post yfw having your computer professionally defragged and the registry cleaned and updated by experts at best buy
post yfw having your computer professionally defragged and the registry cleaned and updated by experts at best buy
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>taking it to best buy in the first place
you deserve anything you get there.
>>taking it to best buy in the first place
>you deserve anything you get there.
quality warrantied services at fair prices?
Linux doesn't have this problem
mfw i actually do get my computer worked on at best buy and have never had a problem
89iq tier
>services at fair prices
I'll give you that one
nope. best buy is where high school students 'who like computers' go to be trained by retards who couldn't hold a a real IT job for more than 2 months before being found out as a retard incapable of even answering the phone and making a ticket properly.
1/10 for making me reply
you left out the warranty part
how convenient !
Did you fall for the warranty Jew? My warranty says I cant replace my thermal paste without voiding the warranty, the law says I can change my paste and have my warranty.
a warranty on work done by retards is a shit warranty. I'd have thought that part obvious but you're the type of retard who takes his computer to other retards to fix.
>Did you fall for the warranty Jew? My warranty says I cant replace my thermal paste without voiding the warranty, the law says I can change my paste and have my warranty.
It is a warranty on the work they do, in other words if they fix your computer their work is warrantied
they are not providing a warranty on your personal workmanship- nor would it be fair for them to
it's really not very complex
Is that the face of blissful ignorance?
>a warranty on work done by retards is a shit warranty. I'd have thought that part obvious but you're the type of retard who takes his computer to other retards to fix.
Calling professionals names and degrading their quality work which they stand behind is not very mature
>experts at Best buy
topkek 8/8 I replied
Agreed. If I had a dollar for all the weekly maintenance I I no longer have to fuck with, it could pay my cable internet bill.
>Agreed. If I had a dollar for all the weekly maintenance I I no longer have to fuck with, it could pay my cable internet bill.
If you aren't able to do all of this yourself, then you don't belong on Sup Forums
only an idiot would risk messing up his or hers or xyrs personal computing device by DYI
If you can't do it without wrecking something you still don't belong here
okay- storytime
background- i'm in college and i have a "computer repair" business on the side to pay for class and shit. mostly small businesses- because they're easy, but I do some home user support
>go to customers house
>dell laptop, windows is running shitty- do a reload
>he's happy
>calls me a day later and says he has another computer in the basement
>apparently he took it to best buy to get the data off a couple years ago
>geek squad told him $1500 bucks because it needed intensive data recovery
>i have tools and the software and a clean room so I say I'll take a look
>open up the machine, SATA cable is disconnected
>figure, oh, I guess they pulled the drive
>decide to plug it in and try and start it because why not
>machine boots
>run chkdsk /f - no issues
>copy all the files over to his new machine, >charge him 50 bucks on top of the 200 to reload and set up all his shit
>explain the scam bestbuy was trying to pull to him
>he thanks me profusely and reccomends my service to all his friends
>mfw best buy wanted 1500 bucks to reconnect a sata cable
>>i have tools and the software and a clean room
>not having a clean room while in college doing computer repair and satellite construction on the side
it's actually my friend's space- i help him out when he's busy so he lets me use his equipment. i should have phrased it i have "access to" a clean room
Who is this semen demon?
>Who is this semen demon?
he's a chad
my cousin said he just buys a new pc when his gets bloated and slow. kind of hurt to hear that. all his computers are dumpy old HP and toshiba AMD with those weird budget processors
>frog hands
Lately, I started noticing that more and more BSOD screenshots on the internet were missing error codes. I think I finally understand why.
Windows users were too dumb to google the error code to find the simple fix, and instead always took their computers to Best Buy no matter what. So Microsoft just stopped putting error codes there.
>Windows users were too dumb to google the error code to find the simple fix, and instead always took their computers to Best Buy no matter what. So Microsoft just stopped putting error codes there.
They stopped putting codes there because win 10 literally never crashes
then explain why I had several BSODs simply bc of fucked up GPU drivers install shill
Something happened
the BSOD screenshots I'm referring to are from Windows 10. AFIK, 7 and 8 still display error codes.
>then explain why I had several BSODs simply bc of fucked up GPU drivers install shill
you were not using windows 10
What if have it done so you can hack faster?
I was. My laptop runs W10. Brand new laptop, bought in 2016, manufacturer-installed. Would get random blue screens. I can't really say it's the hardware's fault, because I have Debian on another partition with zero crashes.
well then it didn't crash
what part of win10 does not crash do you not get
>mfw you charge some dude $250 to plug in a SATA cable and copy files
Stop posting pictures of my wife, loser
Don't worry user, you'll get one someday.
who is this monkey looking mofo anyway
what's with autistic people and obsessing over random e-grils or e-faggots
>professionally defragged
>registry cleaned and updated
>experts at best buy
ikr i'd do it just for our lord JC
>mfw i actually do get my computer worked on at best buy and have never had a problem
>satellite construction on the side
I'm making a nuclear reactor. Is that good enough?
Still 6 times cheap than BB. Though he ripped poor guy off.
Why is she so happy?
Defrag has been automatically scheduled since 7. Registry cleaning literally doesn't affect performance. You aren't even paying for something you can do yourself - you're paying for something that performs itself on its own without you even realizing it.
gets lots of dicc
>250$ to connect a cable and copy files
Wtf I want this job now
>Defrag has been automatically scheduled since 7. Registry cleaning literally doesn't affect performance. You aren't even paying for something you can do yourself - you're paying for something that performs itself on its own without you even realizing it.
You just wasted 1000 dollars. You could've charged him for 1250 USD and it's stil lbe cheaper than BB so he would be thankful.
If you don't want to be exploited - don't be dumb.
capitalism everybody
youre the one that doesn't belong, summerfag
>Not doing that shit yourself
What are you gay?
>minimum wagecucks
anything you'll get done by them is not something you couldn't have figured out how to do yourself with google.