What's the best GNU/Linux distro for video games?
What's the best GNU/Linux distro for video games?
Is she eurasian?
As a Linux user, gaming on Linux is retarded. Just dual boot windows if you want to play games.
It's actually a she this time, since it's a british softcore model.
Windows 10
who is this demen semon
kill yourself
wow really? traps are really maxing out their tech tree these days.
Double it.
steam os :^)
What's wrong with wine?
n o i c e
>I know nothing but I have to have my say!!!!
It's very easy to configure everything on Debian/Arch based distros like manjaro or antergos so stop misleading people winshill.
Why is our mod and the jannies so slow on the uptake? when are they going to recognize this shitposter and just start instabanning?
What difference exactly are you expecting?
you're one dumb faggot
Generally the who point if using Linux is to have an free OS with no bloat, so to play games on it is 1: retarded because you are probably gonna install a bunch of clients full of bloat and DRM and 2: it doesn't even work as well as it would on Windows.
So instead of having 2 dedicated OS's that are good for their specific purposes you get one half assed OS.
OP ur gonna have to tell us who is that white asian succubus.
wtf is up with Sup Forums and tarps
fuckin fajjets
So it's smarter to open your anus for micropenis overlords to ravage?
Anything Debian based. Now fuck off back to Sup Forums, nigger.
Jesus Christ, why are the Brits always so fucking ugly? Looks like someone took a hammer to her mouth as a child.
Let's see on one hand you open your asshole and get fucked but you have the best gaming experience on the hand you still get fucked the same but you get a sub par gaming experience. Tough choice. If you are going to install all the bullshit that comes with gaming anyway than it is better to just dual boot an unactivated copy of Windows 10.
What the fuck is up with that mosquito net? Does she live in Panama?
Any distro to be honest but if you want things easier listen to this guy
>tripod in the background
>taking picture with a tablet instead
Do you?
Fuck no.
The tripod is for her camwhoring, the tablet is for selfies.
Izah mann
im not that piece of shit but it's gemma louise
i just noticed her twitter is suspended
i wonder why her twitter was suspended????
>"he" said.
thank me later
>2: it doesn't even work as well as it would on Windows.
not true at all
your first point was a tiny bit better, but does not justify using Windows...
I sometimes feel regret for having Steam installed on my computer. It means I have to use proprietary GPU drivers to get good performance in games, steam itself is proprietary, and one of the biggest caveats, steam is the only 32bit software I run, but because of it I need a million 32bit packages installed.
Solus or ubuntu because native steam libraries.
Pay 2 win.
amal is related to the other lebanese queen succubus
haifa wehbe
you can thank me later
...it doesn't work