Can we get a gullible tech thread going?

Can we get a gullible tech thread going?

Requesting the iPhone fakes

gotta be real gullible to fall for this one



Is it still not fixed?

Did this brick it completely or just put it into a reboot loop that could be fixed at the Apple Storeā„¢ for a fee?

That UI actually looks dope though

Get out MKBHD

>it's true

>A system not used on any ATM;

>A system not used on any ATM

>It's true

Over here you enter 000 to alert the police.

How could anyone be this stupid? Did they not stop and think what would happen of your pin was 6336?

Was wondering why the police showed up everytime I took out cash.

Apprently deleting win32 is a good way to free up the RAM, but I laugh at the idiots who do that, instead of just downloading more.

I can only memorize pin numbers and or passwords in sequence by muscle memory I guess.

Slow people are fucked.

It should be real it's not a retarded feature.

Fucking $99 for 1 gb of ram, holy fucking shit! I was right I saw you're downloading fucking expenssive ddr2 ram. But hell now it's free!

except ur pin backwards is probably just someone else's

>citing snopes as a source

except your pin is tied to your card,you fucking mongoloid, and the machine can figure out which card is inserted can't it

Actually they thought of that. It would be 9339 in that case.

>surely there aren't people out there who have a reversable pin

>tfw you missed out on buying into bitcoin AND ethereum early on

>storing passwords in plaintext

stop existing

>implying you'd need to store anything in plaintext
You could just store a hash of the reversed PIN in addition to the hash of the real PIN.

Now buy Antshares and HUSH before you miss the next one.

What if it was 1111?

We had them on our safes at work. It was a bit different though. If you typed in your PIN and increased the last digit by one, then it would trigger a silent alarm while allowing you to access the safe.

then youre retarded and deserve to be shot