just limited and dumb.

Zybklon b was already invented, there's no reason to let this keep on going.


One things has nothing to do with the other. The first people to suggest the painless extermination of people useless to society were leftists.
No one likes retarded people, user, sorry. You'll just have to live with the fact of being a pariah, or try some cure for that condition of yours.

how about the majority of us sub100 IQ people vote on the extemination of racist assholes like u

>Recovering from Windows

Don't have time for an OS that shits the bed every five minutes with BSOD, wannacrypt, and failed Windows updates.

You probably had to restart your computer six times while posting in this thread.

Well, I never said literaly anything about race.
I was saying retarded people suck.
So you seem to be implying that non-white people are retarded?

Not going to copy pasta you guys, but please remember to call it GNU/Linux or some such thing. It's important for the public image of the Foss movement which provided you with the OS in the first place.

n-no of course not. Why would that be if the only difference is pigmentation?
And IQ is pseudoscience anyway.

Could an entirely functional OS be written?

I actually feel bad for Stallman because a large portion of people who benefit from GNU don't even know who he is or what GNU is.


He's not even worried about that, he's specifically worried about giving undue credit to the creator of the Linux kernel who reneged on FOSS.

He's legit more worried about setting a bad example than recognition for himself or even support for the project.

>winfags have a low IQ
I'm shocked and amazed. I wonder what the Mac to Windows IQ ratio is? I would imagine that Windows users would be on the lower end.

I use both like matryoshka doll comrade.

Mac users are usually college students at least, with an upper-class family that can afford things like better education.

Windows users tend to be retarded rednecks and gaymers.

I tried OpenBSD, realized Linux is shit.

>no software

>they don't let you install proprietary software automatically
>have to download wlan/audio/etc. drivers per hand
At least my pc was completely botnet free without internet.

>then again it's a fucking computer isn't it
not here user, I love computers and technology and I love all operating systems. I love programming and configuring my system, and I even enjoy troubleshooting things because I get a deeper view into how the system works.

>Wintards more retarded than macfags
I believe it.

>lincucks brag about being smarter
>don't know how statistics work

wew lad

>pic related: average Windows user

Mac users aren't even stupid. Like I said, a lot of us are college students. Even if some aren't exactly tech savvy, they're at least smart enough to use the right tool for the job, something that just works for what they're doing. They use their computers for work that requires some level of intelligence.

Windows users are usually retarded rednecks and Sup Forums children obsessed with video games. You shouldn't expect them to be very smart.

Windows is the operating system equivalent of American education. Wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the userbase is fat and stupid.

When Windows decided to just stop booting up one morning out of no where with no provocation or cause