UK claims WannaCry came from North Korea

I thought post-truth is just meme. GCHQ believes.. First Russia, now North Korea. What the fuck will happen when they destroy these states financially and maybe by force? They will say it was Denmark just because they want them destroyed.

Feels like it's cut-off from 1984.

B-but muh proofs
>"It seems to tie back to the same code-base and the same authors," Nish says. "The code-overlaps are significant."

Other urls found in this thread:

>leading the world in 1984


Are the tech advisors in government that fucking retarded that they don't understand you can spoof country of origin by changing your IP

This is like the (((Sony))) hack all over again. Some dipshit CIA boss gets told the attack came from a NORK IP and suddenly it was a government funded attack. Same goes for the "election hacking". Russian IP's are some of the best to obfuscate with because they're not handing info over to anyone.

FFS you have Sup Forums posters who buy NORK VPN on the dark web so they can shitpost with a best Korea flag. The people in government are fucking retarded. I can't wait to leave this planet.

Next up muslims created ebola
Pajeeths created 1st world problems
Sikhs created clothes
White ppl discovered sex

The above makes no sense right?

North korea dont even have a proper fucking computer faggotfuckers

>UK claims
stopped reading there

>The people in government are fucking retarded.
Yes of course they are. Why else would they do this shit right?
I really hope nobody believes this shit.

Uk queen pussy suckers are just a bunch of cunts
Looks like they keep blaming north korea , united shitheads of murica,pajeeths ,for thier problems
But they are fine with muslim extremists inside thier cuntry

>north korea
absolutely ridiculous

>Are the tech advisors in government that fucking retarded that they don't understand you can spoof country of origin by changing your IP

Are you retarded? Of course they know that.

Norks used same code as they used last time, according to '''kaspersky'''.

US, UK, EU, and even cyber securities say WannaCry came from North Korea.

Why are you guys doubting?

you are the goodest goy

Ignore him. Some people are terminally retarded.

What would north korea even gain by this?

Money. What else do you expect?


>Why are you guys doubting?
Because governments are known to lie whenever it suits them.

Few bucks. Yes, that's worth it.


"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

Last I saw the amounts of same code were small and assembly, so they could have literally just been a few of the same functions.

It could just as easily have been an organization trying to implicate Best Korea by putting a bit of the same code into it, so it's not strong evidence.

That just because they used the "same code" as "last time" it doesn't mean they are the same people. You windows users use the same code to use your PCs too and that doesn't make you the same person.

Why do they need money when NO ONE TRADES WITH THEM

You'd be surprised.

they even have workers in poland who give probably 3/4 of what they earn to north korea

Yeah and I bet that code is also on stackoverflow

Surprised they're not blaming the russians

>26 minutes long video
Give me article instead genz.

Look in the description box.

>Are the tech advisors in government that fucking retarded that they don't understand you can spoof country of origin by changing your IP

No, they're not. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of people posting on Sup Forums could mop the floors there AT MOST. Get over yourself, you're not important, you're not knowledgeable; If you were, you wouldn't spend your life on a Kyrgyz patchworking forum.

What they do know is that majority of people are tech illiterates and it's ridiculously easy to sell any kind of bullshit.

Did you forget north korea is poor third world shithole? Their annual budget is only about 1 hundred million dollars. It's not 'few bucks' for them.

Is this a tranny or a kid?

>B-but muh proofs

Normies believe statements based on popularity. The ideas of proof and objective reality are a mystery to them.
I remember a conversation with my brother where he told me "the CIA said the elections were hacked by Russia therefore it is true". Any attempt from me to explain to him that believing unfounded statements coming from an entity who's infamous for deception is exceptionally stupid, was a failure. My brother has a Phd in medicine btw here in the EU, so this blind faith manifests even among the intellectual class.
I don't like Trumpkike btw, I'm just making a point about how gullible the sheeple are.

This is exactly the kind of imbecile I was referring to here

>I'm just making a point about how gullible the sheeple are.

For future reference - try to avoid wording like 'sheeple'. I'm sorry but even the best logic fails miserably in any conversation when you don't pay attention to proper stylistic choices.

You should check out 2017's CCC (chaos computer club) talk on the hacking of the US election. Long story short; they ran a study on 'how' you'd hack an election, and then looked for evidence in the places where any hacking in the election would be most effective; IE, assuming the adversary is looking for maximum impact, they studied the most likely targets.
They found no evidence of hacking. None at all.

They also talked about some interesting things like the recounts showing that there was some election fraud going on in favour of the democrats.

Ingsoc is doubleplusgood in Oceania.

And you wonder why the recount drama ended

30k dollar is nothing you degenerate especially for country who wants to start nuclear program

*tips fedora*

Style has nothing to do with logic. If you disregard my point simply because a word rubbed you the wrong way then you are the fool here.

Yes but the CCC is unknown to the unwashed masses while ISs are at superstar level.

The CCC is a SJW shithole, the researchers were completely anti-trump.
Least with these hacker conventions even the SJWs are anti-state.

You can have two PhDs and still be stupid as fuck, especially in Europe.
Learning a book by heart does not make you smart, only shows you have good memory capacity.

Trump is controlled opposition. The leftists are targeting him simply because that's the current narrative atm.

I agree although I don't get the EU comment, US universities are an even bigger joke.

It's about 150,000 dollars. Pretty big for them.

For future reference, go back to

>If you disregard my point simply because a word rubbed you the wrong way then you are the fool here.

I don't, but others do. Also if you don't understand the importance of proper wording according to the situation then I suggest a specialist visit for autism screening.

>pic related


>random strings
wow what a source
eat more bullshit media throws at you

>I don't get the EU comment, US universities are an even bigger joke
You can't afford to be stupid at any decent US university.

Everyone knows that the CIA is to blame for WannaCry. Any 12 year old could chain and package the exploits. The British are not only ugly, but also stupid. Every day I thank whatever higher power there is that my ancestors left that garbage dump a hundred years ago. Feels really good not being inbred trailer trash that shops at Tesco.

That's why you should go back to your reddit circlejerk.
Those rules don't apply to my weaboo image board.

Where do I find this?

It's the NSA, actually.
They had the important back doors, which leaked.

good one

well they cant really blame the russians hackers for everything cause you know they might actually start attacking you for real

the next best thing is to blame NK hackers

>proper wording

You seem to mistake your personal opinions for facts. Other people have no problem with the word 'sheeple'. You're making all this drama simply because others won't comply with your snowflake taste in words.

May I remind you of how niggers rap their dissertation at Ivy League universities?
Please, let's not go there.
Go there and ctrl-f 'election'. there's a lot of interesting stuff there too- some of it in german (german stuff has subtitles/english voiceovers that you can use if you really want to listen)

how would NK suddenly have the resources to hack over 99 countries with much better security, technology and experts?
Are you really that much of a tool?

The code in the wannacry ransomware came from the CIA- it was part of their eternalblue exploit set. It's also called MS17-010.
So basically the accusation here is that it was the north koreans who were using CIA exploits and code.

It's pretty stupid.

It's really cool how it doesn't matter if it's true or not. If people believe it, there's political clout against north korea and ability to put more pressure on it. If people don't, no biggie, you can make something else up a few months later.

Since wannacry only use 5 addresses, you can find these addresses by searching it.

Being full /x/ doesn't make you any special or smart. Can you stop tipping fedora?

Gotta justify mass surveillance somehow

Universities that are, ironically enough, funded by Westerners:

Do they even have computers that don't use vacuum tubes in North Korea? Can they create malware that is even capable of interfacing with any American computer from the last decade?

>CIA is used by NK
yeah, it is fucking stupid and unrealistic too. For how long will media treat the public like retarded kids?

and liking random strings from pastebin does not verify your source either.
there is no exact quantity how much bitcoins wcry stole on the first place and couple of them claim it was only 26k or so, where you dig those addresses from anyway?

that is what you get for using Windows 10.

If you want to know the addresses- the addresses are made public in the wannacry ransomware itself. It HAS to tell you what addresses to send money to.
And that's where those addresses come from. you can verify it yourself if you want.

I use TempleOS though.

Clearly not to post on Sup Forums since templeOS has no networking (other than with god), which you would know if you actually used it.

My messages go through god, dummy.

bro, I was generalising the people outside Sup Forums.
Still proud of you though.

I'm not sure God cares for being used as a proxy

i did not find anywhere that said malware made 150k but even if it made 300k still not enough for country who have nuclear program and also you cant convince me that Nk made wanncry.
probably ''great'' US behind it and point fingers on some third world communist shithole

Nah I find it more likely that it was some eastern european cheeki breeki that released it, and now it's being blamed on someone.

Her's another (you) but this is for another thought:
If it was NK, why wouldn't they empty the accounts? It doesn't matter if it's a 'lot' to them or not, there's literally no risk to them if they get the bitcoin and exchange it for petrodollars or something.

>If people don't, no biggie, you can make something else up a few months later.

Yes and this works so well because people have very short memories.

>For how long will media treat the public like retarded kids?

For as long as the sheeple :) behave like retarded kids.

>BBC says
stopped reading right there.
never trust black cock news

Yes, they do? Just because not everyone doesn't get access to it doesn't mean it's not there. Same with food+water in Africa.

I keep saying it is the NSAniggers the whole fucking time and dumbasses like to externalize the blame to some boogyman every fucking time.

who fucking cares where it came from? It can be a fucking moon for all I care.

fuck denmark desu, they've got weapons of mass destruction

Didn't they buy it off the NSA?

North Korea says that blaming WannaCry on them is fake news and malicious slander by the West.

It seems pretty silly at first, but there are some strong indications that the Lazarus group may be behind it, and that DPRK are the Lazarus group. It doesn't seem to be any of the usual ransomware crime groups.

Of course, it could have been anyone, as the exploits were public at the time and just about any idiot (DPRK or otherwise) can cobble together some ransomware. But there aren't a lot of non-state actors who wouldn't have bottled the operation after pissing off GCHQ, given such a small ransomware take, yet they still moved the bitcoins: whoever it is, is not overly technically competent, and gives absolutely zero fucks about being caught, despite the fact that people died and the book would be thrown at them and the reward wasn't worth the risk.

My assessment: likely given the evidence, but still if they hadn't done it first, someone else probably would have.

The Shadow Brokers are apparently Russian, although whomever it is also knows infosec Twitter VERY well and is, at some level, also taking the piss so there is a small chance they could in fact be American. They are not an NSA insider, and they have ongoing access to NSA systems as they claim.

Don't think so. The exploit itself came out of some leak (shadowbrokers or vault7 I can't remember) from the CIA.
However, the CIA and the NSA are competing for tax money, and even though they have unlimited budgets, they both want unlimited +1. There's a remarkable amount of not sharing between the two agencies- look at the vault7 leaks, the CIA has their entire own hacking infrastructure and development.

Do you legitimately think NK is some empty wasteland you fucking inbred? That they're doing NOTHING over there?

It's not even like WC is that fucking insane of an exploit. Seriously, use your head for once instead of thinking Amerikkkkkkkka is the root of all evil. I bet you also blame 'degens' for the ruin of western civ without realizing you're literally advocating in favor of destroying the western world for your russian bffls

Is NATO this desperate to find a casus belli to invade Best Korea?

Actually WC is that insane of an exploit, it's on a level with MS08-067.
The fact that WC's exploit was developed and leaked from the CIA is pretty meaningless to most people.

It's NSA,jackasses.

I remember specifically reading up in the vault 7 leaks and reading that they buy off different exploits from the fbi, cia,NSA,fsb, and gchq.
They are competing and leveling the playing field to do so.

thats the problem with generalities, of course russia didn't hack the election, because hacking the elections in the USA is literally impossible. There is no denying there was a propaganda war and there is no denying that Russia preferred one candidate over the other, and there is no denying the timing and the releases of literal information dumps out in the public that the no one is going to comb through, it was all done as part of a propaganda battle pushed on by russia.

Anyone claiming "the elections were hacked", can't be an american to start off, or they simply have never voted or taken interest in local politics in the US. There isn't a single election in the USA, all the elections are done at a local city and county level. The most amazing thing about claims of voter is that if they were true, ever, republicans would have won far more often than they do, because they have the control of most counties in the country.

they have labor camps in russia

You seem tired and probably feel very sleepy, if I were you I'd go to bed and rest.

No, eternalblue, IE MS17-010 is a CIA exploit.

>capable of doing shit
you are clearly one inbred here

>propaganda battle pushed on by russia.

Whatever propaganda Russia is pushing can't hold a candle to the onslaught of fake news that western intelligences, and their MSM puppets, are brainwashing the public with.

>"It seems to tie back to the same code-base and the same authors," Nish says. "The code-overlaps are significant."
So... they used the same libraries and compiler?
Must be the same people.

I thought it was a CIA backdoor.