Google fidget spinner

Google Search has a virtual fidget spinner.

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I for one do not care at all

>daily reminder fidget spinners are advertised for kids with "autism", which is really just a term non-whites use against mainly white kids to mask these kids natural reactions to multiculturalism and liberal ideologies

It's all part of (((their))) plan to destroy Western Civilization.


forgot a few commas there, 'jeetnigger

Also can we ban underage posters like OP? No one is complaining about fidget spinners outside of middle schoolers.

Spinners are awesome, I have 3.

They are being sold everywhere now. Just walk the streets of Manhattan and you will find several tables selling them on the same block.

Who the fuck cares?

yes, and you retards keep buying them, which gives more money to (((them))). Thanks for helping out the cult that wants to destroy America.

you retards realize there is nothing special or magical about these things, right? It's the same thing as spinning a skateboard wheel around because of the bearings.

Retards. Absolute fucking retards.

Are fidget spinners the yo-yos of the 2010s?

Who cares if people spend $5-10 on a toy? You have to be autistic to be annoyed at other people buying toys.

Basically. There's also a whole meta-meme about hating fidget spinners.

Wow - completely missed the bigger picture

thats ok though, you might really have autism.

Quit blaming your autism on your racism. Also, this is a technology board.




Right, these toys exist because of retarded and racist conspiracy reasons and not because they cost 10 cents to make in China and can sell here for up to $5-10 each.

You sir mean a healthy repulsion.

They did a fine job simulating the wagon wheel effect.

Fidget spinners are incredibly popular in Mexico, they're just a meme like pet rocks were back in the day
This things are entirely made and designed by the chinks dumb r/the_donald retard, gb2reddit

Enough of this false flag