/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble your parts list
>How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

If you want help:
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA).
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate.
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?

>G4560 - Budget builds (R5 1400 - if you can't afford better or specifically need 8 threads but not a very powerful CPU
>R5 1500x - All you really need for 60fps with power to spare; Don’t get an i5.
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; Get a 1600x if you don't OC
>i7 7700k - Bad value but great at 144hz gaming
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/mixed use; Not required for just gaming.

>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>RX 560 and GTX 1050Ti - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games
>RX570 - 1080p@60hz at high, running most maxed older games at 144+hz.
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@60hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; Go for the RX580 if you can.
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@144hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p.
>GTX 1080 Ti - 1440p@144 hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games; You're kind of going overboard with this one.
>AMD GPUs are suffering a lack of stock and Nvidia a rise in price thanks to e-currency miners

>Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
>NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=770 vs 1050 ti

I finally received my Noctua AM4 bracket, Sup Forums!
I mounted my NH-D15S and now i'm doing overclock stability tests on Ryzen Master, to see what is stable and what isn't. Unfortunately my motherboard's heatsinkless VRMs or the PSU (i don't know which is causing it between the two but i am certain it is not the CPU) are giving me some troubles so i can't overclock my R7 1700 very far, but i'll be buying a new PSU and some thermal pads (that i will use along some small heatsinks that i already have) in a few days so i'll get to reach the limit of my CPu in a few days!


Hello I'm a faggot.

>that build
Yes you are.
Here. I fixed it.

Why the fuck do you need that psu? You are not running a i9.

I haven't seen any benchmarks that have convinced me to buy Ryzen CPU's. They're just way shittier at single core and wuad core performance. They're better at multicore(4+) applications but literally no one cares about that. How much of your computing is going to be directed towards that? It just seems like a poor reason to get a shittier CPU for a marginally cheaper price.

Benchmarks start @6.40

I'm a 7700k owner and yet I can stay objective and tell you that Ryzen is the best buy at the moment. Only exception is if you're big on high end emulation or 144hz competitive play then the 7700k might be best for you. The video will show you Ryzen having better frametime overall.

They're at worst, 9% worse at single thread performance, and their multi-thread performance is on par with the fucking broadwell E chips

I didn't change his PSU. I'm not him dipshit.

Also do Ryzen motherboards have optane motherboards, just curious.

Not at the moment. That would require licensing and permission from Intel.Besides, doesn't optane ONLY work with Intel SSD's, which are nowhere near the best in class anyways?

>They're just way shittier at single core and wuad core performance.
I wish people would stop talking about things they know nothing about

how much would a threadripper rig cost? threadripper - $849
vega - $1200
mobo - $599
32gb ram - $250
500gb ssd - $179
decent big case - $150
1200w psu - $309
cooling - $100

TOTAL - $3636
you can easily trim it down to less than $3000 but what's the point then?

sources for prices are from newegg and these links:

After watching that I'm still getting an i5.

I don't think there's really any actual Optane tech out yet. Its something that interests me though. I do meme shit. To me the performance in single core/threaded apps pretty much means I'm literally not getting a Ryzen CPU or a new Intel CPU. It would take some absurdly high drops in multithreaded apps (stuff not working very well) in order for me to purchase a Ryzen CPU.

Even then I'd just get two separate PC's.

You can easily drim that down to 1500

Show me a dwarf fortress test.

just get one yourself man

Motherboard doesn't support my specific M.2 drive. Will a PCIe adaptor get around this? Can see it in BIOS but not in OS (Mint and W10).

The single thread performance hit is way less than you're making it out to be.
TO illustrate, just look at gaming benchmarks, since most games relie on heavy single-thread performance. The Intel chips will often hit higher framerates, but it's nothing you'll notice. What you WILL notice is the increased amount of dropped frames and stuttering from the Intel chips since they're often running either at 100%, or close to it.
4 cores and 4 threads just aren't enough these days The single-thread performance gap is tiny. You'll never notice it. This isn't the bulldozer fiasco.

>vega - $1200
That's for the version for BUSINESSES dipshit. The consumer one hasn't been released yet.

threadripper+mobo alone are 1400$. i doubt there will be any threadripper mobo below 250$ so lowest you can go is 1100$.

So you're saying I'm not going to get fucked with a 20%+ performance drop in dwarf fortress compared to overclocking the i5? I'm moving my budget into ram then if I get the 1600, Can I run it at like 3.8/4 ghz with the cooler I have selected in the build or do I need to use liquid cooling?

air cooler is good enough
those big ass noctuas are fine
overclocks to 4GHz while staying below 1.35v is silicon lottery

>games are now running on cpus not gpus
What a time to be alive. Just get your precious i5. Then come back and report.

>So you're saying I'm not going to get fucked with a 20%+ performance drop in dwarf fortress compared to overclocking the i5?
correct. The single thread performance is at most, 9% worse, and at best the same. Anything under 10% you'll never notice.
Yes, the Cryorig H7 should support a 4.0 Ghz overclock. That said, the 1600's stock Wraith Spire cooler can handle a 3.7/3.8 Ghz overclock.

No, he should go with Ryzen. This isn't the bulldozer fiasco.

The specific game I'm talking about runs on the cpu and essentially completely ignores GPUs. That being said I also play normal games. Its just the trend of more/less powerful cores is kind of shitty for that one specific game. The info on benchmarks for it is also vary hard to organize and its spotty as performance can vary depending on how you play the game and how you set the game up. Ram also plays a huge role apparently.

Is there any limit to the amount of ram a single application can use if its 64 bit?

Don't encourage people to get shit hardware

any big increases in powerdraw for an OCed 1600?


>Is there any limit to the amount of ram a single application can use if its 64 bit?
Depends entirely on Windows, check your version, Microsoft fucks around with gimping how much RAM you can have between Pro, Home, and Enterprise.
Technically you can use 16+ million TB but good luck getting that much RAM.

since yesterday you were all nice and shit, I came here once again
this might be my quasi final build, I will make the orders tomorrow or the day after
r8/h8 pls

epyc is launching today...

Get minimum 256GB SSD for OS since you're probably a windows ignoramus. Check reviews on that PSU and see tier rankings, you don't want a real housefire in your hands. And where the fuck are you going to get an rx 480 for that price, they're fucking sold out everywhere.

reading more about it, its sounds like cache size and ram latency are the biggest things (along with the cpu clock).

I have only vague understandings of what cache is from watching the handmade hero programming streams doing some low level C. Forgive me if this is retarded please. Is the cache split up between the physical cores of the CPU? or will one thread utilized the entire L3/L2/L4/L1 cache?

fugg :DD I didn't check amazon, you're right, the 480 is not available
at this point it's either 1050ti or 1060 3gb
any ideas?

>Is the cache split up between the physical cores of the CPU?
Depends on the Architecture of the chips.
Here's an example.

1060s are getting jacked in price thanks to miners. 1050ti? Not worth it, better off with two aftermarket rx 560s that can crossfire and save up money so you can splurge on either Volta or RX Vega. Stay away from Vega workstation cards, those are going to be pricey.

>rx 560 vs 1050 ti
pair with 1400
which should I go with?

whichever is in stock and cheaper

whichever is in stock and cheaper. Miners have ruined the GPU market at the moment due to ethereum mining.

1050 ti more powerful by a decent amount

Miner even use 560s? I thought they just used 570s and 580s

They're grabbing whatever they can so they can ride the market high at the moment. This bubble is huge.

>wifi not working on new motherboard
>spend hours trying to figure it out
>board has no wifi card

>After watching that I'm still getting an i5.
You can't be serious? At least get an i7... goddammit.

What is a normal PCH temp?

My cpu and mobo are a constant 30-32 while the PCH is fucking 45 degrees 24/7...

Hey lads, my trusty old gtx770 has died(and it seems in a very unfortunate moment with all these cryptojews running around and sweeping GPUs off the shelves), now I have to replace it fast.
Is 1050ti a good replacement?

No, but it's better than Intel iGPU.

>pcpartpicker show a gpu as in stock from amazon
>go to amazon, it sends in 5-6 weeks

Watch 1050ti benchmarks on Youtube and judge whether it's good or not for you?

It performs very well in some games but in others it doesn't, so it's up to you. Safe bets @1080 are 1060 6GB and RX cards but those are either overpriced or out of stock.

They just use it for mining for a few weeks, just buy it man.

Anyone mind giving an option please?

fucking miners I swear

I still don't get "mining". So you just calculate a magic number that is released every period of time and people get the right answer awarded some coins. What's all of this based on? There is no products or services in real life whatsoever except the equipments bought and power consumed. Isn't this look like nothing but a fraud and bubble could poop anytime? Or am I just retarded and don't get it?

There's value in refining the algorithms that calculate those numbers. Gives insights that can help in other functions.

what's a good cpu that goes well with an rx460?
is the rx460 a good choice?

Sorry I'm sort of idiot when it comes to hardware guys, I don't know what to choose and just want to replace fried piece of equipment with something similar, maybe only slightly better.
770 was more than enough for all my needs, which mainly was some games and /3/ activities.

youtube.com/results?search_query=770 vs 1050 ti

wew lad then I should thank all those motherfucker miners who bought all rx cards for discovering cure for cancerin the near future

10-12-12-28 @ 2400 2x8gb
14-14-14-34 @ 3200 2x8gb

Which will be faster at processing lots of small shit?

How is this build?
Yes I need almost everything because I'm a laptop fag.

Budget is around 700€ including monitor etc.

I have an i7 4790 and a z97 pro gamer Mobo, how longer do you guys think these will last me before I need to upgrade?

Jettison that old trash and upgrade to an Intel® Core™ i9-7900X right now goy.

For a long time. But why did you combine a locked un-overclockable CPU with an unlocked motherboard?

siamo nella stessa barca user, il mio budget è il solito, potresti linkare la lista in pic pls?
ma quanto fa incazzare vedere le differenze di prezzo tra usa e europa? vai su pcpartpicker e la stessa build costa 300 euro in più, cazzo
per non parlare della disponibilità delle schede grafiche, 2-4 settimane?
volevo prendere la solita ma mi sa che mi dovrò accontentare della rx460

That Pentium G4560 is only recommended for basic bare bones $500 builds paired with an RX560 or 1050Ti.
If you're spending that much on an RX 580 graphics card, you can afford to step up to an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU with a B350 motherboard.

This is my first PC I built around 2 years ago, I wasn't entirely sure what went with what then
Granted i'm still not that well versed in PC components now
Was mainly wondering now since I recently updated my GPU

Keep in mind the build includes monitor, keyboard, case, wireless card. 500$ builds refer only to the internals parts right?
Also this stuff is more expensive in europe.


The number maintains the transactions themselves, that's the service they provide. The value is agreed upon by users of cryptocurrency (largely depending on artificial scarcity set by difficulty), and it appears there's a lot of interest in anonymous transactions. That specifically applies to the likes of Bitcoin and Litecoin, Eth is a little bit different in that directly it isn't a currency, it's a data structure maintained across decentralized virtual machines and its incentivized by tokens which are the actual cryptocurrency.


>500$ builds refer only to the internals parts right?
right. I wasn't including the peripherals. Either downgrade the graphics card or upgrade the processor/motherboard.

>>RX570 - 1080p@60hz at high, running most maxed older games at 144+hz.

They're all sold out. Why even bother listing it?
>lumping 1050 Ti with the 560

>They're all sold out. Why even bother listing it?
See the note about GPUs on the bottom. The problem isn't limited to AMD cards anymore.

Ok, after looking it up I still think it's a good combo.

Upgrading to the Ryzen 5 would cost 140€ more
Downgrading the gpu is not worth it because the 560 would give me 20-25 less fps on demanding games, see:


gaming, i know i have to special order the mobo

Shit I didn't notice the gpu is OC in the first video, so it's not that dramatic.
Still I prefer the 580 because I can always upgrade the processor in a few years when gen 7 intel will be cheaper.

Take some fan and point it at the VRM
Essential for serious overclocking

I bought an i5 7600k & MSI Krait Z270 for about $350, should I sell it and buy Ryzen instead? I have only the CPU & motherboard at this stage, but am also thinking about selling my current computer and laptop to just go all out with Ryzen.
I was considering the 1600 as I have video editing/creating, emulating, animating, and a small server VM (until I can be bothered getting a dedicated system), so I might consider SLI/Crossfire eventually.
Anyone mind giving some ideas?

You'll need to upgrade you motheboard and maybe ram too. It's easier and cheaper to replace your gpu later man.

I want to build a mini-PC that's sorta strictly for browsing/controlling things remotely/watching movies in 4k on it
What's a good case I should start with?

This PSU would be much better
And might as well get a 2TB HDD, only like 20€ more
1TB gets full really quickly
16GB RAM would also be nice if it fits the budget
And this would be a better board for about 10€ more

Just some suggestions to improve it for just a little more money
But overall you got a nice build

>upgrade you motheboard
Is there something wrong with kaby lake?

Inwin 909. Great case.

You're thinking short term buddy.
When you want to upgrade to the processor to eliminate that bottleneck, you're going to go straight from the G4560 to an i7. The i5 isn't enough of a step forward.
THAT is why we suggest ryzen with a shit GPU. You're more likely to upgrade the GPU later since it's more cost-effective to do so, and the Ryzen chips have a better upgrade path than the G4560 does. The LGA 1151 platform is about to be killed off. Meanwhile, the AM4 platform Ryzen uses is good through 2020.
Downgrade the GPU and switch to a Ryzen 5 setup. It'll be cheaper in the longrun

Listen to that man , I just did the exact same thing yesterday, went 1600 with a shit GPU rather than a Pentium build.

Yes. Only the Z270 boards support overclocking. and if you plan to upgrade the CPU, chances are you'll want an overclockable model like the i7 7700k.
And this is before mentioning the LGA1151 platform the Kaby lake and Skylake chips use is going to be killed off soon when Coffee Lake arrives in a few months.

what is exactly "bottleneck", and how do I avoid it?
thanks for the spoonfed

Anyone has an intel worth looking at none poorfag builds?

thanks user

I'm glad to see Sup Forums warming up to AMD. Last time I posted here suggesting someone get the rx480 a team of Nvidia fags started having autism rants about the gtx1060 being the best card ever even when it was losing almost every modern benchmark.

I swear Nvidia could sell a rectangular concrete brick in a box for $600 and Nvidia faggots would buy 2 of then for SLI.

nope. Intel is pretty shit at the moment on the performance per dollar front. The ONLY good thing they have going is that Pentium G4560 you see so often in budget builds.
AMD has Intel over a barrel with performance per dollar. a $200 Ryzen 5 1600 processor grants you performance on par with an i7 7700k, so why bother with intel when you'll spend more money for the same performance?

>I swear Nvidia could sell a rectangular concrete brick in a box for $600 and Nvidia faggots would buy 2 of then for SLI.

Thank you someone fucking said it. Literally no reason to go Intel at the moment, and AMD threadripper is going to solidify that.

The other night I was playing BF1 and people on the chat were all saying how AMD was the shittiest thing ever and how Intel and Nivida were the only companies that mattered.

Gaymers mentality sadly won't change overnight.

Cooltek/Jonsbo U1 or U1+

Soooo... what should I replace it with? I don't have much money.

Meanwhile battlefield 1 has vulkan optimization that works best with AMD GPUs and the AMD offerings still do better with DX12 than Nvidia...

What a beautiful time to be alive.

Or the Chopin if mini is important

for my new pc I'm considering going with smaller form factor, perhaps microATX. Is this a good idea? What should I read up beforehand?
cpu gpu: ryzen1600+rx470 (already pre-ordered)

That's a very nice case but it looks like they only sell it in UK or marked up for US is there anything for US bros?