Spend all day at computer

>spend all day at computer
>the back of my computer faces the entrance to my home office.

Recommend me a nice, quiet, uncluttered PC.

My work involves text editing.

Install gentoo.

Any laptop without active cooling.

So no desktop?

Sure you can get a desktop too, but I don't see why you would if all you do is text editing and some web browsing. Just run extra displays via usb if you need them.


You could do with just a laptop, but you'll need at least an external monitor for ergonomics.

building your own pc is fun

This one. If you aren't text editing in 4K on a NEC display powered by a 1080, you're doing it wrong

You can get a desktop that pretty much that has the same sound of a quiet fan. Only reason for you to get a laptop would be if you live in those places where the power bill is still a thing.

But you end up with a mess of wires and constant fan noise.

one of them Dell mini desktop PCs

-silent/quiet operation
-laptop tier power consumption
-USB2-3, hdmi, vga, analogue audio output
-gigiabit ethernet and integrated wifi
-usually comes with winkek preinstalled if you need that.

get an Apollo Lake from ASRock. It's fanless and perfect for office

>run extra displays via usb

Wait, you can hook up monitors via USB now?

intel nuc doesn't use fans, making it quiet
pretty small too

Actually, you always could but it's not native
And I bet the delay is like 100ms


Yeah but nobody that I know uses usb c.
Considering that it's a dead technology for me.
I just stick with VGA and mah usb a

Pic related is a Dell docking thing for USB 3.0.
Would the hdmi on this thing put out 1080p?

What about 4k?

this is what you want OP

1080p sure
4k maybe at 30hz but I'm not sure

>My work involves text editing.- 20 posts and 6 image replies shown.
are you a niglet

But it's not going to be worse than similar adapters with only USB-HDMI, right?

I don't know. I don't work for Dell.

>constant fan noise
Only if you are doing it wrong. Almost any decent PC will be inaudible from normal distances.